Pelosi Creates Yet Another Impeachment Scam

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Read much more at.
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

If the Democrats didn’t have scams, they’d have nothing at all. – Lindsey Graham actually did something productive last week, and it deserves mentioning here. Despite the fact that there is literally zero chance that the resolution he introduced last Thursday condemning the sham fake impeachment process being run in the House right now could ever obtain the 60 votes needed for cloture, Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.

This effort by Graham produced two excellent results. First, it outed three GOP RINOs as being so disloyal that they can’t even vote to condemn the obviously anti-American, Soviet-style process being run in the basement of the Capitol building by Schiff and his gang of thugs. Those three senators are Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and of course, Mitt Romney, the Murderers Row of Senate RINOs. It would be sad if it weren’t so tiresome and predictable. Alaska, Maine and Utah voters: What in the hell are you thinking?

The second excellent result produced by Graham’s resolution is that it put pressure on Pelosi to do something to anoint her sham process with some imprimatur of legitimacy. The obvious way to do that would be to hold a vote of the full House on a resolution to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry, a step that has been taken in every previous impeachment process in American history. Initial reports from our fake news media Monday morning indicated Pelosi would be doing exactly that. Silly us for believing anything our fake news media says anymore.

Those reports were, of course, completely false. Pelosi can’t hold a vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry for the simple fact that she still does not have enough members of her pathetic caucus willing to support such a resolution. She still has 35-40 Democrats who were elected in GOP-majority districts in 2018, and all of them know they will be signing their re-election chances away if they vote to authorize a formal, actual impeachment inquiry.

But that’s not the only problem Pelosi and Schiff have here. They also know that a vote to begin a real, formal impeachment inquiry would result in GOP house members on the relevant committees having the same powers to subpoena and question witnesses that the Democrats have under the current Soviet inquisition. Even worse, the Trump Administration would also then have similar rights and powers.

In other words, a formal impeachment inquiry would function in the way the American system of justice is supposed to function under our Constitutional Republican form of government, and we all know the Democrats can’t have that.


Took the article from Conservative Treehouse concerning this and boiled it down to its most essential components:

On Thursday, Pelosi is bringing to the floor a resolution that is not an “impeachment resolution” but a resolution to support the already existing”impeachment inquiry.”

Pelosi is very purposefully and carefully telling reporters this is not a “House Resolution on Impeachment” vote because if she held a vote on an impeachment resolution the minority and Executive branch would gain rights therein.

The Lawfare advisory and rules committee is handling the construct of the “Official House Inquiry” on impeachment. Pelosi is holding a vote, a resolution, to affirm her previous declaration of a House “inquiry.”

This is a House vote to show support for Pelosi’s previous DICTATOR LIKE,, unilateral decree. Right now the rules committee is adding language to the resolution that will provide additional one-sided support for a completely partisan process.
Read much more at.
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

If the Democrats didn’t have scams, they’d have nothing at all. – Lindsey Graham actually did something productive last week, and it deserves mentioning here. Despite the fact that there is literally zero chance that the resolution he introduced last Thursday condemning the sham fake impeachment process being run in the House right now could ever obtain the 60 votes needed for cloture, Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.

This effort by Graham produced two excellent results. First, it outed three GOP RINOs as being so disloyal that they can’t even vote to condemn the obviously anti-American, Soviet-style process being run in the basement of the Capitol building by Schiff and his gang of thugs. Those three senators are Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and of course, Mitt Romney, the Murderers Row of Senate RINOs. It would be sad if it weren’t so tiresome and predictable. Alaska, Maine and Utah voters: What in the hell are you thinking?

The second excellent result produced by Graham’s resolution is that it put pressure on Pelosi to do something to anoint her sham process with some imprimatur of legitimacy. The obvious way to do that would be to hold a vote of the full House on a resolution to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry, a step that has been taken in every previous impeachment process in American history. Initial reports from our fake news media Monday morning indicated Pelosi would be doing exactly that. Silly us for believing anything our fake news media says anymore.

Those reports were, of course, completely false. Pelosi can’t hold a vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry for the simple fact that she still does not have enough members of her pathetic caucus willing to support such a resolution. She still has 35-40 Democrats who were elected in GOP-majority districts in 2018, and all of them know they will be signing their re-election chances away if they vote to authorize a formal, actual impeachment inquiry.

But that’s not the only problem Pelosi and Schiff have here. They also know that a vote to begin a real, formal impeachment inquiry would result in GOP house members on the relevant committees having the same powers to subpoena and question witnesses that the Democrats have under the current Soviet inquisition. Even worse, the Trump Administration would also then have similar rights and powers.

In other words, a formal impeachment inquiry would function in the way the American system of justice is supposed to function under our Constitutional Republican form of government, and we all know the Democrats can’t have that.


Took the article from Conservative Treehouse concerning this and boiled it down to its most essential components:

On Thursday, Pelosi is bringing to the floor a resolution that is not an “impeachment resolution” but a resolution to support the already existing”impeachment inquiry.”

Pelosi is very purposefully and carefully telling reporters this is not a “House Resolution on Impeachment” vote because if she held a vote on an impeachment resolution the minority and Executive branch would gain rights therein.

The Lawfare advisory and rules committee is handling the construct of the “Official House Inquiry” on impeachment. Pelosi is holding a vote, a resolution, to affirm her previous declaration of a House “inquiry.”

This is a House vote to show support for Pelosi’s previous DICTATOR LIKE,, unilateral decree. Right now the rules committee is adding language to the resolution that will provide additional one-sided support for a completely partisan process.
Indeed, if the Democrats didn’t have scams, they’d have nothing at all, and in this instant-info world they've no where to hide that. Their secretive, un-American, hyper-partisan witch-hunt has done them more harm than it has Trump.

Meanwhile their congressional Dem colleague Tulsi Gabbard criticized the "partisan" impeachment proceedings, saying "It needs to be a transparent process."

Tulsi Gabbard criticizes "partisan" impeachment inquiry: "It needs to be a transparent process"

Fat J-Nads and Adam Schiffty suddenly believe our DOJ has no biz investigating potential crimes. :lol:

Schiff, Nadler condemn elevating Durham’s Russia probe into criminal investigation
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Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.
Er.. um.. that's NOT productive since all it does is convince the public that no matter what evidence is presented the Senate Republicans won't consider it because they're more loyal to their party than their are to the Constitution.

In other words, they've demonstrated that they've made up their minds before any evidence has been presented which is EXACTLY what the Democrats did given that they've been convinced of Donny's guilt regardless of the fact that the evidence presented (so far) has been weak or non-existent.
Read much more at.
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

If the Democrats didn’t have scams, they’d have nothing at all. – Lindsey Graham actually did something productive last week, and it deserves mentioning here. Despite the fact that there is literally zero chance that the resolution he introduced last Thursday condemning the sham fake impeachment process being run in the House right now could ever obtain the 60 votes needed for cloture, Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.

This effort by Graham produced two excellent results. First, it outed three GOP RINOs as being so disloyal that they can’t even vote to condemn the obviously anti-American, Soviet-style process being run in the basement of the Capitol building by Schiff and his gang of thugs. Those three senators are Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and of course, Mitt Romney, the Murderers Row of Senate RINOs. It would be sad if it weren’t so tiresome and predictable. Alaska, Maine and Utah voters: What in the hell are you thinking?

The second excellent result produced by Graham’s resolution is that it put pressure on Pelosi to do something to anoint her sham process with some imprimatur of legitimacy. The obvious way to do that would be to hold a vote of the full House on a resolution to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry, a step that has been taken in every previous impeachment process in American history. Initial reports from our fake news media Monday morning indicated Pelosi would be doing exactly that. Silly us for believing anything our fake news media says anymore.

Those reports were, of course, completely false. Pelosi can’t hold a vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry for the simple fact that she still does not have enough members of her pathetic caucus willing to support such a resolution. She still has 35-40 Democrats who were elected in GOP-majority districts in 2018, and all of them know they will be signing their re-election chances away if they vote to authorize a formal, actual impeachment inquiry.

But that’s not the only problem Pelosi and Schiff have here. They also know that a vote to begin a real, formal impeachment inquiry would result in GOP house members on the relevant committees having the same powers to subpoena and question witnesses that the Democrats have under the current Soviet inquisition. Even worse, the Trump Administration would also then have similar rights and powers.

In other words, a formal impeachment inquiry would function in the way the American system of justice is supposed to function under our Constitutional Republican form of government, and we all know the Democrats can’t have that.


Took the article from Conservative Treehouse concerning this and boiled it down to its most essential components:

On Thursday, Pelosi is bringing to the floor a resolution that is not an “impeachment resolution” but a resolution to support the already existing”impeachment inquiry.”

Pelosi is very purposefully and carefully telling reporters this is not a “House Resolution on Impeachment” vote because if she held a vote on an impeachment resolution the minority and Executive branch would gain rights therein.

The Lawfare advisory and rules committee is handling the construct of the “Official House Inquiry” on impeachment. Pelosi is holding a vote, a resolution, to affirm her previous declaration of a House “inquiry.”

This is a House vote to show support for Pelosi’s previous DICTATOR LIKE,, unilateral decree. Right now the rules committee is adding language to the resolution that will provide additional one-sided support for a completely partisan process.
Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.
Er.. um.. that's NOT productive since all it does is convince the public that no matter what evidence is presented the Senate Republicans won't consider it because they're more loyal to their party than their are to the Constitution.

In other words, they've demonstrated that they've made up their minds before any evidence has been presented which is EXACTLY what the Democrats did given that they've been convinced of Donny's guilt regardless of the fact that the evidence presented (so far) has been weak or non-existent.
Actually, the 50 who voted with Senator Graham reflect a whole-hearted respect for President Trump for living through the fire of misplaced hatred on the part of the leftist character assassinations of anybody who doesn't acquiesce to their quest to turn America into a communist country based on their thinking that American voters aren't too bright. Republicans generally respect the rule of law, and the Democrats can't stand virtue and goodness at all.

I'd say your analysis is slightly biased, NightFox. The Senate historically looks out for the best interests of the American people, and they don't let celebrity irresponsibility guide their votes.

I bless those who reject the faux impeachment. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerrold Nadler have severely underestimated the misery they have inflicted on the silent majority American public.
Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.
Er.. um.. that's NOT productive since all it does is convince the public that no matter what evidence is presented the Senate Republicans won't consider it because they're more loyal to their party than their are to the Constitution.

In other words, they've demonstrated that they've made up their minds before any evidence has been presented which is EXACTLY what the Democrats did given that they've been convinced of Donny's guilt regardless of the fact that the evidence presented (so far) has been weak or non-existent.
Actually, the 50 who voted with Senator Graham reflect a whole-hearted respect for President Trump for living through the fire of misplaced hatred on the part of the leftist
What the hell does "respect for President Trump for living through the fire of misplaced hatred on the part of the leftist" have to do with the fact that Senate Republicans have already in effect dismissed the case before any EVIDENCE has been presented? They're just as bad as the douche bag Democrats that had already convicted Donny before the investigation started.

I'd say your analysis is slightly biased, NightFox.
No it isn't slightly biased, it's heavily biased by the fact that I detest both of the major political parties equally and do not trust a fucking word that comes out their mouths until it's been independently verified by at least 4 objective sources.
Read much more at.
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

If the Democrats didn’t have scams, they’d have nothing at all. – Lindsey Graham actually did something productive last week, and it deserves mentioning here. Despite the fact that there is literally zero chance that the resolution he introduced last Thursday condemning the sham fake impeachment process being run in the House right now could ever obtain the 60 votes needed for cloture, Graham’s ability to convince 50 of the 53 Senate Republicans to sign onto the resolution as sponsors demonstrated the resolve of the Senate majority to oppose any product from the current House process.

This effort by Graham produced two excellent results. First, it outed three GOP RINOs as being so disloyal that they can’t even vote to condemn the obviously anti-American, Soviet-style process being run in the basement of the Capitol building by Schiff and his gang of thugs. Those three senators are Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and of course, Mitt Romney, the Murderers Row of Senate RINOs. It would be sad if it weren’t so tiresome and predictable. Alaska, Maine and Utah voters: What in the hell are you thinking?

The second excellent result produced by Graham’s resolution is that it put pressure on Pelosi to do something to anoint her sham process with some imprimatur of legitimacy. The obvious way to do that would be to hold a vote of the full House on a resolution to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry, a step that has been taken in every previous impeachment process in American history. Initial reports from our fake news media Monday morning indicated Pelosi would be doing exactly that. Silly us for believing anything our fake news media says anymore.

Those reports were, of course, completely false. Pelosi can’t hold a vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry for the simple fact that she still does not have enough members of her pathetic caucus willing to support such a resolution. She still has 35-40 Democrats who were elected in GOP-majority districts in 2018, and all of them know they will be signing their re-election chances away if they vote to authorize a formal, actual impeachment inquiry.

But that’s not the only problem Pelosi and Schiff have here. They also know that a vote to begin a real, formal impeachment inquiry would result in GOP house members on the relevant committees having the same powers to subpoena and question witnesses that the Democrats have under the current Soviet inquisition. Even worse, the Trump Administration would also then have similar rights and powers.

In other words, a formal impeachment inquiry would function in the way the American system of justice is supposed to function under our Constitutional Republican form of government, and we all know the Democrats can’t have that.


Took the article from Conservative Treehouse concerning this and boiled it down to its most essential components:

On Thursday, Pelosi is bringing to the floor a resolution that is not an “impeachment resolution” but a resolution to support the already existing”impeachment inquiry.”

Pelosi is very purposefully and carefully telling reporters this is not a “House Resolution on Impeachment” vote because if she held a vote on an impeachment resolution the minority and Executive branch would gain rights therein.

The Lawfare advisory and rules committee is handling the construct of the “Official House Inquiry” on impeachment. Pelosi is holding a vote, a resolution, to affirm her previous declaration of a House “inquiry.”

This is a House vote to show support for Pelosi’s previous DICTATOR LIKE,, unilateral decree. Right now the rules committee is adding language to the resolution that will provide additional one-sided support for a completely partisan process.
Well YOU USUALLY turn out to be our laughing stock for the day!

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