

Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Tim Pawlenty stock soars in Mitt Romney-world -

Tim Pawlenty has jumped to the top of the vice presidential shortlist of several Mitt Romney advisers after emerging as the most effective — and well-liked — surrogate for the GOP nominee-to-be, according to several Republicans familiar with campaign deliberations.

The former Minnesota governor has impressed top Romney officials with his winning onstage presence at a grueling roster of Republican events throughout the country and with his low-maintenance personal style that has made him a favorite with the campaign’s tight-knit inner circle at the Boston headquarters.
Wouldn't be a bad choice for VP. He won't upstage Romney. He's not a nutjob or an idiot like Palin was for McCain.
Yeah, T Paw.

The problem is no one with any future career aspirations is going to want to run on a losing ticket.
He's a good choice.

But in all honestly, Romney could choose a rotted turnip for VP and I'd still vote for him over Obama.
Yeah, T Paw.

The problem is no one with any future career aspirations is going to want to run on a losing ticket.

You think? He seems pretty interested (in campaigning for him, at the very least.)

I mean - if they think he can win, why wouldn't they want to second chair?

milk toast white bread, that's just a Mitt light.

Was hoping for Condi

Not just yet, I don't think.

Besides, she would TOTALLY outshine him, in every conceivable fashion.

She's got more class than that.

Condi knows how the game is played, and has no love for election politics, thus no deep want to be Pres.


No one could knock that resume.
As someone who has voted for Pawlenty let me tell you this:

Tim pawlenty is the real deal. Hes tough on "his" issues but is willing to step across the aisle and make a deal when its neccessary. His so called "lack of charisma" is a very very poor description of him and the Republicans really missed out on a good chance at the Presidency when they didnt back him early on in the primaries. Pawlety could have pulled many more independents into his camp than I believe Romeny will be able to and based on how well he does here in Minnesota with liberals, he could have gotten many Democrat votes as well.

Tim Pawlenty would make a good President in my opinion. But I do not want to see him playing second fiddle to someone with no backbone like Romney.

milk toast white bread, that's just a Mitt light.

Was hoping for Condi

If you believe that then you really dont know Pawlenty. I voted for Pawlenty for Governor.

Im voting for Obama, but if Pawlenty was the nominee, it would be a toss up for me. Pawlenty is a far better candidate than Romney.
You know, it kind of doesn't matter who the Republican VP nominee is. They will get to debate Biden before the election. I am saving up on popcorn for that one.
I think its a good safe choice. Boring, but tim is smart,knows his shit. I wouldnt be upset with it

milk toast white bread, that's just a Mitt light.

Was hoping for Condi

I know a few on the fence who believe Romney/Rice* would win by a significant margin. I tend to agree at this point. She is brilliant in foreign policy, Bush hampered her. Liddy Dole is my ideal, but she is 75, Snowe is tired of DC, so she is a no go. Plus both she & Collins are from Maine, Romney needs someone from the South or Mid West. Rubio is not a decent pick, and Chambliss MAY be too conservative to help him; that leaves Rice, McDonell, Pawlenty and the lose vote trio: Portman, Christie and Thune. Haley might help. but she is perhaps too young. An interesting topic; I do not think Romey needs a hard core conservative, the Obama haters will not waste many votes on Johnson. The best opinions I believe come from present day Bush II/Cheney lovers, they will vote for Romney if he picks Steve King or Bachmann.

I would be inclined to, also.
Tim Pawlenty stock soars in Mitt Romney-world -

Tim Pawlenty has jumped to the top of the vice presidential shortlist of several Mitt Romney advisers after emerging as the most effective — and well-liked — surrogate for the GOP nominee-to-be, according to several Republicans familiar with campaign deliberations.

The former Minnesota governor has impressed top Romney officials with his winning onstage presence at a grueling roster of Republican events throughout the country and with his low-maintenance personal style that has made him a favorite with the campaign’s tight-knit inner circle at the Boston headquarters.

Do you really care who gets the Romney VP nod?

Seriously... You fuckers are running Plugs Biden for chrissakes...

A potted fern would outshine Plugs Biden....

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