PC Hollywood Gets Nervous About 'Red Dawn' Remake: Switches Enemy China To N. Korea


May 29, 2010
This is what political correctness has done to Hollywood and America. Hollywood has just finished making the remake of Red Dawn and the enemy was the Chinese who invaded America. Now investors have gotten nervous that they might offend China and they are changing the enemy to North Korea which to me is so far fetched because N. Korea has no capability of invading the United States. I mean they couldn't even get past the 7th Fleet in a invasion of America. The fact is China is still a enemy of the U.S. despite trade with them. Their Generals have been quoted many times talking about anihilating America and killing us. It is a fact and our children need to be taught that the Chinese can't be trusted and are the enemy as well as Russia. It is a fact that political correctness is destroying the fabric this country was founded on. It is destroying our education system and the way our military operates. Political Correctness is a form of indoctrination for a liberal progressive political agenda. That is all it is. Anyway, I was looking forward to this movie but I think I will stick with the original with Powers Boothe.

How an invading army changes from Chinese to North Korean: Reel China - latimes.com

Without Beijing even uttering a critical word, MGM is changing the villains in its 'Red Dawn' remake from Chinese to North Korean. It's all about maintaining access to the Asian superpower's lucrative box office.

has become such an important market for U.S. entertainment companies that one studio has taken the extraordinary step of digitally altering a film to excise bad guys from the Communist nation lest the leadership in Beijing be offended.

When MGM decided a few years ago to remake "Red Dawn," a 1984 Cold War drama about a bunch of American farm kids repelling a Soviet invasion, the studio needed new villains, since the U.S.S.R. had collapsed in 1991. The producers substituted Chinese aggressors for the Soviets and filmed the movie in Michigan in 2009.

But potential distributors are nervous about becoming associated with the finished film, concerned that doing so would harm their ability to do business with the rising Asian superpower, one of the fastest-growing and potentially most lucrative markets for American movies, not to mention other U.S. products.

As a result, the filmmakers now are digitally erasing Chinese flags and military symbols from "Red Dawn," substituting dialogue and altering the film to depict much of the invading force as being from North Korea, an isolated country where American media companies have no dollars at stake.

The changes illustrate just how much sway China's government has in the global entertainment industry, even without uttering a word of official protest. Although it's unclear if anyone in China has seen "Red Dawn," a leaked version of the script last year resulted in critical editorials in the Global Times, a communist party-controlled paper.

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I loved the original red dawn and was looking forward to the remake, but making North Korea as the invading army is so unplausible its not worth considering! They couldn't even invade Haiti, but they will invade America!

MGM should have bite the bullet and gone with the Chinese. Now they will lose the entire market, not just the Chinese market!

I still think they should have gone with Islamic Dawn. Having a united Muslims Army invading the US and Europe, with the help of China and Mother Russia!
Red Dawn (2011)
"If MGM is unable to find a distributor for the movie, it could end up going direct-to-DVD or could even be shelved, never to be seen by the public."

MGM just go out of Ch 11, not a great start that one of the 3 or 4 surviving projects could be a $75 mil money pit! Even if it does go straight to DVD, how much you think it will make? $10K! LOL, PCness got ya MGM!
I remember "The Sum of All Fears" changing from Muslim Terrorists to Neo-Nazis....
I remember "The Sum of All Fears" changing from Muslim Terrorists to Neo-Nazis....

When all else fails make it White Christians!

I heard Robcop remake was changing from Detriot, MI, because they were bowing to pressure from the Detriot City Council, to Sioux Falls, SD.
Fucking remakes.

Further proof that there is not an original thought or idea to be found anywhere in Hollywood or the entertainment industry in general.
Fucking remakes.

Further proof that there is not an original thought or idea to be found anywhere in Hollywood or the entertainment industry in general.

Some remakes are good. King Kong (the 2nd remake was great), Dawn of the Dead wasn't bad!

List of 25 best remakes:
I agree with Dawn of Dead, Departed, Cape Fear, Scarface, the Fly, 12 Monkeys, True Grit (not listed but great), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, Ben Hur,
The Best Movie Remakes of all Time : Moviefone UK
Why so many remakes? these millionares in Hollywood got no original ideas in their skulls?
There is talk that the next Star Trek movie will be a remake of Star Trek 2 : The Wrath Of Kahn. They've even found a actor who resembles Ricardo Montalban. I'm old but I did enjoy that movie back in 82.

Javier Bardem
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This is what political correctness has done to Hollywood and America. Hollywood has just finished making the remake of Red Dawn and the enemy was the Chinese who invaded America. Now investors have gotten nervous that they might offend China and they are changing the enemy to North Korea which to me is so far fetched because N. Korea has no capability of invading the United States. I mean they couldn't even get past the 7th Fleet in a invasion of America. The fact is China is still a enemy of the U.S. despite trade with them. Their Generals have been quoted many times talking about anihilating America and killing us. It is a fact and our children need to be taught that the Chinese can't be trusted and are the enemy as well as Russia. It is a fact that political correctness is destroying the fabric this country was founded on. It is destroying our education system and the way our military operates. Political Correctness is a form of indoctrination for a liberal progressive political agenda. That is all it is. Anyway, I was looking forward to this movie but I think I will stick with the original with Powers Boothe.

How an invading army changes from Chinese to North Korean: Reel China - latimes.com

Without Beijing even uttering a critical word, MGM is changing the villains in its 'Red Dawn' remake from Chinese to North Korean. It's all about maintaining access to the Asian superpower's lucrative box office.

has become such an important market for U.S. entertainment companies that one studio has taken the extraordinary step of digitally altering a film to excise bad guys from the Communist nation lest the leadership in Beijing be offended.

When MGM decided a few years ago to remake "Red Dawn," a 1984 Cold War drama about a bunch of American farm kids repelling a Soviet invasion, the studio needed new villains, since the U.S.S.R. had collapsed in 1991. The producers substituted Chinese aggressors for the Soviets and filmed the movie in Michigan in 2009.

But potential distributors are nervous about becoming associated with the finished film, concerned that doing so would harm their ability to do business with the rising Asian superpower, one of the fastest-growing and potentially most lucrative markets for American movies, not to mention other U.S. products.

As a result, the filmmakers now are digitally erasing Chinese flags and military symbols from "Red Dawn," substituting dialogue and altering the film to depict much of the invading force as being from North Korea, an isolated country where American media companies have no dollars at stake.

The changes illustrate just how much sway China's government has in the global entertainment industry, even without uttering a word of official protest. Although it's unclear if anyone in China has seen "Red Dawn," a leaked version of the script last year resulted in critical editorials in the Global Times, a communist party-controlled paper.

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we need a conservative christian advisory board to tell hollywood who they can use as enemies and bad guys;

russia, china, n korea, all muslims, atheists, liberals, democrats, RINOS, feminists, homosexuals, france, canada

and who they dare NOT use as enemies; conservatives, republicans, evangelical christians, tea baggers
Don't get me wrong, G, I'm not saying all remakes are bad. I'm simply saying that the number of remakes is indicative of a lack of original thought in Hollywood in general. Even movies that appear to new are frequently only remakes with a different name. Hell, Avatar was Pochahontas or Dances with Wolves.

Of course, some might argue that there are really only four basic stories all retold time and again...
I remember "The Sum of All Fears" changing from Muslim Terrorists to Neo-Nazis....

It's the reason I refuse to watch it. Too different than what Clancy wrote and too politically correct. Besides, I have a problem with leading lady Ben Afflick as Ryan.
Don't get me wrong, G, I'm not saying all remakes are bad. I'm simply saying that the number of remakes is indicative of a lack of original thought in Hollywood in general. Even movies that appear to new are frequently only remakes with a different name. Hell, Avatar was Pochahontas or Dances with Wolves.

Of course, some might argue that there are really only four basic stories all retold time and again...

The problem I have with remakes.. is there is plenty of really good material around. There really is no reason to remake anything.
Have all original movies vanished?

It seems to me that everything is a remake these days.
We now have remakes of average films. There truly are no original ideas in Hollywood.
A stupid movie in the original, so let's face it...one can hardly be surprised that its remake will be likewise jingoistic nonsense.

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