Pelosi Says She Will Impeach President Trump If He Doesn’t Resign “Immediately”

It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

Yes, the democrats will use all the power they have. Every one of their enemies will get impeached or whatever, not based on any evidence but just because it's possible to falsely accuse anyone if you have the power.

And protesting against these folks... some "conservatives" have a problem with. Clearly they have much more balls than conservatives, and believe in evil much more devotedly than conservatives believe in good.
Proving that she is the one who is mentally unfit to remain in office, Pelosi makes this absurd, insane, and knowingly inflammatory declaration knowing (or not) President Trump will be out of office well before she could EVER get her latest coup attempt out of the House and to the Senate.

For all of the Democrats' talk of wanting to UNITE the country, this comment was made with the intent to piss off millions of Americans and further divide the nation....

....either that or she's just BATSHIT CRAZY!

A. As I've told you before, gateway pundit is not a source. It's for entertainment purposes only.

B. The orange shit-stain must be silenced and removed before he attempts another coup.

C. It could be done in a day if everyone is in agreement.
He didn't attempt the first one yet, so no need. The only reason they are panicking and trying to get rid of him now is fear. Fear that he could run and beat them again, fear that he'll declassify a bunch of stuff embarrassing to democrats, and fear that he'll pardon people they want silenced in prison. They're scared to death of him, and it shows in every unbalanced thing they say.
A. As I've told you before, gateway pundit is not a source. It's for entertainment purposes only.

B. The orange shit-stain must be silenced and removed before he attempts another coup.

C. It could be done in a day if everyone is in agreement.

He'll never be removed. That would take 2/3 of the Senate which they have no chance at.
Wouldn't be so sure about that at this point. He really crossed a line with his coup attempt.
Pretty piss poor coup attempt. IOW, it wasn't one.
Impeach him for what?

For anything the Republicans feel like. Your party set a new precedent: no impeachable offense and no crime committed. So now we can impeach simply because we don't like the guy. Shoe hurts on the other foot, don't it? :rolleyes:
They never stop to consider that their unhinged actions will one day be used against them, ever.
Full text of the new articles of impeachment against Donald Trump:

untitled (

Take a look at the last part:

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has 2 demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national se3 curity, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

Trump won't be ever to run for President or any elected office in the U.S. government ever again.
Won't pass.

It might this time given Republican Senators have less to fear from Trump now. It will easily pass through the House like the last impeachment did. I'm sure a lot of Republican Senators this time don't want to go down on Trump's sinking ship.

But most importantly, it will allow Republicans to block Trump from ever running for President again and allow them to pick someone else in 2024 for the nomination.
Do it and suffer in the mid-terms. They never learn. They still think everyone agrees with them.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?
Trumps a moron but indeed Nancy will help bring down the Democrats again.
Progs gonna be progs. The can't shut the hell up when they are in the drivers seat. And it backfires on them. Of course that means they know the whole elite and globalist system is backing them. Remember.. once globalism is here completely, the rest of the world will be linked with us. Do you really believe the several billion people not living anywhere near our level are going to rise to us? We have been going down hill for a few decades now with the globalist policies we have enacted already.
Said the dumb fucks who back the guy that sits on golden toilets. Hilarious. Trump is the globL elite for now but will trade golden toilets for orange jump suits. Lol
They never stop to consider that their unhinged actions will one day be used against them, ever.

Those of us who live in reality are aware of a simple philosophy of life: Action/ Reaction. When you take an action against somebody or some people, there is going to be a reaction by them. In most all cases, if you take a positive action with somebody, you will get a positive reaction. If you take a negative action against somebody, you will be met with a negative reaction.

Liberals hate this philosophy because they want to go through life thinking they can do anything they want with impunity. TAX THE RICH! Then a major employer in their town closes up shop and heads to another state or country. WE NEED A HIGHER MINIMUM WAGE! Then employers layoff workers, close down, or invest in automation to replace humans.

We on the right accept the reality of action/ reaction. They don't.
Actually Trump said he would enact a muslim ban. He said nothing about terrorists nations. That was what he tried after the first muslim ban was over turned.

And mexico paying fo the wall was key to Trumps wall. Had he said he wanted to tax Americans to build his wall, people would have said no.

How would he tax people for the wall? Nearly half of our country pays no income tax. We on the right see the real problems illegal immigration give to us. They take jobs Americans should be working. They lower wages for American workers. Some of them are criminals or otherwise get drunk and drive around on our roads putting Americans in danger. I understand places near the border, they pack 10 people in a two family house or apartment. We see them taking or shipping US dollars over the border. They hold up education for American kids because their kids speak little English. When sick, they go to our emergency rooms and don't pay them a dime for services.

Because we on the right see the multiple problems illegals bring to us, we are willing to do anything to stop them while Democrats want to usher millions more into the country.
1) Who had the largest inaugural attendance in history?
2) Was there massive voter fraud in the 2020 election?
Which would be stupid because that has nothing to do with basic knowledge of polices or country. Number 2 is a matter of opinion, and asking people what opinion they value is not a test on a rudimentary knowledge of our Republic.
No 2 isn't opinion, it's a legally established fact, just like No 1 is an established fact.

Now add question 3

3) Where was Barack Obama born?

No, it's an opinion. That's why nearly 40% believe it was stolen. Just because nobody would let us prove our case doesn't mean it didn't happen. Biden winning defies logic and common sense. Why would people in any country vote for a guy that promises to ruin it? Saying Biden won is a fact is like saying OJ never killed anybody because he wasn't convicted. Or do you actually believe that too?
A. As I've told you before, gateway pundit is not a source. It's for entertainment purposes only.

B. The orange shit-stain must be silenced and removed before he attempts another coup.

C. It could be done in a day if everyone is in agreement.

He'll never be removed. That would take 2/3 of the Senate which they have no chance at.
Wouldn't be so sure about that at this point. He really crossed a line with his coup attempt.
Pretty piss poor coup attempt. IOW, it wasn't one.
Very poor attempt, but an attempt none-the-less.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

Come on Admiral, what do you think?

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

In the link you'll find that Trump can indeed be impeached after his time in office.
It appears that the House and Senate can prevent a President from ever being able to hold elected office in the U.S. government again if they see that person as a threat to the country because of their actions. If the House and Senate pass it, it becomes law. I doubt they would have it in the articles of impeachment if it was not constitutional.

They can't prevent anything unless Trump was committed of a crime while in office. You need 2/3 of the Senate for that during an impeachment.

Impeaching Trump now could bar him from public office in the future.

While it may seem pointless to impeach a president just as he is about to leave office, there could be real consequences for Mr. Trump beyond the stain on his record. If he were convicted, the Senate could vote to bar him from ever holding office again. Following a conviction, the Constitution says the Senate can consider “disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.”

Only a simple majority of senators would have to agree to successfully disqualify Mr. Trump, who is contemplating another run for president in 2024, an appealing prospect not just to Democrats but to many Republicans who are eyeing their own runs.

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

More importantly, the house can wait until the new Senators are seated after Biden is inaugurated to start the trail against Trump in the Senate. They need just 17 Republicans out of 50 to vote with them to convict Trump. Then after that, they just need a simple majority in the House and Senate to disqualify Trump from ever being able to hold elected office in the federal government ever again!

Hey moron, you cannot impeach someone who is no longer in office. Must you always prove what a dipshit you are?

That is incorrect. Read the following:

Trump can still be impeached as an ex-president.

History gives little guide on the question of whether a president can be impeached once he leaves office, and House lawyers were racing to understand the legal and constitutional issues.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.

Michael J. Gerhardt, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina who testified in the last impeachment proceedings, wrote on Friday that he saw no reason Congress could not proceed.

“It would make no sense for former officials, or ones who step down just in time, to escape that remedial mechanism,” he wrote. “It should accordingly go without saying that if an impeachment begins when an individual is in office, the process may surely continue after they resign or otherwise depart.”

How Congress Could Impeach Trump Before His Term Ends (

So what do you think Admiral? Wouldn't that be AWESOME if Trump was disqualified from ever holding elected office again?

You found ONE person who claims to be a Constitutional Scholar that agree with your idiocy. Remember Obama was a Constitutional Scholar who was overruled by SCOTUS more that any President in history. That just proves you can be a Constitutional Scholar and a complete moron.

Article II, Section 4 provides:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.[2]
How can you remove someone from office if they are no longer President? I deal in facts. You deal in libtard fantasies.

There is precedent for doing so in the case of other high government officers. In 1876, the House impeached President Ulysses S. Grant’s war secretary for graft, even after he resigned from his post. The Senate at the time considered whether it still had jurisdiction to hear the case of a former official, and determined that it did. Ultimately, the secretary was acquitted.
They were wrong, as proven by the Senate vote to acquit. What would they have done to him, rolled the paper it was written on and poked him in the eye?

That does not prove they were wrong to impeach and attempt to convict someone who was out of office. It only means the Senate did not convict of them crime they were accused of.

A person who is no longer in office can be prosecuted by the DOJ. They cannot be impeached. It is a simple fact but so complicated that you are and MSN's scholar cannot grasp the concept because you are both morons.

It happened in 1876. War Secretary was impeached AFTER he left office. FACT!

A HIGH CRIME, is still a HIGH CRIME when you leave office and leaving office DOES NOT PREVENT THE HOUSE AND SENATE FROM DOING THEIR DUTY!

They were wrong, and he was acquitted by the Senate. Had a SCOTUS decision been required, he would not be removed, He was no longer subject to impeachment when he resigned. Why didn't they proceed to impeach Nixon?

You still have not told me the point in impeaching someone to remove them from office which they have already done?

Its your opinion that they were "wrong" and being acquitted by the Senate was NOT because he was no longer in office. The fact is the impeachment HAPPENED AFTER he left office. The trial in the Senate could have gone either way, and he was acquitted not because he was out of office, but because enough Senators did not think there was enough evidence for what he was charged with in the impeachment.

The point of impeaching someone who has left office is so that a conviction can be obtained in the Senate on the issue, which then allows for another vote to disqualify the individual from ever holding elected office again!
Full text of the new articles of impeachment against Donald Trump:

untitled (

Take a look at the last part:

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has 2 demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national se3 curity, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

Trump won't be ever to run for President or any elected office in the U.S. government ever again.
Won't pass.

It might this time given Republican Senators have less to fear from Trump now. It will easily pass through the House like the last impeachment did. I'm sure a lot of Republican Senators this time don't want to go down on Trump's sinking ship.

But most importantly, it will allow Republicans to block Trump from ever running for President again and allow them to pick someone else in 2024 for the nomination.
Do it and suffer in the mid-terms. They never learn. They still think everyone agrees with them.

Its early, the mid-terms are long off. Most people are sick of Trump. By November 2022, the impact will be very small.
Once AGAIN for the illiterate: There is no such thing as "my party". I don't have one, never did, and don't see any point in it. START THERE and quit painting your own fantasy world because you can't deal with the real.

Y'all slavish dichotomists give me the urge to regurge. You actually sit there and believe the entire universe is made up of "Democrats and Republicans". What the fuck is wrong with y'all?? FYI there are more of my non-party than there are of EITHER of yours.

Perhaps, but people who are actually non-party agree with some things on both sides as well as disagree on other things on both sides. As long as I've been reading your posts, they are all one side. You are just a Democrat who's too embarrassed to admit it.

Number one FUCK YOU. You *NEVER*, and that means *NEVER* get to put words in my mouth. EVER. I don't give a flying FUCK what part of my content you've chosen to read and what part you've chosen to ignore as inconvenient, that cherrypicking is entirely on you and your preconceived helplessly dichotomous bullshit strawmen arguments.

As long as you can only function by arguing against your own strawmen, you're a waste of time who is only here for his own rhetorical onanism. FIX THAT and then we'll talk. Until you do, cram your pathetic ass-umptions back up the ass whence they came.
Full text of the new articles of impeachment against Donald Trump:

untitled (

Take a look at the last part:

Wherefore President Trump, by such conduct, has 2 demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national se3 curity, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office, and has acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. President Trump thus warrants impeachment and trial, removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.

Trump won't be ever to run for President or any elected office in the U.S. government ever again.
Won't pass.

It might this time given Republican Senators have less to fear from Trump now. It will easily pass through the House like the last impeachment did. I'm sure a lot of Republican Senators this time don't want to go down on Trump's sinking ship.

But most importantly, it will allow Republicans to block Trump from ever running for President again and allow them to pick someone else in 2024 for the nomination.
Yes someone else like Don Trump Jr.
It's surprising. Even with the level of fraud communists bring to elections they are still afraid that Trump would be reelected if he ran for the presidency again.

It's more than that. Trump is an outsider. He didn't start at the bottom and work his way up. He was never invited to the club, he just barged right in.

They are not only afraid of Trump, but anybody like Trump in the future. They are trying to send a strong message to people who don't belong. This group is for professional politicians only; people who believe in the concept of I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine, and the country comes second.

To strengthen that message, they will be demonizing Trump for the next four years if not longer.

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