Pelosi Should Let Hoyer Or Clyburn Ascend To Speakership!

Pelosi may have the experience in dealing with the right wingers, but her name has been tarnished beyond repair because of the way the GOP tied her to Obama.

When the Goobers are through with the "new speaker" (assuming it will happen), (s)he will look worse than Pelosi. That should take about a month or so. And then, the Democrats are saddled with a newbie, name tarnished, and a caucus in disarray.

Whereas Pelosi will calmly guide her caucus through two years of a divided Congress. She knows where to squeeze, where to press, and when to step out of the way when the Goobers throw themselves towards a cliff. She'll be fine, and a deeply divided, internally warring Goober caucus will look all the worse by comparison.
Pelosi as Speakerette.....

What a gift to Republicans/2020!

Maybe she oughta run for president.

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