Peace Process Antics you have to resort to name calling? Bottom line...arabs squatted on land that wasn't theirs, the rightful owners kicked their butts out and now they're throwing a hissy fit because the evil Jews won't play nice.

how can you "squat" on land for 1,300 years?????????????? just move in and squat. You don't form a government, you don't define borders, you don't declare statehood. And when the rightful owners declare a state, you are given the same opportunity and you DECLINE and then declare war and get your butts kicked! Now quit your whining!
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Gardener; Roudy,

I forgot.

i pposted two links my friend.

What is the relevant point?

Immigration is not an issue (is it).

Certainly nothing prior to 1948 is relevant, all that was adjudicated and overtaken by events. The decisions by the General Assembly and the two belligerent parties superseded everything else and a new starting point emerged.

Now it is a matter of war reparations, compensation for damages caused, and restitution for injuries. The Arab and Palestinian are responsible for the three wars and countless terrorist acts. Anything they lost in the time between 1948 to present should be litigated for forfeiture; since no peace treaty can be reasonably expected.

Most Respectfully,
José;7581678 said:
Originally posted by Roudy
Majority of Israelis today are from Middle Eastern ancestry, who according to genetics are related to their European counterparts.

"Genetic studies" that are worth less than the toilet paper I used to wipe my ass this morning.

No one needs any "genetic studies" to realize that bunch of russian, ukrainian and german albinos are about as semitic as Queen Elizabeth of England.

Just a pair of functional eyes.

Ok but Israel is now a Jewish state, and you can't stand it, right ? When will you get over this
José;7581678 said:
Originally posted by Roudy
Majority of Israelis today are from Middle Eastern ancestry, who according to genetics are related to their European counterparts.

"Genetic studies" that are worth less than the toilet paper I used to wipe my ass this morning.

No one needs any "genetic studies" to realize that bunch of russian, ukrainian and german albinos are about as semitic as Queen Elizabeth of England.

Just a pair of functional eyes.
Yeah whatever. The people who are speaking the same language, practicing the same religion, and following the exact same traditions as their ancestors thousands of years ago are JEWS, whether it be from Europe, Middle East, or Timbuktu.

if you want to tell us that a bunch of Arabs who speak Arabic and practice Islam are more "Jewish". That pig just won't fly. Jews did not intermix much with other people because it is forbidden.
José;7581678 said:
Originally posted by Roudy
Majority of Israelis today are from Middle Eastern ancestry, who according to genetics are related to their European counterparts.

"Genetic studies" that are worth less than the toilet paper I used to wipe my ass this morning.

No one needs any "genetic studies" to realize that bunch of russian, ukrainian and german albinos are about as semitic as Queen Elizabeth of England.

Just a pair of functional eyes.

I'm confused, Yusef. So what you are saying is that the Hebrew descendants of Abraham are all dead and the 12 million Jews alive today are all converted Europeans? I thought the Jews didn't proselytize? Please explain or just admit you are going on an uninformed rant.
Care to provide demographic proof that the Arab living today in the West Bank and Gaza are the same ones that were her centuries ago ?

more thna happy to!!!!

From Time Immemorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Demographics of Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether there was significant Arab immigration into Palestine after the beginning of Jewish settlement there in the late 19th century has become a matter of some controversy. According to Martin Gilbert, 50,000 Arabs immigrated to Mandatory Palestine from the neighboring lands between 1919 and 1939 "attracted by the improving agricultural conditions and growing job opportunities, most of them created by the Jews".[29]

The overall assessment of several British reports was that the increase in the Arab population was primarily due to natural increase.[30][31] These included the Hope Simpson report (1930),[32] the Passfield White Paper (1930)[33] the Peel Commission report (1937)[34] and the Survey of Palestine (1945).[35] The 1931 census of Palestine considered the question of illegal immigration since the previous census in 1922.[36] It estimated that unrecorded immigration during that period may have amounted to 9,000 Jews and 4,000 Arabs

So how about giving your version of why you all did not accept statehood in 1948 and why you think you deserve one now.
So how about giving your version of why you all did not accept statehood in 1948 and why you think you deserve one now.

palestinians made up 67% of palesgtine's population/

jews made up 33%.

so why did the UN give the jews 60% of the land?????????????????

the palestinians had a right to be piseed at this unfairness.
So how about giving your version of why you all did not accept statehood in 1948 and why you think you deserve one now.

palestinians made up 67% of palesgtine's population/

jews made up 33%.

so why did the UN give the jews 60% of the land?????????????????

the palestinians had a right to be piseed at this unfairness.

Well, 40% would have been better than nothing. And now nothing is all they're ever going to get!:clap2:
So how about giving your version of why you all did not accept statehood in 1948 and why you think you deserve one now.

palestinians made up 67% of palesgtine's population/

jews made up 33%.

so why did the UN give the jews 60% of the land?????????????????

the palestinians had a right to be piseed at this unfairness.

Well, 40% would have been better than nothing. And now nothing is all they're ever going to get!:clap2:

Not to mention the 90% minimum land the Palestinians have refused twice in recent years. Why do they keep refusing land? Why are they their own worst enemies Gardener?
Not to mention the 90% minimum land the Palestinians have refused twice in recent years. Why do they keep refusing land? Why are they their own worst enemies Gardener?

you said I was on Ignore. what happened?

the palestijnians refuse bad deals that allow zionists to steal land.
Gardener, et al,

You guys get this wrong almost every time.

So how about giving your version of why you all did not accept statehood in 1948 and why you think you deserve one now.

palestinians made up 67% of palesgtine's population/

jews made up 33%.

so why did the UN give the jews 60% of the land?????????????????

the palestinians had a right to be piseed at this unfairness.

Of the Mandate of Palestine: (Close Approximation)
  • 77% of the Mandate Territory went to form the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
  • 12.7% of the Mandate Territory went to form the State of Israel.
  • 10.3% of the Mandate Territory went to form the Arab State (rejected).
So, a total of 87.3% was partitioned to form Arab States.

There was an intent to reconstitute the Jewish national home from the very beginning. Of the entire set of territories in the proximity of the Region we call the Middle East, renounced and surrendered by the Ottoman/Turkish Empire, today including the states of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Sudan, and Syria, were ultimately created by the League of Nations (UN) and the Allied Powers. Even the Kingdom of the Hedjaz (now part of Saudi Arabia) was declare a free and independent State through action already taken by the Allied Powers.

I know it is not in the nature for the Arab Palestinian to look at the larger picture (we get that), but when it comes to the question of "fairness," they really have a myopic view of the territory, region and the world.

Most Respectfully,
People here are under the very failed im,pression that the Palestine Mandate of 1921 and Historical Palestine are the same thing.

No maps, not one, not ever, shows Jordan as part of historical Palestine. Most and almost all maps of Historical Palestine show the land stretching to the river and barely into the negev.

THIS is Palestine!!! This is the Palestine as reflected in the Sykes-Picot Map.

Zionists keep playing this dishonest game s with history and facts and this is why peac4e is so hard to achieve.

They lie about where the Palestinians come from and how long they were in Palestine. They lie about the borders of Historical Palestine. They lie about Briotish promises to thre Arabs.

and they spread their lies across the world like Nazi propaganda.

how can anyone make peace with such lies?
People here are under the very failed im,pression that the Palestine Mandate of 1921 and Historical Palestine are the same thing.

No maps, not one, not ever, shows Jordan as part of historical Palestine. Most and almost all maps of Historical Palestine show the land stretching to the river and barely into the negev.

THIS is Palestine!!! This is the Palestine as reflected in the Sykes-Picot Map.

Zionists keep playing this dishonest game s with history and facts and this is why peac4e is so hard to achieve.

They lie about where the Palestinians come from and how long they were in Palestine. They lie about the borders of Historical Palestine. They lie about Briotish promises to thre Arabs.

and they spread their lies across the world like Nazi propaganda.

how can anyone make peace with such lies?

Did you even read Roccos post ? Or are you just ignoring the truth as usual ?
Of the Mandate of Palestine: (Close Approximation)
  • 77% of the Mandate Territory went to form the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
  • 12.7% of the Mandate Territory went to form the State of Israel.
  • 10.3% of the Mandate Territory went to form the Arab State (rejected).
So, a total of 87.3% was partitioned to form Arab States.

there was never an intent to turn palestine and transjordan into a jewish home.

as you can see inthe sykes pivot map, only palestin was meant for a jewish home and this was to end at the river and not even touch the negev desert.

but then the british realized that the arabs of palestine refused to be treated like garbage and trash and demanded their rightsa in palestine be respected.

so the UN agreed and decided to split palestine into two states.

but they gave 35% of the population 60% of the land!!!!!!!!!

what happened to justice? what happened to fairness?

what happne to the promise to the non-jews made in the balfour declaration and palestine mandate??????
You are the only person who thinks that. Listen to those older and much wiser than you. You could learn a lot. Then perhaps you will admit we were right all along.

you have no facts only insults.

the arabs made up 66% of the population from the river to the sea.

they deserved 66% of the land.

antics lke lying about palestine mandate and promises of the balfour declaration is why peace is so hard.
Gardener, et al,

Historical Palestine is an ancient concept. For the 800 years of Ottoman Rule, there have never been territorial boundaries for Palestine.

As far as the Sykes-Picot Agreement is concerned, and the Agreement Map, it is an agreement between British and French Governments (Allied Powers) that was superseded by the San Remo Convention and later, the Treaty of Sevres(itself superseded by the Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne, July 24, 1923). It was not then and is not now, an agreement or promise between the Allied Powers and the Arab world or any subdivision there of. In fact, nothing in the actual Sykes-Picot Agreement even mentions Palestine. And the original Map, a link is provided at the bottom of the UN Archive agreement document, doesn't mention Palestine or the Mandate. In fact, nothing in the agreement, on matters of territorial control, worked out with the agreement intention.

People here are under the very failed im,pression that the Palestine Mandate of 1921 and Historical Palestine are the same thing.

No maps, not one, not ever, shows Jordan as part of historical Palestine. Most and almost all maps of Historical Palestine show the land stretching to the river and barely into the negev.

THIS is Palestine!!! This is the Palestine as reflected in the Sykes-Picot Map.

Zionists keep playing this dishonest game s with history and facts and this is why peac4e is so hard to achieve.

They lie about where the Palestinians come from and how long they were in Palestine. They lie about the borders of Historical Palestine. They lie about Briotish promises to thre Arabs.

and they spread their lies across the world like Nazi propaganda.

how can anyone make peace with such lies?

I say it has been the Palestinians that have been playing fast and loose with the facts.

The promises that were made between the British and the Arab were altered. The agreement with HRH the Emir Faisal, representing and acting on behalf of the Arab Kingdom of HEJAZ, were that the son of the King were made Kings themselves --- of Syria, Jordan and Iraq. It was the Hashemite Bedouins that fought for the Allies in WWI under Emir Faisal. And while there was a Jewish Brigade in WWII, there was no Arab Brigade. In fact the Iraqis fought for the Axis Powers for a time.

But the Bedouins got what they wanted (Kingdoms).

Most Respectfully,
[MENTION=25033]RoccoR[/MENTION] - the San Remo Conference resolution says this

------To accept the terms of the Mandates Article as given below with reference to Palestine, on the understanding that there was inserted in the process-verbal an undertaking by the Mandatory Power that this would not involve the surrender of the rights hitherto enjoyed by the non-Jewish communities in Palestine------

-----in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine--------

why did the Jews violate these stipuilations? why do the jews continue to violate these stipulations in Israel and in nthe West Bank?

please explain to me why the promises of a jewish home in palestine should be respectyed while the promises of protection of non-jewish rights in palestine are stepped upon and ignored daily?
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