Zone1 Paying Reparations for the Past

And while not agreeing to reparations for anyone, I explained to you why the Indians have a stronger case than you do
You didn't explain a damn thing. You wrote your opinion, but your opinion is irrelevant unless your --- is a member of congress. Capiche?
I can assure you that we whites have given you more then you've ever put in. We gave you freedom, we gave you an education, we gave you food, clean water, the most advance medical science to extend your life span and you frankly give us next too nothing. We give you the life of a king 400 years ago and yet you call us racist?

You owe me reparations.
The article you provided did not say Rankin blocked the unemployment only for blacks or jobs that blacks held. You're lying. Or, at a minimum, you failed to make your case. If you're going to make the claim then you should have done some research in gaining what you're claiming as your knowledge. If you researched it then just share your research. Or admit you're Jussie Smollett's cousin and a liar.
What I said is documented fact. You doubt it? Look it up.. I showed you articles that proved blacks got denied the GI Bill and you claimed that wasn't true. I am not going to play the white boy game of prove it, then every time I post proof you deny it and keep asking for proof. Things happened exactly as I said. So go look.
I can assure you that we whites have given you more then you've ever put in. We gave you freedom, we gave you an education, we gave you food, clean water, the most advance medical science to extend your life span and you frankly give us next too nothing. We give you the life of a king 400 years ago and yet you call us racist?

You owe me reparations.

You have given me nothing.
What I said is documented fact. You doubt it? Look it up.. I showed you articles that proved blacks got denied the GI Bill and you claimed that wasn't true. I am not going to play the white boy game of prove it, then every time I post proof you deny it and keep asking for proof. Things happened exactly as I said. So go look.

Provide evidence. You have not provided any.
Provide evidence. You have not provided any.
Wall----the issue to which black sociologists refer is
the fact that even with the GI mortgage benefit,
blacks were OFTEN denied mortgages. Mortgages, as
you know, are a LOAN-----and blacks are often determined to be poor risks by banks. Other GI
benefits include EDUCATION---a benefit which few
blacks accessed. My dad did some nite classes in
watch repair after world war II. I never asked if there
were blacks in his classes. The fact that people do not USE a benefit is not proof of discrimination.
Bad credit rating is not proof of discrimination either----HOWEVER real estate restrictions ARE. The GI
bill works only for those who access it. -----long ago
I did navy "SEPARATION interviews" I tried to get those simple minded kids to consider the EDUCATION BENEFITS------in far too many cases it was HOPELESS
----both blacks and whites
Wall----the issue to which black sociologists refer is
the fact that even with the GI mortgage benefit,
blacks were OFTEN denied mortgages. Mortgages, as
you know, are a LOAN-----and blacks are often determined to be poor risks by banks. Other GI
benefits include EDUCATION---a benefit which few
blacks accessed. My dad did some nite classes in
watch repair after world war II. I never asked if there
were blacks in his classes. The fact that people do not USE a benefit is not proof of discrimination.
Bad credit rating is not proof of discrimination either----HOWEVER real estate restrictions ARE. The GI
bill works only for those who access it. -----long ago
I did navy "SEPARATION interviews" I tried to get those simple minded kids to consider the EDUCATION BENEFITS------in far too many cases it was HOPELESS
----both blacks and whites

Yeah, I know. I was in middle and high school, and a lot of my teachers were veterans, and very few were black. Those that were in general were very good, at least two had used the GI benefits to go to school.

I don't remember where my economics teacher served, but my history teacher had served in an all black tank battalion.

He was a cool guy and he brought some of his war booty to class from time to time.

I blame him for my gun collection!🤣
What I said is documented fact. You doubt it? Look it up.. I showed you articles that proved blacks got denied the GI Bill and you claimed that wasn't true. I am not going to play the white boy game of prove it, then every time I post proof you deny it and keep asking for proof. Things happened exactly as I said. So go look.
Nothing in the article you linked said that blacks were denied the GI Bill. It said, for example, a black vet wanted to buy a house in Levittown, NY but the developer refused to sell to a black person...and, by the way, the black person had planned to use his GI Bill to pay for the house. He wasn't denied any benefit by the government. It is very unfortunate, sad, terrible, that it took until 1968 to get a fair housing law passed. But it was that failure, and not the GI Bill, that prevented the black veteran in the article from buying in Levittown.

There are plenty of cases of racism in America's history that you can talk about; there's no need to lie or make stuff up. You lose all credibility when you do so.

Talk about developers who refuse to sell to black veterans and I'm 100% on your side. Talk about schools that refuse to allow blacks into programs an I am also on your side but I'll follow up with a challenge in that you defend the schools who refuse to teach black kids to read and write today.

What would be really awesome is if you were to talk about real cases of racism going on today and the real racists executing them - such as
  • schools that tell black kids they can't make anything of themselves without the help of rich, white, democrats
  • schools in cities that graduate not a single black child with grade level skills in reading, writing, mathematics, science
  • drugs pouring across a porous border and funding open warfare among street gangs
  • welfare supporting and encouraging broken families and fatherless homes and absentee fathers.

and I could go on.
What you didn't do is irrelevant. This is about what the government allowed.
France made Haitians pay for their freedom, Britain borrowed money from the Rothchild's and paid slave owners for their loss of property (paid off that 1830's loan in full 2015) and 750,000 white people died so your ancestors could be free. Your demographic has been coddled and catered to for the last 6 decades. Your demographic is a massive net loss relative to paying your way in this country.

If anything you should be paying the ancestors of the soldiers who died so your worthless crybaby ass could be free.
The difference from where IM2 is and where he wants to be is:

The US government admits that it didnt honor the treaties it made with the Indians and they were removed from land that rightfully belonged to them

But there is no practical way to right that wrong since we cannot and will not return the stolen land to them

Black people who were held in slavery were wronged also but all the slaves are dead and laws were passed guaranteeing equal protection for blacks today.

Meaning that blacks who were never slaves are not entitled to reparations
The government didn't own slaves and plantations, people did.
The government didn't own slaves and plantations, people did.
American indians did not "own land" Land ownership has been attained thru PURCHASE
for thousands of Years------squatting nomadic
tribes do not "own" land any more than did Gypsies
in Great Britain who established communities on
riverbanks. Lots of difficult situations but that
"STOLEN" BS is overdone
The opposition to black reparations is based on sheer racist hatred. Precedents have been set as other groups who have been harmed by the government have received reparations. As for the tired worn out excuse of “why should I pay for something I did not do,” here is an example of reparations made in modern times for things done by past generations:

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars. Now to our Sioux Nation brothers and sisters, let me say that money is just a pittance of what you are truly owed, but my point here is to render the excuses made in opposition to reparations for blacks to what it is, the racist refusal to take responsibility for what this government has done to black citizens of this nation.

United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians :: 448 U.S. 371 (1980) :: Justia US Supreme Court Center, United States v. Sioux Nation of Indians, 448 U.S. 371 (1980)

When mentioning situations like the one cited above, I get told how the government made treaties with the First Nations and how treaties are not reparations. Inevitably there is always one person who calls themselves being a smart aleck who will ask me to show any treaties blacks made with the government. This dumbing down of our culture is the result of listening to victimhood radio, better known as right wing talk radio.

The Webster’s definition of reparations: a repairing or keeping in repair, b. reparations plural : REPAIRS 2a: the act of making amends, offering expiation, or giving satisfaction for a wrong or injury; b: something done or given as amends or satisfaction, 3: the payment of damages : INDEMNIFICATION specifically : compensation in money or materials payable by a defeated nation for damages to or expenditures sustained by another nation as a result of hostilities with the defeated nation. The treaties made to First Nations set the precedent for American government payment of reparations. The government has consistently paid citizens of the First Nations reparations although the truth of the matter is that there will NEVER, EVER be enough United States currency printed to provide the proper reparations the First Nations deserve. Still whatever feeble effort that has been made has also been done in recent times to repay for things no one today was alive do do. Therefore the opposition to black reparations based on that argument is without merit.
Fuck off get s fucking job you lazy ass
The government didn't own slaves and plantations, people did.
The government made slavery, jim crow and other policies.

You guys just don't have any logical arguments.
Fuck off get s fucking job you lazy ass

We were slaves because whites were too lazy to do the work. Jim Crow apartheid was crreated because whites were too lazy to compete for jobs. So you get a job.
American indians did not "own land" Land ownership has been attained thru PURCHASE
for thousands of Years------squatting nomadic
tribes do not "own" land any more than did Gypsies
in Great Britain who established communities on
riverbanks. Lots of difficult situations but that
"STOLEN" BS is overdone
These excuses don't have any merit.
We were slaves because whites were too lazy to do the work. Jim Crow apartheid was crreated because whites were too lazy to compete for jobs. So you get a job.
You were never a slave but the democrat party still believes they own you. Now back to your history your ancestors became slaves because they were the weaker tribe and sold into slavery by blacks in Africa.
France made Haitians pay for their freedom, Britain borrowed money from the Rothchild's and paid slave owners for their loss of property (paid off that 1830's loan in full 2015) and 750,000 white people died so your ancestors could be free. Your demographic has been coddled and catered to for the last 6 decades. Your demographic is a massive net loss relative to paying your way in this country.

If anything you should be paying the ancestors of the soldiers who died so your worthless crybaby ass could be free.
Wrong. The only demographic that has been coddled is yours, we're going into the 246th yeat of that coddling. 750,000 whites did not die for my ancestors freedom. Stopp repeating those tired ass lies.

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