Paying For Shit We Don't Need..

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Obamacare, television cable, fuel surcharges, utility bills, airline fees, various local, state and federal taxes etc.

Why are we paying extortion fees to government and private businesses for crap we don't need and don't want?...:wtf:

This, for the "greater good thing" is milking the middle-class into frustration, ruin and the stress isn't helpful either..:(
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one example...


The "Fuel Surcharge" Scam

When higher costs squeeze them, most companies face two choices. They can raise their prices, risking the wrath of consumers and the loss of market share to cheaper competitors. Or they can sacrifice profits to keep prices steady and retain market share. But these days, some companies have found a third way: fuel surcharges.

At first blush, fuel surcharges seem like transparent, mathematically determined means for companies to recoup their expenses for the unexpectedly high price of gasoline. But as they spread into other industries, fuel surcharges more and more seem as if they're just an au courant way of raising prices, while duping customers into thinking they're not paying more.

Why "fuel surcharges" are a scam.
Well, for an example, say I won the lottery, the government would take a MASSIVE cut of that right off the top, then if I wanted to give some to family, they'd tax it AGAIN, and right on down the line, that SAME MONEY would be TAXED MANY TIMES. I've never understood LEGALLY how the government can TAX the SAME DOLLAR so many times.

Our government is a pack of fucking THIEVES... it's LEGAL THEFT... and then they SHOWER THEMSELVES with the BEST OF EVERYTHING, and EXEMPT themselves from all the CRAP they put US through.

I'm tellin' ya Lump, this country is LOOOOOONG over due for a RESET.

"PROGESSIVE"... uuuum, NO, we need to go BACK, to about 1700!
Well, for an example, say I won the lottery, the government would take a MASSIVE cut of that right off the top, then if I wanted to give some to family, they'd tax it AGAIN, and right on down the line, that SAME MONEY would be TAXED MANY TIMES. I've never understood LEGALLY how the government can TAX the SAME DOLLAR so many times.

Our government is a pack of fucking THIEVES... it's LEGAL THEFT... and then they SHOWER THEMSELVES with the BEST OF EVERYTHING, and EXEMPT themselves from all the CRAP they put US through.

I'm tellin' ya Lump, this country is LOOOOOONG over due for a RESET.

"PROGESSIVE"... uuuum, NO, we need to go BACK, to about 1700!

I owe you some rep for that post..great stuff...:thup:

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