Pelosi Says She Will Impeach President Trump If He Doesn’t Resign “Immediately”

Pelosi needs to try rehab one more time
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

One or both of two things going on here.
1. Pelosi is a drunk and probably a drug addict too. My guess is pain killers.
2. Pelosi entertains her base knowing full well they're idiots & prey.
Excellent! I was worrying about the quorum issue, but hadn't looked it up. I wonder if the House has a similar quorum rule. Oh, yeah, they could finesse this and let a lot of people sit it out.
The Constitution requires that a quorum, defined as a majority of the House, be present on the floor when the House transacts business.

The democrats have 222 members, with a quorum of 218
Crucial info, leading me to feel confirmed in my belief that they do NOT plan to drag Trump out of the White House prematurely, but are getting things ready in case he.. .. gets frisky, and they decide to get rid of him at speed.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

Other 'candidates' could be Portman (OH), Collins (ME), Capito (WV), Cornyn (TX), all of whom have expressed alarm at Rump's behaviour, as well as, strange as it may seem now, some of the six Senators who actually voted to entertain the baseless objections AFTER and DESPITE the insurrection that was committed exactly for that purpose, since those infamous votes are going to follow them around like puppies that grow into great big snarling dogs in the hands of whoever runs against them next round. By the time the (SECOND) impeachment vote gets to the Senate some of these yahoos may have figured that out.

Those Six of Shame are:
  • Cruz (TX)
  • Hawley (MO)
  • Hyde-Smith (MS)
  • Kennedy (LA)
  • Marshall (KS)
  • Tuberville (AL)
Two of those (the last two) had been Senators for exactly THREE DAYS, which means their first official act after taking the Oath to uphold the Constitution, was to subvert it. That factoid will not be lost on either the primary or the general election opponents when they go begging to keep their job. Some of this gang may want to muddy the waters of their legacy here.

This page lists all the Congresscritters who voted to disenfranchise the voters of states they don't even live in. I can see that my own three-day-in-office "Rep" (it's in quotes because absolutely nothing about this creature represents me), who's a known Nazi, is on that list and he'll be hearing from me in no uncertain terms.
Great. Get Trump out of office ASAP. He's unfit for the job and is a danger to America.

Problem is, that's gonna happen unless he resigns. I am completely against this. It's a waste of time. The House will vote along party lines. You may get a few Republicans to vote with you but it won't be many. You need 2/3rds of the Senate to convict and remove. Unlike the House whose procedures can be sped along, there is due process in the Senate, where there is NO Republican that will to go down this road again. I really wish progressives could see the bigger picture here. You won. Trump handed you the victory. You have the House Republicans cucked for the moment running for cover. You have Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Josh Hawley who have just had their NUTS handed to them! You take back control of the Senate shortly. Trump is gone in 12 days. The Republicans just got done pissing away every gift they got on November 3rd. You have your boot on their throat. And you're poised to not only let them up, but give them new life in the process.

Trump is gone in 12 days. He's done. He ain't coming back. Wednesday was a sickening day. But the end result is that you just had a bunch of MAGA inbreds not only blow up Trump's future, but kneecap the Republican party. Stupid to risk giving that all back to make a point when it has NO chance of removing him from office. Pence and what's left of the cabinet will NOT invoke the 25th. Let it go. Focus on your upcoming agenda. Let the Republicans eat each other and run from Trump screaming like scalded dogs.
Don't be surprised about anything Trump may do. He can't be trusted and he isn't gone yet.
Don't be surprised when the american public supports Trump over our corrupt pos congress critters and their foreign overlords.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!

You are an idiot of the highest order. How many times are you going to repeat someone's opinions, that I have countered with facts?

The Democrats do not even have a tie 50-50 until Georgia certifies their election and they have until the 22nd to do so. First, it is highly unlikely he will be convicted. Second, if he is banned from holding office, the case will go to SCOTUS, who will rule that someone no longer in office cannot be impeached, much less banned from holding office again.

Now, you have some opinions supported by facts. Suck it up, buttercup!
If President Trump is in any way injured or worse in the leftist assault to remove him from The White House he will become a martyr of the sort only seen once before in human history.

Hey, it IS time we had a genuine "New Messiah".
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!

You are an idiot of the highest order. How many times are you going to repeat someone's opinions, that I have countered with facts?

The Democrats do not even have a tie 50-50 until Georgia certifies their election and they have until the 22nd to do so. First, it is highly unlikely he will be convicted. Second, if he is banned from holding office, the case will go to SCOTUS, who will rule that someone no longer in office cannot be impeached, much less banned from holding office again.

Now, you have some opinions supported by facts. Suck it up, buttercup!

You've given your opinion, but it has not countered anything. Majority Whip Clyburn says they may not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden's first 100 days in office. Trump impeachment: House may wait until after Biden's first 100 days to send articles to Senate - CNNPolitics That's three different links now showing this perfectly legal and can happen. All you have is your opinion that it can't, which at this point is getting weaker. Your original posts calling me various names claiming this was impossible now looks even more silly.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

It is growing more likely by the day that he will be convicted by the Senate. These are the Republican Senators lined up to convict Trump in the Senate even thought the articles of impeachment have not even been voted on in the House yet:

01. Mitt Romney
02. Lisa Murkowski
03. Ben Sasse
04. Pat Toomey

Other Republican Senators who will vote to convict:

05. Rob Portman
06. Susan Collins
07. Shelly Capito
08. John Cornyn

Now there are just 42 Republican Senators left and you just need 9 of them, to vote to convict Donald Trump. That is less than 25% of the remaining Republican Senators.

Two reasons enough Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump:

01. They do NOT want to be associated with the terrorist attack on the Capital Building that took place on January 6, 2021 that most Americans blame Trump for. To be associated with that attack in any way, or defending anyone associated with those actions is POLITICAL POISON!

02. Conviction in the Senate allows for there to be a second vote to disqualify Trump from ever holding elective office again. This is attractive to many Republicans because it opens up the nomination Process for President in the Republican Party for 2024 to many different potential candidates. Its a way of excising Trump from the Republican Party and allows the Republican Party to start rebuilding its shattered image it has now because of four years of Donald Trump. There are lots of interest in the Republican Party and among individuals including many Senators to convict Donald Trump and then vote to disqualify from ever holding elected office again.

Back to SCOTUS, none of the 9 members of SCOTUS want anything to do with bending over to try to defend a person most Americans feel is responsible for terrorism now. SCOTUS won't touch it or if they do, they would simply agree with what congress has done.

Remember Admiral, you were WRONG about Trump winning the 2020 election. I was right. I was also right about the Democrats taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Democrats now have the White House, Senate, and House.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!

You are an idiot of the highest order. How many times are you going to repeat someone's opinions, that I have countered with facts?

The Democrats do not even have a tie 50-50 until Georgia certifies their election and they have until the 22nd to do so. First, it is highly unlikely he will be convicted. Second, if he is banned from holding office, the case will go to SCOTUS, who will rule that someone no longer in office cannot be impeached, much less banned from holding office again.

Now, you have some opinions supported by facts. Suck it up, buttercup!

You've given your opinion, but it has not countered anything. Majority Whip Clyburn says they may not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden's first 100 days in office. Trump impeachment: House may wait until after Biden's first 100 days to send articles to Senate - CNNPolitics That's three different links now showing this perfectly legal and can happen. All you have is your opinion that it can't, which at this point is getting weaker. Your original posts calling me various names claiming this was impossible now looks even more silly.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

It is growing more likely by the day that he will be convicted by the Senate. These are the Republican Senators lined up to convict Trump in the Senate even thought the articles of impeachment have not even been voted on in the House yet:

01. Mitt Romney
02. Lisa Murkowski
03. Ben Sasse
04. Pat Toomey

Other Republican Senators who will vote to convict:

05. Rob Portman
06. Susan Collins
07. Shelly Capito
08. John Cornyn

Now there are just 42 Republican Senators left and you just need 9 of them, to vote to convict Donald Trump. That is less than 25% of the remaining Republican Senators.

Two reasons enough Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump:

01. They do NOT want to be associated with the terrorist attack on the Capital Building that took place on January 6, 2021 that most Americans blame Trump for. To be associated with that attack in any way, or defending anyone associated with those actions is POLITICAL POISON!

02. Conviction in the Senate allows for there to be a second vote to disqualify Trump from ever holding elective office again. This is attractive to many Republicans because it opens up the nomination Process for President in the Republican Party for 2024 to many different potential candidates. Its a way of excising Trump from the Republican Party and allows the Republican Party to start rebuilding its shattered image it has now because of four years of Donald Trump. There are lots of interest in the Republican Party and among individuals including many Senators to convict Donald Trump and then vote to disqualify from ever holding elected office again.

Back to SCOTUS, none of the 9 members of SCOTUS want anything to do with bending over to try to defend a person most Americans feel is responsible for terrorism now. SCOTUS won't touch it or if they do, they would simply agree with what congress has done.

Remember Admiral, you were WRONG about Trump winning the 2020 election. I was right. I was also right about the Democrats taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Democrats now have the White House, Senate, and House.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

Where did you dig up this nugget? I want you to list every public officer who was impeached AFTER they left office. That should take about 10 seconds, dipshit! It was one!

Then list every public officer who was removed from office and barred from holding office after they resigned or their term ended? The answer is zero.

Finally, list all impeachments of public officers who were convicted after leaving office and were appealed to SCOTUS and upheld? Again, the answer is zero.

Now, you need to go find your momma, latch on to her teat, and get something for a snack because your brain is not working, child!
Last edited:
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!

You are an idiot of the highest order. How many times are you going to repeat someone's opinions, that I have countered with facts?

The Democrats do not even have a tie 50-50 until Georgia certifies their election and they have until the 22nd to do so. First, it is highly unlikely he will be convicted. Second, if he is banned from holding office, the case will go to SCOTUS, who will rule that someone no longer in office cannot be impeached, much less banned from holding office again.

Now, you have some opinions supported by facts. Suck it up, buttercup!

You've given your opinion, but it has not countered anything. Majority Whip Clyburn says they may not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden's first 100 days in office. Trump impeachment: House may wait until after Biden's first 100 days to send articles to Senate - CNNPolitics That's three different links now showing this perfectly legal and can happen. All you have is your opinion that it can't, which at this point is getting weaker. Your original posts calling me various names claiming this was impossible now looks even more silly.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

It is growing more likely by the day that he will be convicted by the Senate. These are the Republican Senators lined up to convict Trump in the Senate even thought the articles of impeachment have not even been voted on in the House yet:

01. Mitt Romney
02. Lisa Murkowski
03. Ben Sasse
04. Pat Toomey

Other Republican Senators who will vote to convict:

05. Rob Portman
06. Susan Collins
07. Shelly Capito
08. John Cornyn

Now there are just 42 Republican Senators left and you just need 9 of them, to vote to convict Donald Trump. That is less than 25% of the remaining Republican Senators.

Two reasons enough Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump:

01. They do NOT want to be associated with the terrorist attack on the Capital Building that took place on January 6, 2021 that most Americans blame Trump for. To be associated with that attack in any way, or defending anyone associated with those actions is POLITICAL POISON!

02. Conviction in the Senate allows for there to be a second vote to disqualify Trump from ever holding elective office again. This is attractive to many Republicans because it opens up the nomination Process for President in the Republican Party for 2024 to many different potential candidates. Its a way of excising Trump from the Republican Party and allows the Republican Party to start rebuilding its shattered image it has now because of four years of Donald Trump. There are lots of interest in the Republican Party and among individuals including many Senators to convict Donald Trump and then vote to disqualify from ever holding elected office again.

Back to SCOTUS, none of the 9 members of SCOTUS want anything to do with bending over to try to defend a person most Americans feel is responsible for terrorism now. SCOTUS won't touch it or if they do, they would simply agree with what congress has done.

Remember Admiral, you were WRONG about Trump winning the 2020 election. I was right. I was also right about the Democrats taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Democrats now have the White House, Senate, and House.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

Where did you dig up this nugget? I want you to list every public officer who was impeached AFTER they left office. That should take about 10 seconds, dipshit! It was one!

Then list every public officer who was removed from office and barred from holding office after they resigned or their term ended? The answer is zero.

Finally, list all impeachments of public officers who were convicted after leaving office and were appealed to SCOTUS and upheld? Again, the answer is zero.

Now, you need to go find your momma, latch on to her teat, and get something for a snack because your brain is not working, child!

You can muster and throw all the impolite language you want at me, but it won't change the facts. You were wrong about the November 3, 2020 election and it is highly likely you will be wrong about Trump's potential impeachment, conviction, and prevention from ever holding elected office again. You have already been proven wrong on the issue of whether it is a possibility.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!

You are an idiot of the highest order. How many times are you going to repeat someone's opinions, that I have countered with facts?

The Democrats do not even have a tie 50-50 until Georgia certifies their election and they have until the 22nd to do so. First, it is highly unlikely he will be convicted. Second, if he is banned from holding office, the case will go to SCOTUS, who will rule that someone no longer in office cannot be impeached, much less banned from holding office again.

Now, you have some opinions supported by facts. Suck it up, buttercup!

You've given your opinion, but it has not countered anything. Majority Whip Clyburn says they may not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden's first 100 days in office. Trump impeachment: House may wait until after Biden's first 100 days to send articles to Senate - CNNPolitics That's three different links now showing this perfectly legal and can happen. All you have is your opinion that it can't, which at this point is getting weaker. Your original posts calling me various names claiming this was impossible now looks even more silly.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

It is growing more likely by the day that he will be convicted by the Senate. These are the Republican Senators lined up to convict Trump in the Senate even thought the articles of impeachment have not even been voted on in the House yet:

01. Mitt Romney
02. Lisa Murkowski
03. Ben Sasse
04. Pat Toomey

Other Republican Senators who will vote to convict:

05. Rob Portman
06. Susan Collins
07. Shelly Capito
08. John Cornyn

Now there are just 42 Republican Senators left and you just need 9 of them, to vote to convict Donald Trump. That is less than 25% of the remaining Republican Senators.

Two reasons enough Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump:

01. They do NOT want to be associated with the terrorist attack on the Capital Building that took place on January 6, 2021 that most Americans blame Trump for. To be associated with that attack in any way, or defending anyone associated with those actions is POLITICAL POISON!

02. Conviction in the Senate allows for there to be a second vote to disqualify Trump from ever holding elective office again. This is attractive to many Republicans because it opens up the nomination Process for President in the Republican Party for 2024 to many different potential candidates. Its a way of excising Trump from the Republican Party and allows the Republican Party to start rebuilding its shattered image it has now because of four years of Donald Trump. There are lots of interest in the Republican Party and among individuals including many Senators to convict Donald Trump and then vote to disqualify from ever holding elected office again.

Back to SCOTUS, none of the 9 members of SCOTUS want anything to do with bending over to try to defend a person most Americans feel is responsible for terrorism now. SCOTUS won't touch it or if they do, they would simply agree with what congress has done.

Remember Admiral, you were WRONG about Trump winning the 2020 election. I was right. I was also right about the Democrats taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Democrats now have the White House, Senate, and House.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

Where did you dig up this nugget? I want you to list every public officer who was impeached AFTER they left office. That should take about 10 seconds, dipshit! It was one!

Then list every public officer who was removed from office and barred from holding office after they resigned or their term ended? The answer is zero.

Finally, list all impeachments of public officers who were convicted after leaving office and were appealed to SCOTUS and upheld? Again, the answer is zero.

Now, you need to go find your momma, latch on to her teat, and get something for a snack because your brain is not working, child!

You can muster and throw all the impolite language you want at me, but it won't change the facts. You were wrong about the November 3, 2020 election and it is highly likely you will be wrong about Trump's potential impeachment, conviction, and prevention from ever holding elected office again. You have already been proven wrong on the issue of whether it is a possibility.

You can muster and throw all the stupidity you want at me, but it won't change the facts. I was not wrong about the November 3, 2020 election because it was stolen. I am not likely wrong about Trump's potential impeachment, conviction, and prevention from ever holding elected office again. You STILL have not showed me anyone impeached and convicted after leaving office. There has only been one person ever impeached after leaving office. ONE! Even if they do, SCOTUS will throw it out because the language is quite clear. Idiots are pinning their hopes on a mistake made by an elected body over 150 years ago. They were wrong then, and the Dems are wrong now.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!

If you want the Senate to waste their time on impeachment instead of confirming Xiden's Cabinet choices, I hope you get your wish. The Supreme Court will thrown anything out the Senate would accomplish, but they will not have to do that because they will NEVER get 67 Senators to convict.

That will just mean Republicans will be running the government that much longer!

The jokes on you, libtard!

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How to Impeach a President in 12 Days: Here's What It Would Take. (

The Supreme Court is not going to anything except for the chief justice presiding over the trial in the Senate. As for the vote in the Senate, Democrats only need to get 17 Republican Senators who do not want Trump to be involved in running for President in 2024 to convict him!

There are plenty of Republicans that are tired of Trump and absolutely do not want to see him have any chance of being nominated in 2024. Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, and Mitt Romney are already ready to vote YES to convict. Just need 14 more Republican Senators at of the 47 Republican Senators that are left. That is just 30% of the remaining Republican Senators which at this point is actually a low bar to reach.

What happened at the capital building was a disgrace. It has had a profound impact on Republican Representatives and Senators. Things of changed. Trump's ability to retaliate against these Senators is declining. There is no more issue about letting the election decide things like there was back in February of last year. This trial in the Senate will be SWIFT because DEMOCRATS will control the process thanks to the victories in Georgia on January 5, 2021 giving Democrats control of the Senate!

You are an idiot of the highest order. How many times are you going to repeat someone's opinions, that I have countered with facts?

The Democrats do not even have a tie 50-50 until Georgia certifies their election and they have until the 22nd to do so. First, it is highly unlikely he will be convicted. Second, if he is banned from holding office, the case will go to SCOTUS, who will rule that someone no longer in office cannot be impeached, much less banned from holding office again.

Now, you have some opinions supported by facts. Suck it up, buttercup!

You've given your opinion, but it has not countered anything. Majority Whip Clyburn says they may not send the articles of impeachment to the Senate until after Biden's first 100 days in office. Trump impeachment: House may wait until after Biden's first 100 days to send articles to Senate - CNNPolitics That's three different links now showing this perfectly legal and can happen. All you have is your opinion that it can't, which at this point is getting weaker. Your original posts calling me various names claiming this was impossible now looks even more silly.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

It is growing more likely by the day that he will be convicted by the Senate. These are the Republican Senators lined up to convict Trump in the Senate even thought the articles of impeachment have not even been voted on in the House yet:

01. Mitt Romney
02. Lisa Murkowski
03. Ben Sasse
04. Pat Toomey

Other Republican Senators who will vote to convict:

05. Rob Portman
06. Susan Collins
07. Shelly Capito
08. John Cornyn

Now there are just 42 Republican Senators left and you just need 9 of them, to vote to convict Donald Trump. That is less than 25% of the remaining Republican Senators.

Two reasons enough Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump:

01. They do NOT want to be associated with the terrorist attack on the Capital Building that took place on January 6, 2021 that most Americans blame Trump for. To be associated with that attack in any way, or defending anyone associated with those actions is POLITICAL POISON!

02. Conviction in the Senate allows for there to be a second vote to disqualify Trump from ever holding elective office again. This is attractive to many Republicans because it opens up the nomination Process for President in the Republican Party for 2024 to many different potential candidates. Its a way of excising Trump from the Republican Party and allows the Republican Party to start rebuilding its shattered image it has now because of four years of Donald Trump. There are lots of interest in the Republican Party and among individuals including many Senators to convict Donald Trump and then vote to disqualify from ever holding elected office again.

Back to SCOTUS, none of the 9 members of SCOTUS want anything to do with bending over to try to defend a person most Americans feel is responsible for terrorism now. SCOTUS won't touch it or if they do, they would simply agree with what congress has done.

Remember Admiral, you were WRONG about Trump winning the 2020 election. I was right. I was also right about the Democrats taking back the Senate and keeping the House. Democrats now have the White House, Senate, and House.

SCOTUS never objected in the past when public officers were impeached after they were out of office.

Where did you dig up this nugget? I want you to list every public officer who was impeached AFTER they left office. That should take about 10 seconds, dipshit! It was one!

Then list every public officer who was removed from office and barred from holding office after they resigned or their term ended? The answer is zero.

Finally, list all impeachments of public officers who were convicted after leaving office and were appealed to SCOTUS and upheld? Again, the answer is zero.

Now, you need to go find your momma, latch on to her teat, and get something for a snack because your brain is not working, child!

You can muster and throw all the impolite language you want at me, but it won't change the facts. You were wrong about the November 3, 2020 election and it is highly likely you will be wrong about Trump's potential impeachment, conviction, and prevention from ever holding elected office again. You have already been proven wrong on the issue of whether it is a possibility.

You can muster and throw all the stupidity you want at me, but it won't change the facts. I was not wrong about the November 3, 2020 election because it was stolen. I am not likely wrong about Trump's potential impeachment, conviction, and prevention from ever holding elected office again. You STILL have not showed me anyone impeached and convicted after leaving office. There has only been one person ever impeached after leaving office. ONE! Even if they do, SCOTUS will throw it out because the language is quite clear. Idiots are pinning their hopes on a mistake made by an elected body over 150 years ago. They were wrong then, and the Dems are wrong now.

There is no evidence that the November 3, 2020 election was stolen. NONE, ZERO. Not a single case was proven in a court of law. Joe Biden is going to be inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021. YOU WERE WRONG! Nothing can change that now. Trump will no longer be President as of January 20, 2021 at noon. YOU WERE WRONG! Nothing can change that now.

You claimed that I did not know what I was talking about and that it was impossible for Trump to be impeached or convicted in a Senate Trial after he left office. Clearly it is possible! So you are 0 for 2, and may possibly go 0 for 3 in the months ahead.

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