Trump classified documents case dismissed. Jack Smith loses again.

The Justice dept can rebring charges by a Doj federal prosecutor in Florida, a change in venue also is possible for some of the charges, the circuit can reverse cannon, but this will be appealed to the Supreme court so same result as now...delay, then killed...imo
You know this is a victory for Smith...

Cannon has just stated that every Special Council appointed since 1842(I think) was illegal.. Seriously...

This is getting over turned in a heart beat.

Smith wins on appeal and Cannon is getting tossed.

Cannon is hoping that she has done enough to derail till the election (probably has). She is looking for a promotion for this...
Suuuurrrrrrre it is!
It's over. This is a PSA we need about 1 million straight jackets shipped to all the blue shit holes in America. The left is going to snap
I dont see anyone snapping on here. If you want to see someone snapping, take a look at your post history and the rest of the right wing psychos on here.
How is it a strawman, Bingoboi? The fact the Senate never approved him is why he was illegally appointed by Merritless Gestapoland.

Bleating STRAWMAN won't change the facts, Simp.
It's strawman because I'm not suggesting that in order to win the appeal prosecutors have to show that Smith was appointed by the Senate. Numerous courts have upheld the legality of the DOJ appointing special prosecutors to political cases. You're avenue isn't the only one to victory. That's why it's a strawman. Do you morons understand what a strawman is? It doesn't appear you do.
And that appeal will go to the SCOTUS, where the inevitable will happen.
Nope... Will got to the 9th District who like over ruling Cannon already...

She is actually an embarrassment 9th district... They are conservative but the believe in the law and the fairness of this...

Cannon has been a massive source of incompetence and bias behaviour..
It's strawman because I'm not suggesting that in order to win the appeal prosecutors have to show that Smith was appointed by the Senate. Numerous courts have upheld the legality of the DOJ appointing special prosecutors to political cases. You're avenue isn't the only one to victory.
There is nothing illegal about appointing a speical prosecutor, they just have to be confirmed by the Senate...Jack Smith never was, ever.

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