Pelosi Demands Trump Take Down 9-11 Video


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified


Pelosi Makes New Demand Of Trump Following Omar 9/11 Video
well maybe some people will do something and take theirs down.
well maybe some people will do something and take theirs down.
Pelosi think she’s a fking god? Does she even know what country she lives in? I know seeing Omar she forgets
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well maybe some people will do something and take theirs down.
Peloton think she’s a fking god? Does she even know what country she lives in? I know seeing Omar she forgets
she's just fuckin nuts. the republicans are not doing much right now but they don't really have to. the left is tearing itself apart.
This is good

And this-

One tweet from Imam Tawhidi managed to influence the United States media for 3 days straight, retweeted by hundreds of US politicians, thousands of verified accounts & exposed Ilhan Omar on a front cover. This is exactly why the mainstream media hates me.

I’ve always liked this guy. He gives me hope for reform.
When you see a woman who is nearing 80 years old with a large family out west staying in D.C. then that tells you she is a miserabe (miserable person). She was corrupted when JFK took office. Power and money is an aphrodesiac. Miserabes come in all flavors and economic classes. Hers is easy to determine.

Apr 12

The Washington Post “Fact” “Checker” claims that I “clipped Ilhan Omar’s video, then took it out of context.” They played the clipped version, and a longer clipped version, and guess what? They proved my point once again. It wasn’t taken out of context.


Holocaust: Never forget
Slavery: Never forget
Colonialism: Never forget
The friggin Crusades: Never forget
9/11: Get over it already
When you see a woman who is nearing 80 years old with a large family out west staying in D.C. then that tells you she is a miserabe (miserable person). She was corrupted when JFK took office. Power and money is an aphrodesiac. Miserabes come in all flavors and economic classes. Hers is easy to determine.

Yes, but hubby has got to be one happy camper.
9/11 shall never be forgotten. Pelosi is scared. That is all there is to it.
Pelosi is completely broken, she has surrendered and is now just a lackey for the radical Left. When AOC says jump, she jumps.
I DEMAND Pelosi expel Omar from Congress immediately!

The Islamist Anti-Semite Ilhan Omar has NO business being in Congress or even America for that matter!

It's CLEAR her loyalties lie with Allah & NOT America!

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