Pelosi pours gas on the fire by launching another impeachment of Trump.

Because Republicans know Trumpism has hurt them, and most of them hated being under constant threat of Trump's Wrath if they didn't walk his line.

There are TDS Republicans like Cheney, but the smart ones see where their constituency is heading. Look for her to be primaried out next election. Trump had support of the Republican constituency to beat Hillary, and he gained 12 million more against Creepy Joe. If the Republicans want to go against us, it would mean the end of the party, and they know it.

You can stop Trump (for now) but you're not going to stop us.
Trump's speech was "mexico isnt sending their best", which establishes that mexico is sending their people, their rapists, their criminals.

Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if
(1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,
(2) is likely to incite or produce such action
This was established in Brandenburg v. Ohio, which created a legal standard called "imminent lawless action"

That's the point. His speech didn't incite anything but protests. It's the morons in the protest that decided to riot on their own. Trump had nothing to do with that. It's all a leftist lie. Maybe you can call Alan Dershowitz and debate him on the matter, because even he said the language used by Trump does not meet the legal standard of inciting violence. Words mean things. It's not up to leftists to decide what somebody meant like they did in the first phony impeachment, and expect that their interpretation be held as Gospel.

Trump did not incite violence. This is inciting violence.

Unsurprisingly, this turns out to be false.
Really ?
Which part ?
U.S. Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) walks with 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl of CBS News in a hallway at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 8, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

U.S. Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) walks with 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl of CBS News in a hallway at the U.S. Capitol Jan. 8, 2021 in Washington, D.C. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
SOURCE: Alex Wong
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Democrats laid plans Friday for impeaching President Donald Trump, even as he's headed out of the White House, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she had spoken to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff about preventing an “unhinged” Trump from ordering a nuclear strike in his final days.
Pelosi and the Democrats are considering swift impeachment — beginning Monday — after the deadly siege of the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob that shocked the nation and the world.

Pelosi is threatening to impeach Trump if he doesn't resign "immediately," news outlets reported.
“We must take action," Pelosi declared on a private conference call with Democrats. She later noted to Democrats that they should be prepared to return to Washington "this week."
She said she had also spoken with Gen. Mark Milley “to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes" for nuclear war. She said Milley assured her longstanding safeguards are in place.
The president has sole authority to order the launch of a nuclear weapon, but a military commander could refuse the order if it were determined to be illegal. Trump has not publicly made such threats, but some lawmakers are sounding alarms that he could do great damage on military or other issues on his way out.
The attack on the Capitol left five dead, including a protester and a police officer. Trump is to leave office Jan. 20 when Democrat Joe Biden is sworn in, and he has said he will not attend the inauguration.
“This unhinged president could not be more dangerous," Pelosi said of the current situation.
Trump's speech was "mexico isnt sending their best", which establishes that mexico is sending their people, their rapists, their criminals.

Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if
(1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,
(2) is likely to incite or produce such action
This was established in Brandenburg v. Ohio, which created a legal standard called "imminent lawless action"

That's the point. His speech didn't incite anything but protests. It's the morons in the protest that decided to riot on their own. Trump had nothing to do with that. It's all a leftist lie. Maybe you can call Alan Dershowitz and debate him on the matter, because even he said the language used by Trump does not meet the legal standard of inciting violence. Words mean things. It's not up to leftists to decide what somebody meant like they did in the first phony impeachment, and expect that their interpretation be held as Gospel.

Trump did not incite violence. This is inciting violence.

He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen.

He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen.

He knew that how? Did he interview each person going there? He never hinted at anything. More left-wing lies as usual.

Always with the blame switch with you guys. It's not the rioters fault they stormed the Capital, it's Trump's fault they did. It's not China's fault so many Americans died from the Wuhan flu, it's Trump's fault. It's not California's fault they didn't clean up dead wood that fueled their forest fires, that was Trump's fault because he created climate change. It's not the person who shot the victim that's at fault, it's the guns fault. It's not the Democrat rioters fault they burned down businesses, looted them, destroyed public property in Democrat cities across the entire country, that was Trump's fault for promoting racism even though Trump never said a racist thing in his life. Russia interfered in our elections and even stole emails from the DNC under President Obama, but that wasn't Obama's fault, it was citizen Trump's fault.

But it's not evident that leftists are born liars. :rolleyes:
Last edited:
Because Republicans know Trumpism has hurt them, and most of them hated being under constant threat of Trump's Wrath if they didn't walk his line.

There are TDS Republicans like Cheney, but the smart ones see where their constituency is heading. Look for her to be primaried out next election. Trump had support of the Republican constituency to beat Hillary, and he gained 12 million more against Creepy Joe. If the Republicans want to go against us, it would mean the end of the party, and they know it.

You can stop Trump (for now) but you're not going to stop us.
You are 39% of Republicans, which is a good chunk, that are Trumpets, but the other 60% would give her a shot.

Is America and your life any better due to Trump? Did you get all that you wanted for yourself and our Nation as you planned?

I do predict she will be Speaker some day if Republicans ever get the House....before she takes a shot at being a Senator...

I don't agree with her politically, on anything, but I can spot an up and coming leader....
Trump's speech was "mexico isnt sending their best", which establishes that mexico is sending their people, their rapists, their criminals.

Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if
(1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,
(2) is likely to incite or produce such action
This was established in Brandenburg v. Ohio, which created a legal standard called "imminent lawless action"

That's the point. His speech didn't incite anything but protests. It's the morons in the protest that decided to riot on their own. Trump had nothing to do with that. It's all a leftist lie. Maybe you can call Alan Dershowitz and debate him on the matter, because even he said the language used by Trump does not meet the legal standard of inciting violence. Words mean things. It's not up to leftists to decide what somebody meant like they did in the first phony impeachment, and expect that their interpretation be held as Gospel.

Trump did not incite violence. This is inciting violence.

He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen.

BBC spin......
Trump's speech was "mexico isnt sending their best", which establishes that mexico is sending their people, their rapists, their criminals.

Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if
(1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action,
(2) is likely to incite or produce such action
This was established in Brandenburg v. Ohio, which created a legal standard called "imminent lawless action"

That's the point. His speech didn't incite anything but protests. It's the morons in the protest that decided to riot on their own. Trump had nothing to do with that. It's all a leftist lie. Maybe you can call Alan Dershowitz and debate him on the matter, because even he said the language used by Trump does not meet the legal standard of inciting violence. Words mean things. It's not up to leftists to decide what somebody meant like they did in the first phony impeachment, and expect that their interpretation be held as Gospel.

Trump did not incite violence. This is inciting violence.

He clearly knew there were people in that crowd who were ready to and intended to be violent, and he certainly did nothing to discourage that. He not only did nothing to discourage it, he strongly hinted it should happen.

You know damn well that if the Deplorables were real. Really real, that all of these entertainers/media/ politicians families would be dead by now. Deservingly so.
I don't care for this impeachment business, I'm more interested in getting my congressman Andy Biggs out of office.

Most people don't like impeachment and surveys show that. It's why Democrats lost House seats. But Democrats are power hungry politicians and don't learn from their mistakes.
You are 39% of Republicans, which is a good chunk, that are Trumpets, but the other 60% would give her a shot.

Is America and your life any better due to Trump? Did you get all that you wanted for yourself and our Nation as you planned?

I do predict she will be Speaker some day if Republicans ever get the House....before she takes a shot at being a Senator...

I don't agree with her politically, on anything, but I can spot an up and coming leader....

She has no shot whatsoever. I think all the Republicans who turned their back on Trump better watch out.

Before the virus hit, yes, I got what I wanted for my country. Thanks to Trump, we had the best economy in 50 years. We had over 1.5 million more jobs than Americans who could possible do them, and I've never seen that in my life. Even minorities understood how well they did under Trump. Women and minorities had the lowest unemployment rates since they started keeping statistics. His illegal immigration polices worked wonders; a 75% reduction in border crossings from May of 2019 to the end of the year. Multiple new stock market record highs, a new high in median household income. He got shrimp in North Korea to stop firing missiles. He got our troops out of endless wars. He rebuilt our military DumBama allowed to dwindle. He has nearly 500 miles of replacement or new walls on our southern border. The removal of Commie Care fines that saved Americans billions of dollars paid by those who least have it to give. Tax cuts for most Americans. Trump is the best President we've had since Ronald Reagan. Even with the virus, we had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries, Trump signed a contract with Moderna guaranteeing us the first 100 million doses of the vaccine, with a rider that guarantees us the next 500 million if needed so we Americans came first, and those vaccines are being administered to Americans as we type.

To think, Trump did all these positive things in under 4 years, while incompetent Joe spent nearly 50 years in federal leadership and accomplished nothing. And that's who's going to be running our country with an all Communist Congress. Do you want me to list what his plans are for comparison???
At 2:50 in the General says Special Forces entered the Capital Building along with Antifa and grabbed Pelosi's laptop, so the corrupt, incompetent, traitorous POS Pelosi is freaking out.

Apparently Rod Rosenstein had DEA agents hire 2 MS13 gang members to do the hit on Rich, supposed to be a mugging, it went bad and Rich was killed. The MS13 gang members fucked up so they were killed by government agents, allegedly.

Video not available. Who died to make it disappear?
There was nothing racist about Trump

We know, Ray. You're a racist and Trump never comes to the meetings... Whatever.

Trump never once used the word riot in his speech.

He didn't have to. He ranted at them for hours about how they needed to march on Congress to get them to throw out an election result.

Mitch is not going to proceed with a hearing on a fake impeachment before the 20th and rightfully so. When you conspire with Communists, that makes you a Communist yourself.

So what? If anything, the longer Trump delays, the worse it will be for him.

The idea is not to throw him out, it's to make sure he never runs again, and loses all the prestige we allot to former presidents, because he doesn't deserve them.
He didn't have to. He ranted at them for hours about how they needed to march on Congress to get them to throw out an election result.

So, where is the part where he asked or suggested violence?

So what? If anything, the longer Trump delays, the worse it will be for him.

The idea is not to throw him out, it's to make sure he never runs again, and loses all the prestige we allot to former presidents, because he doesn't deserve them.

Well correct, that's why they are doing it. It's the way Communists work. So they held an impeachment with no lawyers, no trial, no impeachable offense, and once again, no crimes committed. So why are these un-Americans doing all this? Fear, plain and simple.

This time next week, Trump will be a civilian again. It's my hope he sues Nazi Piglosi for more money than she ever had for the violations against his constitutional rights.
Well correct, that's why they are doing it. It's the way Communists work. So they held an impeachment with no lawyers, no trial, no impeachable offense, and once again, no crimes committed. So why are these un-Americans doing all this? Fear, plain and simple.

This time next week, Trump will be a civilian again. It's my hope he sues Nazi Piglosi for more money than she ever had for the violations against his constitutional rights.

yeah, I'm sure it will go as well as any of his other lawsuits...

Of course, when DeutschBank is thru with him, he won't have a pot to piss in.
yeah, I'm sure it will go as well as any of his other lawsuits...

Of course, when DeutschBank is thru with him, he won't have a pot to piss in.

Come on now. We all know how vindictive Trump can be with his enemies. Government taking legal action against another American for exercising his constitutional rights is a violation of his rights. I think part of the settlement should be Piglosi have to step down as Speaker.
Come on now. We all know how vindictive Trump can be with his enemies. Government taking legal action against another American for exercising his constitutional rights is a violation of his rights. I think part of the settlement should be Piglosi have to step down as Speaker.

Wow, this is like your fantasies about how Trump was going to win the election, aren't they?

The fact is, five minutes after he takes that last ride on Marine One, the GOP is going to cut ties with him so fast it won't even be funny.
Wow, this is like your fantasies about how Trump was going to win the election, aren't they?

The fact is, five minutes after he takes that last ride on Marine One, the GOP is going to cut ties with him so fast it won't even be funny.

Talk about a fantasy. Trump gained 12 million more followers since his first election. He originally won as a protest vote against the establishment and the RNC. As a representative, you stab Trump in the back, you're likely cutting of your own nose to spite your face. If the RNC had any smarts, they'd understand where their constituency is going with all this.

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