Pelosi Stuffs Coronavirus Bill Full Of Unrelated Goodies For Democrats

Did anyone notice that the OP, the article or Trump have all failed to mention what “goodies” they’re talking about?
Did anyone notice that the OP, the article or Trump have all failed to mention what “goodies” they’re talking about?
Apparently they haven't had time to post them. The latest report was from yesterday. Congressional Record

What do you mean? Trump was making the claim and Breitbart (and you) are repeating it but none of you have any idea what you’re talking about.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
Which elements do you find unnecessary?
Anything that doesn't deal with the virus.
They claim they're trying to help families.
I think they're playing games again.
Well give a few examples. I’d like to see what’s in there that you are objecting to.
Latest Democrat proposals. Read article in link.

Here’s what’s in Democrats’ proposal.

  • Emergency paid sick days: The bill would require all employers to accrue seven days of paid sick leave, and provide an additional 14 days to be available immediately during the coronavirus (many employers are asking employees to work from home for that amount of time). It ensures sick leave to those impacted by quarantine orders, or those who must stay home to care for their children. The bill reimburses small businesses (those with 50 or fewer employees) for the cost of the 14 additional days of leave.
  • Emergency paid leave: The bill would create a new federal emergency paid leave program for those unable to work because they either have Covid-19, are quarantined, are caring for someone with the disease, or are caring for a child due to coronavirus-related school closings. Eligible workers would receive benefits for a month (the program goes up to three months), and the benefit amount would be two-thirds of the individual’s average monthly earnings. Those receiving pay or unemployment compensation directly through their employers aren’t eligible. There is some precedent for this: Congress expanded unemployment benefits for up to 99 weeks for Americans left unemployed by the 2008 financial crisis.
  • Expanding food security: The bill would direct $1 billion to expanding access to programs like WIC and the emergency food assistance program throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Progressive economists have long believed that expanding existing safety net programs is a highly effective way of stimulating the economy because the low-income people who benefit from them are highly likely to immediately spend any extra money they get — helping stabilize economy-wide demand. The 2009 stimulus bill featured many provisions along these lines. Conservatives, who are critical of those programs in general, tend to be highly skeptical of putting more money into them.
  • Free coronavirus testing: Democratic leaders propose making coronavirus testing free to increase access by requiring private health insurers (plus government programs like Medicare and Medicaid) to cover the cost of testing, including emergency room visits and doctor fees in the process. Free testing is being offered in a number of states, but there’s no federal regulation mandating it so far.
  • Increasing the capacity of the US medical system and ensuring affordable treatment: The bill also calls on insurance providers to reimburse coronavirus patients for any non-covered costs related to Covid-19. Again, they’re hoping this gets more people treated and makes it so people don’t put off going to the doctor because they are worried about costs.

Democrats have a new coronavirus relief package. Here’s what’s in it.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems
Which elements do you find unnecessary?
Anything that doesn't deal with the virus.
They claim they're trying to help families.
I think they're playing games again.
Well give a few examples. I’d like to see what’s in there that you are objecting to.
Take your pick of any of the Democrat's favorite issues:

  • Gun confiscation or new gun laws
  • Paying for abortions or BC
  • Sexual-reassignment surgeries
  • Climate change initiatives
  • Support for illegals
The usual Democrat rubbish.
That's it......this puts the lie to this whole thing.....Democrats are packing a coronavirus stimulus bill full of crap that has nothing to do with combating the virus.

Trump: Pelosi's Coronavirus Bill Stuffed with Unrelated 'Goodies' for Dems

Sure, and when Trump turns it down because of the horseshit that they KNOW Trump will never pass, Nancy and Sluggo will jump before the cameras all ready and warmed up telling the nation that TRUMP is playing politics and doesn't care about the Covid victims.

And folks wonder why the world hates Democrats.
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