Pelosi holds super-spreader event on House floor

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Given what we've heard, this could wipe out a substantial portion of the House Democrat caucus.


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) presided over a chaotic swearing-in ceremony Sunday that did not follow the recommended guidelines for curbing the spread of the coronavirus.

Attendees of the freshman swearing-in ceremony appeared to abandon all social distancing requirements and frequently spoke in close quarters without masks, according to journalists present for the event and footage of the swearing-in posted to social media.

Pelosi is already under scrutiny for demanding that Democrats return to Washington, D.C., to cast their ballot to re-elect her as Speaker despite coronavirus-related lockdowns still in effect across the country and a rising infection rate. Democrats had previously approved a “proxy voting” scheme to allow Members to work from home, but only in-person votes count in the leadership election.

As the Daily Wire reported earlier on Monday, Pelosi is also facing questions as to why she allowed a Member of Congress who recently tested positive for COVID-19 to vote in person this weekend, and over her decision to have a plexiglass partition erected overnight so that Democrats who may have been exposed to the virus could still vote. Republicans say they were not notified about either the partition or the possibility that Members who had been exposed to the coronavirus would be allowed to attend the vote.

The swearing-in ceremony adds a new element of concern, particularly given that, in her remarks, Pelosi stressed that Congress would be primarily concerned with the “unprecedented national crisis,” COVID-19. She said later that the new class’s “most urgent priority will continue to be defeating the coronavirus.”

Video of the event from C-SPAN “shows hundreds of lawmakers wandering around the chamber speaking with each other in close contact and shaking hands,” Fox News reports.

C-SPAN’s Craig Caplan posted the video to social media, clearly alarmed at how Members of Congress were flouting COVID-19 precautions.

A New York Times reporter expressed clear dismay at the lack of social distancing.

Pelosi just officially won the 'TOP COVID-19 HYPOCRITE' Award, proving keeping power is more important to her than saving / risking American lives from the virus.
I wonder how many Congresspeople decline to be vaccinated.

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