Pay per view media websites

Jul 3, 2011
Market forces will solve this problem, have no fear of that.
Many local paper's charge to view the entire website.
Digital ad revenue for newspaper sites only average about 8-10% of their total revenue.
Boycotttheday shows how far off people are about any typical business, thinking that they have money running out of their ears and how dare they charge for this or that.
Newspaper profits are in the "race to zero".
And this is a severe threat to everyone of us.
Just where do you think 24hr news stations get the news that they report?
I aint charging and i never will, i wont accept adverts either and im going to have tons more content so your point is what again?

For an example my motor section has more content than their whole website if you subtract the ads and it grows bigger every day:

Cars | Boycott The Day

The pressure is on them not me, they even outsourced to out of state printers to do their printed papers recently, and are laying off employees.

Not to mention they have a fat trust fund that was to keep them solvent, tell me something about capitalism i dont know about.

I played on their handle butt dont mention a word about them at my website, people say boycotts dont work, competition sure does and they are losing big time.

They havnt updated their cheesy website since they started and im already on my second upgrade.

Butt if you have done a better website go ahead and link it.


Time for me to sing my .com org is ecstatic over these turn of events

[ame=]Long Black Train - YouTube[/ame]
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The fact is that advertising revenues ONLINE are pretty damned thin.

I'm watching paper after paper (I have a lot of chums in the newpaper business) going down the chute.

The internet IS killing the newpaper business.

Local papers are losing enormous revenue they used to expect selling CLASSIFIED ADS.
The internet is killing liberally biased local papers, conservative ones would do fine.

No reason one cant do well here. Butt.

The Day has been at odds with its readership for years.

They have been trying to shove down dogma that is not supported by a majority of the locals in this community.

The reason they are doing so badly is because the locals have turned away from their propaganda.

If they took a conservative stance, reported what is really happening in the community, and dropped the desire to be a mini NYT's they would do fine.

Now they want to try to compete on the internet? By charging for local liberally biased content?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
The fact is that advertising revenues ONLINE are pretty damned thin.

I'm watching paper after paper (I have a lot of chums in the newpaper business) going down the chute.

The internet IS killing the newpaper business.

Local papers are losing enormous revenue they used to expect selling CLASSIFIED ADS.
It's true the newspaper industry is going down the tubes...and with it...actual journalists, with journalism degrees, and talent for writing and reporting.

It's not only the internet that' zapping newspaper readership. The benefit of a newspaper for many was that you could read it anytime you wanted...just make some coffee, butter some toast, and sit in the morning sun and read your paper.

Now...24 hour cable news is there anytime. The worst example of peudo journalism would be Fox News. Not one of the regular daytime hosts, except O'Reilly have a journalism degree. The rest.....a lawyer, several with communications degrees, some with no degrees at all, just public relations experience, and of course the usual host of former Bush administration members. But those tabloidesque infotainers are waiting there when you need them...just like you're paper used to.

Those former newspaper readers are watching Fox and Freinds or Morning Joe, as much as they're on the internet reading Drudge or Huffington.

I'm not dissagreeing with you on any point in particular, just trying to expand on it.
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The internet is killing liberally biased local papers, conservative ones would do fine.

No reason one cant do well here. Butt.

The Day has been at odds with its readership for years.

They have been trying to shove down dogma that is not supported by a majority of the locals in this community.

The reason they are doing so badly is because the locals have turned away from their propaganda.

If they took a conservative stance, reported what is really happening in the community, and dropped the desire to be a mini NYT's they would do fine.

Now they want to try to compete on the internet? By charging for local liberally biased content?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I respectfully dissagree.

The Washington Examiner, The New York Post, and just about every other conservative paper has declined, except the Wall Street Journal.....

Also...the decline comes from many sources. Big drops in classified ads has more to do with it than ideology.

Check this's very comprehensive

Newspapers: By the Numbers | State of the Media
With the liberal war on capitalism there should be no surprise there is less ad revenue. Butt.

Big city markets have nothing in common with my little town of one paper

These people have no competition and they are failing anyways.

And thats because they are run by flaming liberals

And like it or not the people expected to pay, are not!

Its a failure of liberalism, we arnt going to pay you to spout liberal crap

Like it or not thats the way it is.

You give me two weeks and i could turn the Days fortunes around

Wont happen, dogma trumps success in the media, NBC proves that every day

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