Peace Before 1948

From europe and arab lands since the 13th C. There were periods when it was discouraged or prohibited and times when it was allowed.

During inquisition jews moved to turkey and the eastern mediterranean coast.

There have always been jews in the land, the number fluctuated over the centuries.

What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Khazars judaized؟
please explain it
Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine – Darkmoon

another islamo Nazi lie---------DNA evidence clearly reveals that jews world over have roots in the LEVANT-------Jews world over LIKE EVERYONE world over harbor DNA elaments from all sorts of places in the world. Iranians harbor an interesting amount of SUBSAHARAN DNA -----don't tell your friends in Iran----they might drop dead

You are truly misinformed. This is a science/genetics site. No propaganda.

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

not even close to a "SCIENCE GENETIC SITE"------the journal cited is something like "pseudo-science for idiots" If I were to quote that journal in an actual medical
conference ---I would be thrown out of the room ---------the article is useless. BTW-----Baathist arab nationalist Nazi slut----------from where do BAATHIST ARABS
originate? What is YOUR training in POPULATION GENETICS---------do you also like to cite NATIONAL ENQUIRER?
Peace before 1948.

In Palestine the three religion live in peace before zionazis invaded the region.


Syria, the first democracy in the region in the fourties.

Egypt parliament and the king before the military coup in the country.


What a load of bullshit as the Zionists started to arrive in 1875, the year they were invented.

Syria was not a democracy as the leader was by succession and not by public vote, just like in Iran

AND how does that show peace ? when the Christians were being killed by the muslims.

And the muslims came along and destroyed it, now they have taken it away from the indigenous by force and turned it into yet another Islamic cess pit.

Jews have been in small numbers been returning, but after the ottoman edict they started returning in larger numbers after 1840

Return from where? since when?

From europe and arab lands since the 13th C. There were periods when it was discouraged or prohibited and times when it was allowed.

During inquisition jews moved to turkey and the eastern mediterranean coast.

There have always been jews in the land, the number fluctuated over the centuries.

What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Jewish historian.

In the 13th C. most of the jews leaving were from spain, france, england and italy.

Most jews are not "khazars". Yet another ignorant claim misrepresenting the facts. You are spouting from hate sites not impartial studies.

When will you learn?
Last edited:
What a load of bullshit as the Zionists started to arrive in 1875, the year they were invented.

Syria was not a democracy as the leader was by succession and not by public vote, just like in Iran

AND how does that show peace ? when the Christians were being killed by the muslims.

And the muslims came along and destroyed it, now they have taken it away from the indigenous by force and turned it into yet another Islamic cess pit.

Jews have been in small numbers been returning, but after the ottoman edict they started returning in larger numbers after 1840

Return from where? since when?

From europe and arab lands since the 13th C. There were periods when it was discouraged or prohibited and times when it was allowed.

During inquisition jews moved to turkey and the eastern mediterranean coast.

There have always been jews in the land, the number fluctuated over the centuries.

What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Khazars judaized؟
please explain it

A few of the royal court converted to Judaism, but the DNA proves the Ashkenazi do not have a khazar origin.
Arab royality also converted to judaism, but most arabs are not of jewish origin
What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Khazars judaized؟
please explain it
Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine – Darkmoon

another islamo Nazi lie---------DNA evidence clearly reveals that jews world over have roots in the LEVANT-------Jews world over LIKE EVERYONE world over harbor DNA elaments from all sorts of places in the world. Iranians harbor an interesting amount of SUBSAHARAN DNA -----don't tell your friends in Iran----they might drop dead

You are truly misinformed. This is a science/genetics site. No propaganda.

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

not even close to a "SCIENCE GENETIC SITE"------the journal cited is something like "pseudo-science for idiots" If I were to quote that journal in an actual medical
conference ---I would be thrown out of the room ---------the article is useless. BTW-----Baathist arab nationalist Nazi slut----------from where do BAATHIST ARABS
originate? What is YOUR training in POPULATION GENETICS---------do you also like to cite NATIONAL ENQUIRER?

My, my. What a rant. Facts generally upset ideologues. Especially unstable ones.
What a load of bullshit as the Zionists started to arrive in 1875, the year they were invented.

Syria was not a democracy as the leader was by succession and not by public vote, just like in Iran

AND how does that show peace ? when the Christians were being killed by the muslims.

And the muslims came along and destroyed it, now they have taken it away from the indigenous by force and turned it into yet another Islamic cess pit.

Jews have been in small numbers been returning, but after the ottoman edict they started returning in larger numbers after 1840

Return from where? since when?

From europe and arab lands since the 13th C. There were periods when it was discouraged or prohibited and times when it was allowed.

During inquisition jews moved to turkey and the eastern mediterranean coast.

There have always been jews in the land, the number fluctuated over the centuries.

What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Jewish historian.

In the 13th C. most of the jews leaving were from spain, france, england and italy.

Most jews are not "khazars". Yet another ignorant claim misrepresenting the facts. You are spouting from hate sites not impartial studies.

When will you learn?

Will a Jewish source be more acceptable?

Study Traces Ashkenazi Roots to European Women Who Probably Converted to Judaism

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism - Jewish World News

When will you learn to stop being racist.

another islamo Nazi lie---------DNA evidence clearly reveals that jews world over have roots in the LEVANT-------Jews world over LIKE EVERYONE world over harbor DNA elaments from all sorts of places in the world. Iranians harbor an interesting amount of SUBSAHARAN DNA -----don't tell your friends in Iran----they might drop dead

You are truly misinformed. This is a science/genetics site. No propaganda.

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

not even close to a "SCIENCE GENETIC SITE"------the journal cited is something like "pseudo-science for idiots" If I were to quote that journal in an actual medical
conference ---I would be thrown out of the room ---------the article is useless. BTW-----Baathist arab nationalist Nazi slut----------from where do BAATHIST ARABS
originate? What is YOUR training in POPULATION GENETICS---------do you also like to cite NATIONAL ENQUIRER?

My, my. What a rant. Facts generally upset ideologues. Especially unstable ones.

to what "FACTS" do you allude? --- I will help you with a bit about population genetics------one of my forte's WAY BACK WHEN-----in my university ----the course in genetics knocked half of the "bio-chemists, and "pre-meds" out of that program----I, of course ACED both semesters One of my school mates TRIED TO SUE over her failing grade. Was that you? To what FACT do you allude? Do you have any idea what the GENETIC MAKE UP of the "ARAB POPULATION" (even the Baathists) is? In fact------do you know anything about the genetics EVEN OF THE "ARAB POPULATION" of ARABIA?
Jews have been in small numbers been returning, but after the ottoman edict they started returning in larger numbers after 1840

Return from where? since when?

From europe and arab lands since the 13th C. There were periods when it was discouraged or prohibited and times when it was allowed.

During inquisition jews moved to turkey and the eastern mediterranean coast.

There have always been jews in the land, the number fluctuated over the centuries.

What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Jewish historian.

In the 13th C. most of the jews leaving were from spain, france, england and italy.

Most jews are not "khazars". Yet another ignorant claim misrepresenting the facts. You are spouting from hate sites not impartial studies.

When will you learn?

Will a Jewish source be more acceptable?

Study Traces Ashkenazi Roots to European Women Who Probably Converted to Judaism

read more: Study traces Ashkenazi roots to European women who probably converted to Judaism - Jewish World News

When will you learn to stop being racist.

what is racist about conversion to JUDAISM? One of my fortes is POPULATION GENETICS-----I would be extremely surprised if converted women
did not contribute to the JEWISH GENE POOL I am not at all surprised that subsaharan blacks ------based on the slave trade, made a HUGE CONTRIBUTION to populations that call themselves "ARAB"-----but some arabs who try to trace
themselves to "muhummad" would object. Fortunately Iranians do not call
themselves ----"arabs" -----they would DROP DEAD at the thought. Of course the rape issue is a far more significant issue in the "ARAB" gene pool

another islamo Nazi lie---------DNA evidence clearly reveals that jews world over have roots in the LEVANT-------Jews world over LIKE EVERYONE world over harbor DNA elaments from all sorts of places in the world. Iranians harbor an interesting amount of SUBSAHARAN DNA -----don't tell your friends in Iran----they might drop dead

You are truly misinformed. This is a science/genetics site. No propaganda.

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

not even close to a "SCIENCE GENETIC SITE"------the journal cited is something like "pseudo-science for idiots" If I were to quote that journal in an actual medical
conference ---I would be thrown out of the room ---------the article is useless. BTW-----Baathist arab nationalist Nazi slut----------from where do BAATHIST ARABS
originate? What is YOUR training in POPULATION GENETICS---------do you also like to cite NATIONAL ENQUIRER?

My, my. What a rant. Facts generally upset ideologues. Especially unstable ones.

dani agreed------poor Dani-------population genetics reveal that those IRANIAN ARYANS are markedly mixed up with the sub-Saharan blacks supplied to Persia
as slaves by ARAB slave traders over the past------more than 3000 years. -----
today Iranian muslims are reluctant to sit at the same table with blacks for LUNCH
I presented the DNA analyses from a the Live Science website, which is a non-political website where scientists and those interested in science submit papers or report on papers. That wasn't good enough. I posted a the results of another DNA analysis reported on an Israeli newspaper. Both report that European Jews have mostly European DNA, similar to other Europeans.
Both "Israel" and Hizbullah with Iran have the same sectarian agenda in the region.
There was peace in the region before the conquest of iranian shiite minority and israeli jewish minority.
Guess why "Israel" let iranian militias enter near Golan without doing riposte in the region?! :arrow:

just when was that "peace in the region"???. "Conquest of Shiite minority" in the
region? What conquest of Shiite minority------Hezbollah is not actually a Shiite
"minority in the region"-------it is an Iranian mercenary AND IRAINIAN armed

Yes they are mercenaries of iranian imperialism.

Ok getting back to Your allegation of "peace in the region" ---I assume that
"region" means Lebanon. When was their peace in Lebanon and when did
the Jewish minority "Let Hezbollah mercenaries"
whose prime directive is 'murder
jews' conquere southern Lebanon?

Peace before 1948.

In Palestine the three religion live in peace before zionazis invaded the region.


Syria, the first democracy in the region in the fourties.

Egypt parliament and the king before the military coup in the country.


Oh, go fuck off and die in an AIDS fire.
You post jew-hating bullshit 24/7.
What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Khazars judaized؟
please explain it
Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine – Darkmoon

another islamo Nazi lie---------DNA evidence clearly reveals that jews world over have roots in the LEVANT-------Jews world over LIKE EVERYONE world over harbor DNA elaments from all sorts of places in the world. Iranians harbor an interesting amount of SUBSAHARAN DNA -----don't tell your friends in Iran----they might drop dead

You are truly misinformed. This is a science/genetics site. No propaganda.

"Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

Though the finding may seem intuitive, it contradicts the notion that European Jews mostly descend from people who left Israel and the Middle East around 2,000 years ago. Instead, a substantial proportion of the population originates from local Europeans who converted to Judaism, said study co-author Martin Richards, an archaeogeneticist at the University of Huddersfield in England."

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

not even close to a "SCIENCE GENETIC SITE"------the journal cited is something like "pseudo-science for idiots" If I were to quote that journal in an actual medical
conference ---I would be thrown out of the room ---------the article is useless. BTW-----Baathist arab nationalist Nazi slut----------from where do BAATHIST ARABS
originate? What is YOUR training in POPULATION GENETICS---------do you also like to cite NATIONAL ENQUIRER?

This is the Arab way of trying so hard to prove that Israel shouldn't exist. How many times has this nonsense been brought up? I look upon this Arab, since he is on morning, afternoon and nights posting away, and think maybe I should invest in Depends since posting like that would require them.
From europe and arab lands since the 13th C. There were periods when it was discouraged or prohibited and times when it was allowed.

During inquisition jews moved to turkey and the eastern mediterranean coast.

There have always been jews in the land, the number fluctuated over the centuries.

What right jews of Europe have in Palestine in 13th century?
Most jews are Khazars judaized in the 8th century, they are not real semitics.
Khazars judaized؟
please explain it
Top Israeli scientist says Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria, not Palestine – Darkmoon
khazaria is in russia region?

They lived in the region between Turkey and Volga, now they constitute the jews of Russia and Eastern Europe.

Typical Khazar AshkeNazis figures.


I can just imagine how big a snooz Fried Brains has. You see pictures of Arabs and their noses are bigger than those in Fried Brains' pictures. Where do the Arabs' big noses come from, Fried Brains?
Both "Israel" and Hizbullah with Iran have the same sectarian agenda in the region.
There was peace in the region before the conquest of iranian shiite minority and israeli jewish minority.
Guess why "Israel" let iranian militias enter near Golan without doing riposte in the region?! :arrow:

just when was that "peace in the region"???. "Conquest of Shiite minority" in the
region? What conquest of Shiite minority------Hezbollah is not actually a Shiite
"minority in the region"-------it is an Iranian mercenary AND IRAINIAN armed

Yes they are mercenaries of iranian imperialism.

Ok getting back to Your allegation of "peace in the region" ---I assume that
"region" means Lebanon. When was their peace in Lebanon and when did
the Jewish minority "Let Hezbollah mercenaries"
whose prime directive is 'murder
jews' conquere southern Lebanon?

Peace before 1948.

In Palestine the three religion live in peace before zionazis invaded the region.


Syria, the first democracy in the region in the fourties.

Egypt parliament and the king before the military coup in the country.


Oh, go fuck off and die in an AIDS fire.
You post jew-hating bullshit 24/7.[/QUOTE

The sad part is that they are letting Muslims like him into the Western world instead of letting more tolerant Muslims in who can appreciate living with those of other religions.
Oh-----you must be referring to 1929 when the Jewish community in Hebron----a community thousands of years old and living on land PURCHASED several times
over and NEVER sold------was attacked for the glory of allah -------the throats of children slit so they could bleed out over their school books for the GLORY OF ALLAH AND THE RAPIST PIG OF MECCA.

Insults are not good.
Try to stay civil.

The truth hurts; doesn't it? Civil enough for you?

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