Pelosi Daughter's 'Welfare Queens' Video...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
An Entitlement/Moocher State. That's what we've become unfortunately. I know some parts of this vid are rough. She is very annoying. She loves to hear herself speak. It runs in the family i guess. lol! But the video is pretty interesting, so hang in there.

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The left will never acknowledge this. I have posted it for a couple of days - crickets...crickets...crickets...
Oh my, people getting food stamps who dont grovel and act like saints.

Gee I thought they were all saints.

I am far more concerned about the corporations getting billions of tax payer dollars than I worry about some butt head getting some milk and cheese because hes so disfuntional he cant get a job.
Oh my, people getting food stamps who dont grovel and act like saints.

Gee I thought they were all saints.

I am far more concerned about the corporations getting billions of tax payer dollars than I worry about some butt head getting some milk and cheese because hes so disfuntional he cant get a job.

I'm concerned about both. You should be too.
Nope, people dont need assitance because they are saints.

they often need it because the have problems.

The CEOS dont need a fucking dime of our tax payer dollars
Nope, people dont need assitance because they are saints.

they often need it because the have problems.

The CEOS dont need a fucking dime of our tax payer dollars

Yet you come here daily, boasting about GM's Corporate Welfare. You're still a bit confused. But one day you'll get it.
The left will never acknowledge this. I have posted it for a couple of days - crickets...crickets...crickets...

God damn, you're stupid.

It was on Bill fucking Maher's show.

Show me where you've been posting it for days. It aired on Friday evening, and you've not posted one god damn thing about it except in this thread, as far as I can see from your latest posts since late 16th.
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The left will never acknowledge this. I have posted it for a couple of days - crickets...crickets...crickets...

God damn, you're stupid.

It was on Bill fucking Maher's show.

Show me where you've been posting it for days. It aired on Friday evening, and you've not posted one god damn thing about it except in this thread.

and a liar.

people posted this yesterday and everyone was talking on the thread
Gee imagine that people who need assitance are sometimes not too bright or not too functional?

what a fucking revelation
They openly believe we owe them reparations.

So who exactly is "they" narrowed down to? The people that believe that? Cause yeah, the fucking people that believe that fucking believe that. I'm sure a boatload of welfare queens do as well...

Or is it black people in general you're talking about, my friend.

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