Pedophilia Deserves Civil Rights, Says New York Times’ Op-ed

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You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?

Bullshit! I can blame them just fine, because I know that you CHOOSE what you are attracted to.

If I knew my boy was whacking off while looking at kiddie porn, there would be some serious intervention taking place.

It won't happen, because I have been frank with my children from the time they were very young about the nature of sex, and the necessity of controlling oneself in all aspects of one's life..including who you visualize having sex with.
I used to whack off to National Geographic ...
What else is your underage boy supposed to wack off to other than underage girls?
I once got a hardon petting a cat, throw me in jail.

You can probably relax about the cat.. Unless of course -- it still happens.. :D Then you probably shouldn't be volunteering to foster cats at the shelter..

Strange things happen to underage hormones all the time.
Good for the French.

It's bad because it's illegal, and in this society, in this time, we recognize that 14 years is too young to be having sex..primarily because it leads to pregnancy and exploitation. And the spread of disease.
If we gave them birth control and cured all the possible diseases you could get from having sex would it be ok to make it legal then?

Only a sheep would use the argument it's illegal because it's illegal.
That is not the argument I made. I stated it was illegal, and then explained why.

I used the argument that it was illegal because engaging in underaged sex in our society, today, leads to the transmittal of STDs, unplanned pregnancies, and the exploitation of children.

They have birth control now. No, I don't believe in giving children birth control so they can be readily available for sexual exploitation and abuse by adults.

If I were you, I would stop going down this path.

They are also still emotionally and mentally children, regardless of whether they have secondary sex characteristics. I remember being a 14-year-old girl!!!
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Hogwash. Porn does NOT *prevent* people from committing sex crimes.

In fact, it's a crime to use children to create porn, dumbass.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?
It's a crime to have sex with a 14 year old.

I recommend you not engage in it.
Explain how you can treat a pedophile, but not a homosexual.

Hmm. I think that's a pretty good question. Don't know the answer though! :)

Simple.. Someone posted the tools and therapies. You can actually castrate them or chemically castrate them.. Take your pick..
Castration isn't truly effective, because pedophilia, just like homosexuality, isn't about's about perversion. The perversion continues, even when the gratification is taken away. Rapists aren't cured via castration, either. Half the time pedophiles and rapists can't get it up to begin with.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?

I wasnt talking about them committing crimes but you do realize that having sexual pictures of children is a crime? Exploiting children is harming them. It would be different if you were talking about being gay. No child is harmed in that scenario.
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?

I wasnt talking about them committing crimes but you do realize that having sexual pictures of children is a crime? Exploiting children is harming them. It would be different if you were talking about being gay. No child is harmed in that scenario.
Yeah I already told him that, it doesn't matter. I also reported it.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?

Nope.. Don't think anyone is saying that. But at the OTHER extreme, this thread is about an OP ED advocating that "pristine pedos" should be able to declare as an orientation and FREELY transverse society as a KNOWN (self-declared) Pedo.. Can't refuse to hire them at the Magic Kingdom or a day-care.. According to this idiot -- they need to FLAUNT their "affliction" for everyone without any societal stigma or penalties.
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?

I wasnt talking about them committing crimes but you do realize that having sexual pictures of children is a crime? Exploiting children is harming them. It would be different if you were talking about being gay. No child is harmed in that scenario.
Yeah I already told him that, it doesn't matter. I also reported it.

You should have let him keep talking.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Hogwash. Porn does NOT *prevent* people from committing sex crimes.

In fact, it's a crime to use children to create porn, dumbass.
Tell that to Sears and JCPenney

So you claim methadone doesn't prevent meth addicts from re-offending?

Nothing is 100%, I never claimed 100% of the time anything is vs anything.

Should we criminalized a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with kids?

Let me ask another way.

Do you see any problem with criminalizing a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with the same sex?

What's the difference? They are both born that way.
You know what's "fair" for pedophiles? A noose!
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Hogwash. Porn does NOT *prevent* people from committing sex crimes.

In fact, it's a crime to use children to create porn, dumbass.
Tell that to Sears and JCPenney

So you claim methadone doesn't prevent meth addicts from re-offending?

Nothing is 100%, I never claimed 100% of the time anything is vs anything.

Should we criminalized a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with kids?

Let me ask another way.

Do you see any problem with criminalizing a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with the same sex?

What's the difference? They are both born that way.
Ones a child the other is an adult. Huge difference.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?

I wasnt talking about them committing crimes but you do realize that having sexual pictures of children is a crime? Exploiting children is harming them. It would be different if you were talking about being gay. No child is harmed in that scenario.
Yeah I already told him that, it doesn't matter. I also reported it.

You should have let him keep talking.

Every 14 year old that happens to scan this site will check out his profile based on that comment. It's best to get it removed if you can.

Though that won't happen..
Nope.. Don't think anyone is saying that. But at the OTHER extreme, this thread is about an OP ED advocating that "pristine pedos" should be able to declare as an orientation and FREELY transverse society as a KNOWN (self-declared) Pedo.. Can't refuse to hire them at the Magic Kingdom or a day-care.. According to this idiot -- they need to FLAUNT their "affliction" for everyone without any societal stigma or penalties.

That's the ENTIRE POINT of anti-discrimination laws. If you don't like the laws, then repeal anti-discrimination laws. You think Christian bakers like baking "wedding" cakes for homosexuals?
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Are you comfortable saying you have no doubt these pictures will keep peds from attacking a child? I'm not.
People go to jail for committing crimes not for thinking about committing crimes. Are you saying some people should go to jail simply because they were born a way you don't approve of, even if they have, as of yet, never harmed anyone?

Nope.. Don't think anyone is saying that. But at the OTHER extreme, this thread is about an OP ED advocating that "pristine pedos" should be able to declare as an orientation and FREELY transverse society as a KNOWN (self-declared) Pedo.. Can't refuse to hire them at the Magic Kingdom or a day-care.. According to this idiot -- they need to FLAUNT their "affliction" for everyone without any societal stigma or penalties.
I don't see anything in the article about anyone flaunting anything. It simply says that people should not be discriminated against simply for being born with the predilection of wanting to have sex with children if they have the character to not pursue such desires. And that the law needs to be adjusted so these individuals can confess their desires without fear of imprisonment for the purpose of receiving medical aid/psychological aid for their disease without fear of loosing their jobs or being ostracized for it.
You can't blame a person who is attracted to children any more than you can blame a person for being attracted to the same sex. In either case it isn't their fault they were born that way.

You can only blame them for the actions they actually take.

What harm does an adult male do to anyone who masterbates to pictures of children but does not actually pursue, sexually, any child?
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Hogwash. Porn does NOT *prevent* people from committing sex crimes.

In fact, it's a crime to use children to create porn, dumbass.
Tell that to Sears and JCPenney

So you claim methadone doesn't prevent meth addicts from re-offending?

Nothing is 100%, I never claimed 100% of the time anything is vs anything.

Should we criminalized a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with kids?

Let me ask another way.

Do you see any problem with criminalizing a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with the same sex?

What's the difference? They are both born that way.

Nobody is born a depraved piece of shit.

You guys are created and nurtured.
"You guys" You aren't talking about me.
Define piece of shit.
Is it just someone who has sex with children or is it someone who sticks it up guys asses and goes around and flaunts the fact that he's a flaming homo?

Where do you draw a line showing where the shit lies and the none shit lies? And why do you get to be the one to draw it?

Are you saying homosexuals aren't perverted deviants of nature because they were born that way but Pedophiles are?
You don't get imprisoned for admitting you like to look at underaged kids and imagine having sex with them, or you wouldn't be posting here.

The whole *movement* is about making it legally A-OK to have sex with kids. You're busted, loser.
It does a lot of harm. Depending on the pictures you are speaking about, they create a demand that exploits children.
no their pedophilia created the demand, the pictures helped them control their urges much like methadone does to meth addicts.

Hogwash. Porn does NOT *prevent* people from committing sex crimes.

In fact, it's a crime to use children to create porn, dumbass.
Tell that to Sears and JCPenney

So you claim methadone doesn't prevent meth addicts from re-offending?

Nothing is 100%, I never claimed 100% of the time anything is vs anything.

Should we criminalized a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with kids?

Let me ask another way.

Do you see any problem with criminalizing a person because he has a genetic disorder or defect that makes him want to have sex with the same sex?

What's the difference? They are both born that way.

Nobody is born a depraved piece of shit.

You guys are created and nurtured.
"You guys" You aren't talking about me.
Define piece of shit.
Is it just someone who has sex with children or is it someone who sticks it up guys asses and goes around and flaunts the fake he's a flaming homo?

Where do you draw a line showing where the shit lies and the none shit lies? And why do you get to be the one to draw it?

I know who I'm talking about, and so do you.
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