Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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In France they believe adult males need to train adolescent females how to have sex properly so they don't get ruined by adolescent males. Then those females teach the adolescent males.

Why is sex with a 14 year old bad? If you remove the chances of getting pregnant or std's from the equation?
Good for the French.

It's bad because it's illegal, and in this society, in this time, we recognize that 14 years is too young to be having sex..primarily because it leads to pregnancy and exploitation. And the spread of disease.
Delta4 thinks that CGI child porn will help pedos, and thats fucked up
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
Bullshit! I can blame them just fine, because I know that you CHOOSE what you are attracted to.

If I knew my boy was whacking off while looking at kiddie porn, there would be some serious intervention taking place.

It won't happen, because I have been frank with my children from the time they were very young about the nature of sex, and the necessity of controlling oneself in all aspects of one's life..including who you visualize having sex with.

You choose what you're attracted to?

Did you have to really think this through, koshergrl? Did you need to sit down in front of a man, a woman, a child, a cat, a horse, and a pickle, and decide which one you wanted to make out with?

Because I've never made some conscious decision about attraction. It is a feeling. Thankfully, my attractions are socially-acceptable, and completely legal. To fight attraction must be difficult, but I'm glad that I don't know.
In France they believe adult males need to train adolescent females how to have sex properly so they don't get ruined by adolescent males. Then those females teach the adolescent males.

Why is sex with a 14 year old bad? If you remove the chances of getting pregnant or std's from the equation?
Because I have a 14 year old and it would be bad for an adult or anyone else to get caught having sex with her. It would be very bad.
It's one thing to be momentarily attracted, it's another to foster that attraction and give in to it.
And we all make the choice.
France was the syphillis capital of the Western World for a really long time.
Just how FUCKED UP MENTALLY, can Liberals about it in the N.Y. SLIMES!!!

Daily Caller ^

The nation’s tough anti-pedophilia laws are unfair to pedophiles, according to an op-ed published by The New York Times’ editors. “One can live with pedophilia and not act on it,” says Margo Kaplan, an entrepreneurial assistant law professor at Rutgers University, and a former lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. Tragically, the roughly 1 percent of “people who are sexually attracted to children] must hide their disorder from everyone they know — or risk losing educational and job opportunities, and face the prospect of harassment and even violence,” she wrote.....

That is so stupid. For one thing, they are perfectly free to go seek treatment for their "disease" and it would be completely confidential. We have a little thing called doctor/patient confidentiality in this country, and HIPAA laws. Also, OF COURSE they are going to be shunned if they tell people. Who would want someone coming to their house (especially if they have children), knowing that? Not me. I would NOT be inviting such a person to my house or really wanting anything to do with them. I do not feel sorry for pedophiles at all, not in the least bit. I don't know what causes it and how well they can control their "urges" and would not want to risk finding out.

Summary of the HIPAA Privacy Rule
From the op-ed:

Part of this failure stems from the misconception that pedophilia is the same as child molestation. One can live with pedophilia and not act on it. Sites like Virtuous Pedophiles provide support for pedophiles who do not molest children and believe that sex with children is wrong. It is not that these individuals are “inactive” or “nonpracticing” pedophiles, but rather that pedophilia is a status and not an act. In fact, research shows, about half of all child molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims.

A second misconception is that pedophilia is a choice. Recent research, while often limited to sex offenders — because of the stigma of pedophilia — suggests that the disorder may have neurological origins.
I've seen brain scans of homosexuals and transsexuals and there's no doubt at all that their brains are wired differently. I haven't seen brain scans of pedophiles but I wouldn't be surprised that they too are born that way.

Brain development in a fetus is a pretty complicated recipe and as we see with both homosexuals and transsexuals, development disorders do occur.

As for your reference to Sandusky, yes you're right, which signals that some pedophiles don't focus exclusively on children. If these guys can be target early perhaps they can be trained to direct their impulses towards having sex with a grown woman. Have an impulse, get your wife to dress like a little girl, or boy, and get giggidy. I don't know, but I'd much rather be trying to reduce crimes against children than to let these people fester in isolation until they finally lash out.

pedophilia is a status and not an act.

How do I put this nicely? The lady is a moron and that phrase is Orwellian DoubleSpeak with no basis in science..

No reliable method to determine pedophilia study finds Psychology Today

Pedophilia is the main psychiatric diagnosis applied to sex offenders, and new study shows that experts have no reliable method for determining its presence.

The study involved a group of Canadian men convicted of sexual offenses against children. Each of the 130 offenders was assessed using three different methods for determining pedophilia:


But when the researchers examined their data, they found no significant association between the three methods. In other words, each method identified different men as pedophiles.

Not only that, none of the three methods predicted who would reoffend. Of the 106 subjects who were released into the community, 14 (just under 14%) reoffended sexually over an average time period of about nine years. That is a typical recidivism rate for sex offenders.

One problem is that both lay people and experts alike tend to think of pedophilia as rare, when sexual fantasies and attractions to children are actually fairly common among the general population of non-criminals. In self-report studies, anywhere from about 10% to 62% of men report such fantasies.

The bottom line in the legal context, the researchers said, is that diagnosing someone as a pedophile "clouds" the issue of risk that courts are trying to determine.

So this concept of a "pristine Pedophile is just an excuse (as K-Grl said) to consider this just another SELF-DECLARED sexual orientation.. And cue the evil music as you extrapolate that to the next front in LGBT legal marathons..

Now -- I am TOTALLY skeptical of any "studies" in a science as slipshod as this one. When you hear that "up to 62% of men might self-identify as latent pedophiles.. But -- get ready for the NEW MAJORITY sexual orientation.. Because THAT is what the NYTimes is trying to sell here..
Bullshit! I can blame them just fine, because I know that you CHOOSE what you are attracted to.

If I knew my boy was whacking off while looking at kiddie porn, there would be some serious intervention taking place.

It won't happen, because I have been frank with my children from the time they were very young about the nature of sex, and the necessity of controlling oneself in all aspects of one's life..including who you visualize having sex with.

You choose what you're attracted to?

Did you have to really think this through, koshergrl? Did you need to sit down in front of a man, a woman, a child, a cat, a horse, and a pickle, and decide which one you wanted to make out with?

Because I've never made some conscious decision about attraction. It is a feeling. Thankfully, my attractions are socially-acceptable, and completely legal. To fight attraction must be difficult, but I'm glad that I don't know.

As retarded as Kosherchics logic is she is somewhat right about images. Thats how we are told that super models are the standard of beauty, that Tylenol is for pain, Asprin is for headaches etc. Its the same thought process that says you desire what you see and associate with as normal behavior.
Good for the French.

It's bad because it's illegal, and in this society, in this time, we recognize that 14 years is too young to be having sex..primarily because it leads to pregnancy and exploitation. And the spread of disease.
If we gave them birth control and cured all the possible diseases you could get from having sex would it be ok to make it legal then?

Only a sheep would use the argument it's illegal because it's illegal.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.
Good for the French.

It's bad because it's illegal, and in this society, in this time, we recognize that 14 years is too young to be having sex..primarily because it leads to pregnancy and exploitation. And the spread of disease.
If we gave them birth control and cured all the possible diseases you could get from having sex would it be ok to make it legal then?

Only a sheep would use the argument it's illegal because it's illegal.
That is not the argument I made. I stated it was illegal, and then explained why.

I used the argument that it was illegal because engaging in underaged sex in our society, today, leads to the transmittal of STDs, unplanned pregnancies, and the exploitation of children.

They have birth control now. No, I don't believe in giving children birth control so they can be readily available for sexual exploitation and abuse by adults.

If I were you, I would stop going down this path.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?

Bullshit! I can blame them just fine, because I know that you CHOOSE what you are attracted to.

If I knew my boy was whacking off while looking at kiddie porn, there would be some serious intervention taking place.

It won't happen, because I have been frank with my children from the time they were very young about the nature of sex, and the necessity of controlling oneself in all aspects of one's life..including who you visualize having sex with.
I used to whack off to National Geographic ...
What else is your underage boy supposed to wack off to other than underage girls?
I once got a hardon petting a cat, throw me in jail.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?

And there it is.. I rest my case. No treatment, no cure, no accurate diagnosis before acting on urges.. It's just another sexual orientation..

Never mind the ACTUAL REAL pedophiles. We need to focus on all the good and righteous pedophilic citizens who are trying REALLY HARD not to molest children. THEY NEED TO COME OUT !!! OMG....
Good for the French.

It's bad because it's illegal, and in this society, in this time, we recognize that 14 years is too young to be having sex..primarily because it leads to pregnancy and exploitation. And the spread of disease.
If we gave them birth control and cured all the possible diseases you could get from having sex would it be ok to make it legal then?

Only a sheep would use the argument it's illegal because it's illegal.
That is not the argument I made. I stated it was illegal, and then explained why.

I used the argument that it was illegal because engaging in underaged sex in our society, today, leads to the transmittal of STDs, unplanned pregnancies, and the exploitation of children.

They have birth control now. No, I don't believe in giving children birth control so they can be readily available for sexual exploitation and abuse by adults.

If I were you, I would stop going down this path.
is having sex with adult women sexual exploitation?
Then why is having sex with 14 year old girls considered sexual exploitation?
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
From the op-ed:

Part of this failure stems from the misconception that pedophilia is the same as child molestation. One can live with pedophilia and not act on it. Sites like Virtuous Pedophiles provide support for pedophiles who do not molest children and believe that sex with children is wrong. It is not that these individuals are “inactive” or “nonpracticing” pedophiles, but rather that pedophilia is a status and not an act. In fact, research shows, about half of all child molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims.

A second misconception is that pedophilia is a choice. Recent research, while often limited to sex offenders — because of the stigma of pedophilia — suggests that the disorder may have neurological origins.
I've seen brain scans of homosexuals and transsexuals and there's no doubt at all that their brains are wired differently. I haven't seen brain scans of pedophiles but I wouldn't be surprised that they too are born that way.

Brain development in a fetus is a pretty complicated recipe and as we see with both homosexuals and transsexuals, development disorders do occur.

As for your reference to Sandusky, yes you're right, which signals that some pedophiles don't focus exclusively on children. If these guys can be target early perhaps they can be trained to direct their impulses towards having sex with a grown woman. Have an impulse, get your wife to dress like a little girl, or boy, and get giggidy. I don't know, but I'd much rather be trying to reduce crimes against children than to let these people fester in isolation until they finally lash out.

pedophilia is a status and not an act.

How do I put this nicely? The lady is a moron and that phrase is Orwellian DoubleSpeak with no basis in science..

Take a young virgin boy as an example. You always see him scoping out the girls, looking at your Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, getting all nervous when little Susie from down the block comes to the door to sell her Girl Scout cookies. That boy is not a heterosexual because he never had sex, right? So what is he if he's not a heterosexual boy?

Or take a virgin priest who clearly acknowledges that he's attracted to women but remains celibate in honor of God. He's not a heterosexual, right? So what is he then?
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