Pelosi tries to blame Republicans for a possible gov. shutdown

There is nothing in your link which contradicts what I said.

Here is federal spending by year, going all the way back to Calvin Coolidge: Federal Budget Receipts and Outlays: | The American Presidency Project

As you can see, Trump set about breaking all past spending records from day one.

And now Biden is seeking to break Trump's record spending.

Trump was a MASSIVE big spender and not one Trumpist on this board ever made so much as a single whine about it, after moaning over Obama's spending for eight years.

God knows I gave them plenty of opportunity to speak up since I started a lot of topics about Trump's spending. Every last one of them cowered. Stark raving mad hypocrisy.
Please just fuck-off with your pretend consternation about Trump's excessive spending.
1. Trump's first 2-years (2018 & 2019) were "normal" with less than $1T of deficit, and that was with the war in AFG, very much like Obama's last 5-years (after TARP).
2. Then in 2020 Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic hit and the US economy was shut down for months. That's why there was so much spending. It wasn't Trump spending on new initiatives. That's why there was no whining, it was a bipartisan effort to get past the pandemic.
3. You are correct that Xiden's proposed spending is beyond all norms for sanity. If passed inflation would skyrocket, and everyone would suffer, but the lower incomes the most.
4. It's not hypocrisy when Xiden's infrastructure Bills would total more than $6T as scored by the CBO....and its NOT "paid for" its smoke and mirrors.

I was no fan of Trump's tax cuts, and I'm even more opposed to Xiden's crazy spending plans.
Please just fuck-off with your pretend consternation about Trump's excessive spending.
1. Trump's first 2-years (2018 & 2019) were "normal" with less than $1T of deficit, and that was with the war in AFG, very much like Obama's last 5-years (after TARP).
Trillion dollar deficits were never normal before Trump.

Trump doubled the deficit in a quarter of the time it took Obama to cut it in half.

Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Obama's last two years' deficit was about Trump's first two deficits.
They BOTH sucked. Spent way too much, taxed way too little.

In the two FYs before COVID Trump had increased the deficit by 47% over Obama's last year.

and there was nary a word from the right about it.
In the two FYs before COVID Trump had increased the deficit by 47% over Obama's last year.
and there was nary a word from the right about it.
You mean like the democrats are doing now with their massive spending plans?
Like I said, they BOTH suck at managing the Budget.
They think the more they spend the better their chances for re-election.
You mean like the democrats are doing now with their massive spending plans?
Like I said, they BOTH suck at managing the Budget.

One thing I have to give the Dems is they are open and proud of their "we need to spend more" while the Repubs pretend to actually care about spending and debt
One thing I have to give the Dems is they are open and proud of their "we need to spend more" while the Repubs pretend to actually care about spending and debt
Exactly! More precisely, the dems are proud to "tax and spend" while the Republicans are closet spenders.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knocked former President Donald Trump as she criticized Republicans for failing to support a measure to avert a government shutdown.

  1. Propose some insane bill full of massive spending and pork for democrats.
  2. Force the GOP to block it out of fiscal sanity.
  3. Dems shut government down for all the parts which fund services to the needy.
  4. Dems get on radio and TV telling the world how the GOP are killing the poor and don't care about the needy until they finally get their way.
  1. Propose some insane bill full of massive spending and pork for democrats.
  2. Force the GOP to block it out of fiscal sanity.
  3. Dems shut government down for all the parts which fund services to the needy.
  4. Dems get on radio and TV telling the world how the GOP are killing the poor and don't care about the needy until they finally get their way.
It was Republicans who voted, once again, to shut down our Government
It was Republicans who voted, once again, to shut down our Government
While there were no defections to the forces of debt, this would have passed had the Dims been able to get their people to stand together. It was known ahead of time what the GOPers would do. The failure is on the Dims not the GOP.
Yup the paper mill stunk everything up there but its gone now and they are slowly getting the river so you can actually eat the fish you catch.

Gorham is a great town. I worked for the PD there for 10 years.

Manchester is one busy city and Nashua is a great place to visit.

I miss the summers there but man you can have the 35 below zero winters. LOL
WHY do we always demonize someone / a party that takes a stand and refuses to enable serial spenders addicted to massive deficit spending?

Those serial deficit spenders, those addicted to deficit spending, attack those fiscally responsible Americans who refuse to raise the Debt Ceiling to allow them to continue to engage in criminally fiscally irresponsible deficit spending.,


The 'bad guys' are not the Americans willing to stand up to the deficit-spending addicted bullies and refuse to allow them to continue destroying the US through never-ending Deficit Spending, as Pelosi would have us believe. The 'bad guys' - the 'threats' - are the ones who continue never-ending Deficit-spending, who ignores massive fraud and waste in programs that costs us BILLIONS, and who blame others who want to deny them the continued opportunity to continue the insane continuous act of massive deficit spending.
While there were no defections to the forces of debt, this would have passed had the Dims been able to get their people to stand together. It was known ahead of time what the GOPers would do. The failure is on the Dims not the GOP.
This is about America not parties

Republicans voted against America

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