Pelosi and Democrates 2nd Stimulous Packagel

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Gold Member
Jul 25, 2020
A Democrate xcongressman just said that the Cornavirus 2 nd stimulos Package was holdup by Mark Meadows, in June of 2020 Because it did not meet the 3 trillion dollars Democrates wanted to spend of my money because it did not contain relief for Hurican Laura that occurred in August of 2020. NOW America tell me who is a liar and who is NOT even CNN dose better than that?
The Dems want a bailout of the states and cities to the tune of almost 1 trillion dollars. The GOP offered $150 billion, which frankly is more than I'd like to give them. And the Dems also want to eliminate the SALT deduction limit, which has jackshit to do with COVID19. There's gonna be a whole lot of pissed off Righties if the GOP caves on this. IMHO it could be perhaps the one thing that costs them the House, Senate and WH in November, although I think Trump would veto it.
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