Pelosi defies her bishop RE Murder in the Womb

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Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I got this info from the Southern Nebraska Register, Oct 1, 2021

Pelosi says that God gives people free will so the gummit (my word) shouldn't keep a woman from getting an abortion.

Wow... sounds like a legitimate excuse

until you realiize what she is really saying

For one thing, I think we can all agree that only GOD has a right to absolute free will? If you don't agree w/ that, then this topic is not for you IMO

On the lesss "religious" aspect of the issue here is:

Using this argument (so called) would of logical, consistent necessity mean you would have to validate the killing all adults who get in your way also...

The Left are all up in arms all the time in every way.. against "discrimination" in every form, untl it involves discrimination against the unborn whom they despise.

This part of the article made me chuckle

Her bishop, Cordileone wrote to members of Congress asking them to exercise their free will and vote against "Women's health Protection Act, passsed by the House but not likely to even get a vote in the Senate

yay, Senate..
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