Pelosi on Dems Calling for Her Replacement: Its Not Up to Them

WHEN will democrats realize that their party is about ONE THING: a small cadre of rich elitists in San Fransisco, DC and NYC, not about you or the poor or anything else. Those calling for Nancy's removal are looking for the good of their party as an agent of change along an idealistic baseline. But Nancy will stay because she is necessary for the SF Elite to retain their control of the party. They are not acting out of any ideal, but rather something very basic: wealth and power.
I don't think the party's problems have anything to do with this politician, or that politician, or some group of politicians.

The problem is on the street level, it's what regular Americans see and hear every fucking day, non stop. The party has been taken over by nasty, narcissistic, hateful mutants who scream "racist" and "homophobe" and "Islamophobe" at the drop of a hat (in or out of context), who enable "safe spaces" and the destruction of freedom of expression on our campuses; who attack Christians with great anger and then spin like tops after jihadist atrocities, who attack people who succeed, who celebrate criminals and insult cops, who talk about the Constitution being written by rich white slave rapists, who clearly hate this country's history and traditions.

They're LOUD, they're in your face, and they're everywhere, from the office to the stage to the newscast to the coffee shop (to the message board), telling anyone who dares to disagree with them that they're stupid hayseed flyover rubes, as if that's going change someone's mind.

And then, the people who are SICK of it keep their mouths shut until they VOTE.

THAT'S the fucking problem.

The politicians do nothing to stop it, because they want to keep their jobs, true, but they're just out front. Pelosi? Who cares.
i do believe pelosi and her type feed off that. conservatives react, liberals go A HA and here we are. we allow different sets of rules for different people and then attempt to justify why vs. enforce the same standards for all.

so we do agree but to force a change in all this you have to remove the leadership that endorses it directly or indirectly. she's one that needs to go.
Well, I don't know how doing it would change the behaviors of the regressives - particularly when she'd almost certainly be replaced by one of them. But there could be a chance, I guess, that some kind of shakeup might open some eyes.

Pretty doubtful about that, though.

i'd agree there unfortunately. but like all the crime going on in politics right now - won't change til you start arresting some of them for the crimes and stop justifying them with a childlike "but look what xyz did" which has been escalating what we let them get away with.

put some bite into the laws, stop pandering to people who cry about it, and make a few arrests.
I'm going to sniff around, but I don't think I've seen who they have in mind to replace her, or what KIND of Democrat they see as an improvement.

A clear-thinking, pragmatic, traditional liberal would be great to see, but if they put some firebrand regressive in there.....
this dude hugely cracked me up last night on Tucker defending Pelosi. folks the dems are a fking lost bunch of people.

you can't make this shit up.
. They're recruiting new blood, new candidates across the country to become new Democrats he says ?? To bad the indoctrination factories aren't pumping them out fast enough. I guess when trying to recruit from the third grade level, it's taking alot longer than these crazies planned on. LOL. Otherwise they won't see the change they want in their lifetimes, and thank God for that. They peaked in their idiocy under Obama, Pelosi, and others, and now they are in damage control or on the defense constantly. They're idiocy has pushed them back to the stone ages. The conservatives just better capitalize on it by draining the education swamps, the Hollywood swamps, the MSM swamps or it will soon be at their children's doorsteps again.

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