Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
But what's NOT legal, is using political campaign funds to do it.

Look how far you bastards have fallen.

He didn't use campaign funds, moron.

Which is the problem, non-campaign funds were used for a campaign expense.
It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.

Of course it was, which is why half the Trump sheep are arguing that Trump is allowed to give his campaign as much money as he wants.

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Of course it wasn't.
But what's NOT legal, is using political campaign funds to do it.

Look how far you bastards have fallen.

He didn't use campaign funds, moron.

Which is the problem, non-campaign funds were used for a campaign expense.
It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.

Of course it was, which is why half the Trump sheep are arguing that Trump is allowed to give his campaign as much money as he wants.

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Of course it wasn't.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. If you spend money to influence the outcome of the election it is a campaign expense.

Pretty simple

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It was not reported and was for the purpose of benefiting his campaign.

That's appears to be the position of knuckledraggers with TDS. The law says, if there was a personal benefit, it can't be a legitimate campaign expense. Deal with it.

It was a benefit to his campaign. It was for the purpose of influencing the election.

Give it up little retard, there was a dual benefit, so it couldn't be a valid campaign expense.


Don't waste your breath on that biased asshole. He only believes what he wants to believe.

Hell. Trump could walk on water, clear the deficit and the debt and he would still find something to complain about.

Mans a biased moron.

^^^ The experienced voice of the defeated.

Oh, and by the way, trump did the opposite of all those things and you trumpeters suck his cock daily anyway.

The only defeated one I see is you.

Of course being the biased idiot you are you will never see it.

Carry on brainless.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

That’s where the argument lies. It has not been established it was a violation yet or not. I’ve basically heard some people say it is and others say it isn’t
That’s where the argument lies. It has not been established it was a violation yet or not. I’ve basically heard some people say it is and others say it isn’t

There is no argument. Only desperate narratives.

It has been established. The man who made the payment has plead guilty to doing so.

Do you imagine that Cohen, his lawyers, the prosecutors and the judge are all just mistaken?
er to plea
His guilty plea doesn't "establish" a fucking thing, moron except that Mueller managed to extort him into pleading guilty.

A guilty plea is an admission of guilt, dope.
There must be a corresponding criminal charge in order to make a plea.

Mueller had nothing to do with it. The SDNY handled it.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

When this boomerangs on the left, you might want to wear your rubber boots. The leftist tears are going to run deep....

I predict they will turn on Mueller like a pack of rabid dogs and conjure up conspiracy theories about how Mueller was secretly working with Trump all along.

LMAO Yup. Just as soon as his report shows not sign of collusion he will immediately be branded as working with Trump.

These lefty loons are laughable.
Trump publicly asked Russia for their help during the campaign that’s collusion.
Trumps son campaign manager and son-in-law met with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary to change the election that’s collusion.
Trumps campaign manager was paid by the Russians to change the Republican Party platform that’s collusion.

He’s done all the stuff right in fucking front of your faces. What is wrong with you people ? He never even tried to hide it just deny it and you guys are falling for it.

Oh I doubt that very much.

You are a lefty loon and are willing to make everything fit your bullshit beliefs.

You wouldn't know a real criminal if one stole your fucking ass.

You just can't stand that we have a good man as POTUS. A man who has done lots for this country and the American People.

You are an asshole of the largest variety.
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.
it's true it is not part of the Russia investigation, but that matters naught..... that is why it is in the Southern district of new york and not with the Mueller team.... these crimes have mostly to do with the taxi business of Cohen's and his taxi business partner, who was arrested by NY State and ratted on Cohen for his tax evasion and crimes.... in a plea bargain...

Cohen, via Lanny Davis released a tape he had of trump and him conspiring to pay the National Enquirer guy for the Karen McDougal $150k to silence her and prevent her story from being published, a ''catch and kill'', so that Trump could own the contract between AMI (Parent company of National Enquirer) in case their buddy over there at AMI got hit by a car or died in-expectantly, is what trump said on the tape we all heard.... He wanted to own the rights to it.

The prosecutors in the Southern District never got a copy of that phone recording because the special judicial magistrate said that could be attorney client privileged stuff.... but after the tape was released by Cohen, the southern district of new york got their hands on it, and then after investigating and determining a crime was committed, added the crimes to his other 5 charges involving his taxi medallion business.
Only juries determine whether a crime was committed, not prosecutors.

Whether by jury or plea, guilty is guilty, dope.
Cohen can plead guilty only for himself, not for Trump, you fucking moron.

I didn't say otherwise, dope.
Tell us some more about how only juries can decide guilt, loser.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Not when it’s intended to influence the outcome of an election, as was Trump’s intent.

That you and others on the right continue to defend Trump in spite of the facts and evidence is further proof of how blind partisan and reprehensible most conservatives are.
The former chairman of the FEC said it's not a campaign donation, dumbass.

The former chairman of the FEC said it's not a campaign donation, dumbass.

Yes, retard. That is far better evidence than an actual admission of guilt.:cuckoo:

This thread is probably the largest collection of demented RW retards that this board has ever seen.
Cohen's "admission of guilt" is evidence of nothing. You're too fucking stupid to understand that. Mueller knows the country is infested with dumb fucking morons like you who are too stupid to know it. That's why he force Cohen to plead to that.

An admission of guilt is absolute proof, dope.
It is not a campaign violation. You will never see any charges filed against Trump for this action. It is absurd. Trump is in the clear on this one. He might have a slew of other problems, but paying off a porn star isn't one of them.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to a FELONY campaign law violation... which Trump is on tape with him making the arrangements for the payments. That's conspiracy.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated


They are adjudicated, dope. When a judge asks you, " how do you plead?" After reading the charges , the defendent answers and the judge signs off. Done.

Otherwise, what's the point of pleading before a judge?
The point is to avoid spending the rest of your life in prison. People will plead to anything to avoid that. Only profound morons think a plea has anything to do with the actual evidence.

Only an idiot would believe someone would plead guilty to a crime that never happened.
The candidate
When candidates use or loan their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits.

Who can and can't contribute -

I am glad you agree the payments were campaign expenses. And yes, the candidate can give as much as they want, but both the contribution and the expenses have to be reported by the campaign.

That did not happen.

because the payment to the whore was not a campaign contribution
Michael Cohen plead guilty to a FELONY campaign law violation... which Trump is on tape with him making the arrangements for the payments. That's conspiracy.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated


They are adjudicated, dope. When a judge asks you, " how do you plead?" After reading the charges , the defendent answers and the judge signs off. Done.

Otherwise, what's the point of pleading before a judge?
The point is to avoid spending the rest of your life in prison. People will plead to anything to avoid that. Only profound morons think a plea has anything to do with the actual evidence.

Only an idiot would believe someone would plead guilty to a crime that never happened.
that is exactly what happened

Yep he did...

And it went to court... He proved in court that he was keeping it quiet for family reasons... The contributions were not close to an election...

Nice try but Trump can goto court and claim it was to keep his marriage together and be laughed at...
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
This was a witch hunt..........I've posted examples of similar circumstances........many Dems.........OMFG.........slap on the wrist........

Double standards and an Investigation in search of a crime.........nothing to do with Russia.............

A good while ago you said the cleaners would go in and find ONLY THINGS RELATED TO THE CASE.........RUSSIA........

They didn't now did they ...............I laughed at you then and I'm laughing at you now.

Idiot this is not Mueller... This is the New York South District...

Mueller came across this in his investigations and judged it to be out side his scope but he is duty bound under oath to report crimes... So he gave the case to them...

You are just looking stupid now...
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

That is what we asked ourselves when asshats like you supported the rapist bill clinton and then voted for his wife, the woman who actually led the team that silenced the women he sexually assaulted and raped......

Investigate and Cleared...

Moving on now... You are just making shit up now...
The candidate
When candidates use or loan their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits.

Who can and can't contribute -

I am glad you agree the payments were campaign expenses. And yes, the candidate can give as much as they want, but both the contribution and the expenses have to be reported by the campaign.

That did not happen.

because the payment to the whore was not a campaign contribution

You need to make up your mind. If they were not campaign contributions why did you bring up that fact the candidate has no limit on what he can give himself?

You are spinning so bad you are getting dizzy

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A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated

a plea deal can not be used in court

they are never adjudicated


They are adjudicated, dope. When a judge asks you, " how do you plead?" After reading the charges , the defendent answers and the judge signs off. Done.

Otherwise, what's the point of pleading before a judge?
The point is to avoid spending the rest of your life in prison. People will plead to anything to avoid that. Only profound morons think a plea has anything to do with the actual evidence.

Only an idiot would believe someone would plead guilty to a crime that never happened.
that is exactly what happened

Sure, dope.

Why would Cohen do that?

We know he made the payments. We know the amount of the payments. We know the payments were above the limit for donations and we know the payments were not reported.

What then is ambiguous about the charges he plead to?
He didn't use campaign funds, moron.

Which is the problem, non-campaign funds were used for a campaign expense.
It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.

Of course it was, which is why half the Trump sheep are arguing that Trump is allowed to give his campaign as much money as he wants.

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Of course it wasn't.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt. If you spend money to influence the outcome of the election it is a campaign expense.

Pretty simple

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The money has to be spent solely for a campaign purpose. Buying a new suit might be beneficial to the campaign, but it's not a campaign expense. The same thing goes for paying bimbos to keep shut. I fully realize that all you Trump hating psychos will keep saying this for the next 6 years until he's out of office, but I'll keep reminding you of the facts, nevertheless.

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