Pelosi tries to blame Republicans for a possible gov. shutdown

Mitch McConnell is on record REFUSING to vote for raising the debt ceiling in spite of proclaiming how important it is.

he also plans to filibuster any stand alone bill that does so
What is on Republicans? The dems are in control, at least until 2023...
The senate republicans plan on filibustering the debt ceiling bill, that the house already passed legislation for.... Dems can't get to 60 votes without republicans to get cloture and a vote on it, so McConnell is claiming.

We are acting like a Banana Republic!!! :eek:
The problem with that is that the shutdown started on December 22, 2018,
yeah they filibusters a stop gap passed by the house in the senate

no doubt they could have acted sooner on a budget, but they spent a lot of time working with the dems…who obviously can’t be trusted
I invite you to find where I have ever supported profligate spending. C'mon......just one time.
You support it, by your support and voting for Republicans, and Or are you not a voter? Some people do choose to not vote because of this very reason....
The senate republicans plan on filibustering the debt ceiling bill, that the house already passed legislation for.... Dems can't get to 60 votes without republicans to get cloture and a vote on it, so McConnell is claiming.

We are acting like a Banana Republic!!! :eek:
We want the open border closed. I would not vote for ANYTHING until Xiden closes the border.
Maybe shutting down the government would get senile Joe's attention?
Not one single Trumpist whined about Trump's spending for four whole years.
Not one.
After whining for eight years about Obama's spending, which Trump shattered.
THAT is the issue. Stark raving mad hypocrisy.
Trump didn't "spend" he cut taxes. Big difference.
Obama added $12T to the Debt. Trump "only" added $8T. Xiden would smash those records.
Not one single Trumpist whined about Trump's spending for four whole years.

Not one.

After whining for eight years about Obama's spending, which Trump shattered.

THAT is the issue. Stark raving mad hypocrisy.
because trump tried to reduce spending …
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knocked former President Donald Trump as she criticized Republicans for failing to support a measure to avert a government shutdown.

Are there Democrat Voters who actually believe anything that Pelosi says anymore?
Maybe their malicious hate has rotted their tiny brains.
The Democrats control the Presidency, the House and the Senate.
They can pass their $5 trillion dollar looting spree bill without any GOP votes.
The Democrats are like greedy muggers fighting over a stolen wallet.
Their Looting Spree Bill will enslave American workers to government debt for generations, but, these corrupt crackpot fanatic thieves don't care as long as they can get their kick-back deals.
What has Trump got to do with it?
why did the dems filibuster it?
Trump caused the shutdown, he refused to pass the bills raising the debt, that the house and senate had passed, after he said he would sign them....then he changed his mind again, because two talk radio/ right wing media hosts trashed him for it.... :rolleyes:

Beginning of shutdown​

Donald Trump meets with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on December 11, 2018, stating "I will be the one to shut it down."

On December 11, President Trump held a televised meeting with Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office and asked them to support an appropriation of $5.7 billion for funding of a border wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico. They refused, resulting in an argument between Trump and both Congressional leaders. During the contentious discussion, Trump remarked, "I am proud to shut down the government for border security ... I will be the one to shut [the government] down. I'm not going to blame you for it ... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down." Schumer replied, "We shouldn't shut down the government over a dispute."[33]

Three days later, Politico reported that Trump was willing to sign a bill with no funding for a border wall that delayed a government shutdown into 2019 and the new Congress.[34] On December 18, following a meeting with Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the government would not shut down on December 22 and that Trump was "flexible" over funding for a border wall. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby commented that the most likely resolution was a bill that funded the government until early February. Schumer added that his caucus would "very seriously" consider such a bill and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn said "I don't know anybody on the Hill that wants a shutdown, and I think all the president's advisers are telling him this would not be good."[35]

On December 19, the Senate passed a second continuing resolution (H.R. 695) that would fund the government until February 8, 2019. Pelosi announced that House Democrats would support the measure, meaning it would overcome opposition from conservative Republicans and pass the House.[36] On December 20, following increased criticism from conservative media, pundits, and political figures,[37][38] Trump reversed his position and declared that he would not sign any funding bill that did not include border wall funding. The same day, the House passed a continuing resolution that included $5 billion for the wall and $8 billion in disaster aid.[12] This bill failed in the Senate.[39] Trump's changing position caused consternation among Senate Republicans.[37][40]

More to read in this article.

We want the open border closed. I would not vote for ANYTHING until Xiden closes the border.
Maybe shutting down the government would get senile Joe's attention?
But the border wall is a separate issue and has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DEBT CEILING, nor should it....imo.

Trump already tried that in 2018/19....and he messed up, BIG TIME costing the economy billions with his chaotic shutdown.

We need comprehensive legislation for immigration reform and border security.... Not piecemeal, knee jerk, actions. It's time for Congress and the Senate, to do their jobs, again...imo.
Why do you lie so often? Is that truly the type of person you are, in the real world?

The Democrats never shut the govt down under Trump and many voted to support raising the debt ceiling all the different times Trump needed to raise it.

Shutting down the govt WILL ruin EVERYTHING, FOR EVERY ONE....IT'S THE STUPIDIST AND MOST HARMFUL THING, OUR Congress critters and Senators could ever do, to this nation and every one of us in it.... It'll ruin our Nations credit rating, raise the interest rate on the 20 trillion national debt we already owe, make loans for homes and cars and boats and credit cards on all of us go way up, stifle business growth, millions will lose their jobs etc etc etc....

The debt ceiling is to pay the bills we have already passed and spent.... most all of it under Trump .... It's not for new spending proposals.... That'll be faced at a later date....if congress does not find a way to raise taxes to pay for Biden's new spending proposals.
For all your lying and whining, even the media called it the SCHUMER SHUTDOWN. The nation’s credit rating was fine under Trump. It was OBAMA who had the nation’s credit rating downgraded on his watch.
Trump didn't "spend" he cut taxes. Big difference.
Obama added $12T to the Debt. Trump "only" added $8T. Xiden would smash those records.
He cut taxes AND he spent.

8 trillion added to the debt
But the border wall is a separate issue and has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE DEBT CEILING, nor should it....imo.

Trump already tried that in 2018/19....and he messed up, BIG TIME costing the economy billions with his chaotic shutdown.

We need comprehensive legislation for immigration reform and border security.... Not piecemeal, knee jerk, actions. It's time for Congress and the Senate, to do their jobs, again...imo.
1. Trump had the border solved until the Xiden moron opened it.
2. The border wall helps seal the border. We only want legal immigration
3. True, Trump played chicken and got burned with the government shutdown
4. Immigration reform is a separate issue, border security is the current issue that needs to be fixed ASAP.
5. The debt ceiling is just another hurdle that needs to be negotiated. The dems would get the blame for this shutdown, so lets deal.
Why is it that YOUR idiots NEVER try to reign in spending? And giving tax cuts when we were already 17 trillion in debt owed?
Hey idiot, the Trump tax cuts (that helped everybody, not just the rich like you liars claim) brought in record revenues to the government. Did you refuse the Trump tax cut and pay the higher former rates? No? Then shut up.

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