Pedophiles and violent sex criminals

dilloduck said:
would killing him make her therapy any cheaper?

No, but at least I'd know there's no slim chance of him getting off on good behavior, or slipping through the system because of some kind of glitch.

The cost of her therapy is not the point - she WILL receive whatever she needs at any cost, if I have to foot the bill myself.. It's just a little ironic that she's still going to be paying, and he gets a free ride through life.
Shattered said:
No, but at least I'd know there's no slim chance of him getting off on good behavior, or slipping through the system because of some kind of glitch.

The cost of her therapy is not the point - she WILL receive whatever she needs at any cost, if I have to foot the bill myself.. It's just a little ironic that she's still going to be paying, and he gets a free ride through life.

how are you deal with it when he gets 10- 20 ? Do we just kill people so we don't have to forgive them?
dilloduck said:
how are you deal with it when he gets 10- 20 ? Do we just kill people so we don't have to forgive them?

Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me... You want me to FORGIVE someone that RAPED a 7 year old CHILD?!!

You've freakin lost it.
...what if the guy isn't guilty?

One problem we have in this country - and perhaps in others, is how very easy it is for innocent men (mostly men) to be sent away with very little or no real evidence.

Interesting - here's a thread on another forum I'm reading, and a reply which I'm in agreement with:

Thread: OOOPS!!!


Guy comes home from dinner, lights are off, what he thinks is his wife is asleep in his bed. He moves in to give her a kiss, to find out it's his Babysitter asleep there in his wife's 'normal spot' on the bed. He's hoping things will just get laughed off - but he's a bit nervous.


Peculiar subject you've brought up. Society has had it's fill of pedophiles, molestations and cases where children turn up missing, only to be found later, murdered and raped. The stories are horrible. IMO, sexual offenders should be locked up for a minimum of 20 years, and globally tracked for the reminder of their lives. Repeat offenders should be chemically castrated.

But on the flip-side of this issue, are occasional occurrences of innocent parties being stigmatized by accidental encounters or false accusations. I was watching one of the talk shows a couple years ago, which featured a man who had been incarcerated for a couple years for child molestation, only to have his accuser reach adulthood and recant their story. Evidently, she had been pissed that he had not allowed his daughter to attend a concert or something with her, so fabricated a story of sexual misconduct on his behalf. With relatively little effort, she was even able to collect samples of his DNA and plant them in an effort to support her story. In the end, she regretted her actions and came forward.

Now I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, defending the actions of anyone guilty of such an atrocity, but can't help but think about how easy it would be for any child to falsely accuse an adult of inappropriate behavior, and at the very least, have that person stigmatized as a pedophile for the remainder of his or her life.

In your case, a perfectly innocent encounter could have been misinterpreted and escalated into charges. With cases of child abuse and murder on the rise, I suppose its only human nature to over-react and view each case with an air of suspicion, but what happens when a completely innocent person is accused?

It seems that if you are accused of a child-related crime, a person is, at least to some degree, guilty until proven innocent, and even then retains the unwanted label of “being accused at one time.”
Why would someone who's innocent refuse to submit to a DNA test, and skip town?
Shattered said:
Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me... You want me to FORGIVE someone that RAPED a 7 year old CHILD?!!

You've freakin lost it.
:chillpill not everyone is an atheist here
Shattered said:
I'm still waiting for an explanation on why he deserves life, and rehabilitation..
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: I just posted something smiliar in "Religion"/ death penalty. Forgiveness? Yes. Tolerance? NO. They do not deserve life.
-=d=- said:
because he didn't kill anyone.
So, you think a person only needs to die if they take a life?
I used Jessica Lunsford as an example in my 'death penalty' post.
You think that a fully developed man, forcibly penetrating a body of a 7 year old doesn't deserve death? It's traumatic for an adult woman. What terror and pain these children go thru!! I'm sorry, but I don't understand you're reasoning. You wouldn't want this man to die if this happened to your child? You got upset becasue your daughter wanted to move in with her best friend.
Joz said:
So, you think a person only needs to die if they take a life?


You think that a fully developed man, forcibly penetrating a body of a 7 year old doesn't deserve death?


You wouldn't want this man to die if this happened to your child?

I didn't say I wouldn't want a man to die for hurting my child. That's pure speculation on your part.

You got upset becasue your daughter wanted to move in with her best friend.

Way to take a personal story on my part, and use it against me..nice.

-=d=- said:
Generally...yes.....I didn't say I wouldn't want a man to die for hurting my child. That's pure speculation on your part........
Way to take a personal story on my part, and use it against me..nice.

Don't start twisting things, now. I was NOT using anything against you. You love your daughter, you protect her. You are a caring father. I just am trying r-e-a-l hard to understand your reasoning.
Joz said:
Don't start twisting things, now. I was NOT using anything against you. You love your daughter, you protect her. You are a caring father. I just am trying r-e-a-l hard to understand your reasoning.

My reasoning is simple. The Death Penalty should be used for the worst crimes...Kids can recover and live full and happy lives - even those molested. Killing a guy over what may or may not have happened is too extreme...on a case-by-case basis.
-=d=- said:
My reasoning is simple. The Death Penalty should be used for the worst crimes...Kids can recover and live full and happy lives - even those molested.
Fondling is much different than rape.
Killing a guy over what may or may not have happened is too extreme...on a case-by-case basis.
This isn't about "he said, she said". This is about no reasonable doubt.
-=d=- said:
My reasoning is simple. The Death Penalty should be used for the worst crimes...Kids can recover and live full and happy lives - even those molested. Killing a guy over what may or may not have happened is too extreme...on a case-by-case basis.

And....there could be far worse penalties than death.

That is, if the prison system was an unpleasant place to be.

I would have no problem agreeing to someone NOT getting the death penalty, for any crime, if I knew he would be put in a 6X6 cell with no TV, Radio, etc.

And....NEVER to get out.

Since when does "life in prison" equal 12 years?
GotZoom said:
And....there could be far worse penalties than death....
Torture. Torture would be good.
I would have no problem agreeing to someone NOT getting the death penalty, for any crime, if I knew he would be put in a 6X6 cell with no TV, Radio, etc.
Think that'll happen?? Why should I have to pay for them to have a cushy life when there are good honest people who struggle to put food on the table?
Since when does "life in prison" equal 12 years?
Precisely. We put them back on the street to do it all over again.
Joz said:
Think that'll happen?? Why should I have to pay for them to have a cushy life when there are good honest people who struggle to put food on the table?

Unfortunately it never will.

Look at all the grief Arpaio gets in Phoenix.
dilloduck said:
life without parole or death-------no more trying to rehab these folks---I dont care how big the damn prison has to be---if we can't protect our kids we should be ashamed!

I think our system needs some readjustments in this area to say the least. Many studies have been done on treatments and repeat offenses. They show that sexual predators of children are generally not treatable and may likely once out do it again as it's more of a compulsion.

My own opinion is that once a convicted pedophile has served their sentence, they need electronic bracelets or anklets for 24 hour a day monitoring by their parole officers aside from the neoghborhood alerts and internet registries. It is a very expensive system and many counties don't have the money but it's important enough to find the money for this...It's either that or life in rehab away from the public. I think the costs there would be much more.
Bonnie said:
I think our system needs some readjustments in this area to say the least. Many studies have been done on treatments and repeat offenses. They show that sexual predators of children are generally not treatable and may likely once out do it again as it's more of a compulsion.

My own opinion is that once a convicted pedophile has served their sentence, they need electronic bracelets or anklets for 24 hour a day monitoring by their parole officers aside from the neoghborhood alerts and internet registries. It is a very expensive system and many counties don't have the money but it's important enough to find the money for this...It's either that or life in rehab away from the public. I think the costs there would be much more.

Explain that to the parent of the 7 year old girl who is forced to see a therapist for the rest of her life.
GotZoom said:
Explain that to the parent of the 7 year old girl who is forced to see a therapist for the rest of her life.
Better yet, explain it to the seven year old girl.

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