Pelosi tries to blame Republicans for a possible gov. shutdown

He cut taxes AND he spent.

8 trillion added to the debt
Trump did not do any major spending initiatives, like Obama's TARP, or Xiden's $5."Infrastructure" Bills.
This thread is about another shutdown. I'm liking the idea. Send the coxuckers home until they grow brains.
It has to stop sometime and it will be very painful.
If it stops, it will have to be before the money is already spent. The US defaulting on our existing loans would destroy every aspect of our economy, and prevent it from being rebuilt.
Trump caused the shutdown, he refused to pass the bills raising the debt, that the house and senate had passed, after he said he would sign them....then he changed his mind again, because two talk radio/ right wing media hosts trashed him for it.... :rolleyes:

Beginning of shutdown​

Donald Trump meets with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer on December 11, 2018, stating "I will be the one to shut it down."

On December 11, President Trump held a televised meeting with Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in the Oval Office and asked them to support an appropriation of $5.7 billion for funding of a border wall along the U.S. southern border with Mexico. They refused, resulting in an argument between Trump and both Congressional leaders. During the contentious discussion, Trump remarked, "I am proud to shut down the government for border security ... I will be the one to shut [the government] down. I'm not going to blame you for it ... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down." Schumer replied, "We shouldn't shut down the government over a dispute."[33]

Three days later, Politico reported that Trump was willing to sign a bill with no funding for a border wall that delayed a government shutdown into 2019 and the new Congress.[34] On December 18, following a meeting with Trump, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that the government would not shut down on December 22 and that Trump was "flexible" over funding for a border wall. Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby commented that the most likely resolution was a bill that funded the government until early February. Schumer added that his caucus would "very seriously" consider such a bill and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn said "I don't know anybody on the Hill that wants a shutdown, and I think all the president's advisers are telling him this would not be good."[35]

On December 19, the Senate passed a second continuing resolution (H.R. 695) that would fund the government until February 8, 2019. Pelosi announced that House Democrats would support the measure, meaning it would overcome opposition from conservative Republicans and pass the House.[36] On December 20, following increased criticism from conservative media, pundits, and political figures,[37][38] Trump reversed his position and declared that he would not sign any funding bill that did not include border wall funding. The same day, the House passed a continuing resolution that included $5 billion for the wall and $8 billion in disaster aid.[12] This bill failed in the Senate.[39] Trump's changing position caused consternation among Senate Republicans.[37][40]

More to read in this article.

He caused the shutdown by refusing to pass bills raising the debt? What the f_ck is wrong with you clowns, how about cutting the spending to pay for future bills? Is that how you run your fricken household?
Trump didn't "spend" he cut taxes. Big difference.
This is exactly what I am talking about. This delusion you people have. Trump most certainly did spend. I pointed it out countless times over the past four years.

Why is it you idiots never try to reign in spending?

What a stupid question! The country continues to grow, the infrastructure continues to expand to fill the needs of the citizens, and spending continues to increase.

The smart question you SHOULD be asking is why have Republicans continued to expand spending without raising the taxes to pay for it. Americans pay some of the lowest taxes in the world.

You can afford a "space force" but you can't afford universal health care for your citizens. You can afford the biggest baddest army in the world and pay more to run it than the next 8 biggest spending military powers in the world, but you can't afford free college tuition for your citizens.

The USA spent $2.3 trillion dollars on the war in Afghanistan. $1.9 trillion on the war in Iraq. Over $4 trillion dollars Republicans put on the national credit card without taxing to pay for it, and you have the gall to ask why Democrats keep expanding spending. Imagine if that money had been spend on the health, education, infrastructure, and improving the lives of the AMERICAN people whose hard work Republicans continue to abuse and exploit for their own gains.

Why don't Republicans tax to pay for all of the money they spend.
Well, they had no problem raising the debt ceiling and then suspending it when the last guy (who had an "R" next to his name) was President.
Then, when a guy with a "D" next to his name won, the Deficit and Debt Eagles came flocking back to the nest (like the eagles did in Lord of the Rings).
The debt ceiling is the issue..not the two infrastructure and budge bills.
Gee, Jack...why do you think we HAVE a debt ceiling?
What a stupid question! The country continues to grow, the infrastructure continues to expand to fill the needs of the citizens, and spending continues to increase.

The smart question you SHOULD be asking is why have Republicans continued to expand spending without raising the taxes to pay for it. Americans pay some of the lowest taxes in the world.

You can afford a "space force" but you can't afford universal health care for your citizens. You can afford the biggest baddest army in the world and pay more to run it than the next 8 biggest spending military powers in the world, but you can't afford free college tuition for your citizens.

The USA spent $2.3 trillion dollars on the war in Afghanistan. $1.9 trillion on the war in Iraq. Over $4 trillion dollars Republicans put on the national credit card without taxing to pay for it, and you have the gall to ask why Democrats keep expanding spending. Imagine if that money had been spend on the health, education, infrastructure, and improving the lives of the AMERICAN people whose hard work Republicans continue to abuse and exploit for their own gains.

Why don't Republicans tax to pay for all of the money they spend.
You really are clueless, Dragonlady! The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were both voted for by Democrats as well as Republicans. Biden voted for them. So did Hillary.
because trump tried to reduce spending …
I am seriously concerned over the self-induced delusions under which you rubes suffer.

Seriously concerned.

Our recent estimates of $4.7 trillion in new debt are higher than the $4.1 trillion we estimated in July of 2019 – with the additional debt the result of new and extended tax cuts in the December 2019 appropriations bills. Roughly half of the new debt President Trump signed into law is the result of tax cuts, and the other half of spending increases.

"Trump tried to reduce spending". :lol:

Why do you lie so often? Is that truly the type of person you are, in the real world?

The Democrats never shut the govt down under Trump and many voted to support raising the debt ceiling all the different times Trump needed to raise it.

Shutting down the govt WILL ruin EVERYTHING, FOR EVERY ONE....IT'S THE STUPIDIST AND MOST HARMFUL THING, OUR Congress critters and Senators could ever do, to this nation and every one of us in it.... It'll ruin our Nations credit rating, raise the interest rate on the 20 trillion national debt we already owe, make loans for homes and cars and boats and credit cards on all of us go way up, stifle business growth, millions will lose their jobs etc etc etc....

The debt ceiling is to pay the bills we have already passed and spent.... most all of it under Trump .... It's not for new spending proposals.... That'll be faced at a later date....if congress does not find a way to raise taxes to pay for Biden's new spending proposals.
Care to explain how a government shut down is going to increase the cost of house and car loans, Care and cost millions of jobs?
He caused the shutdown by refusing to pass bills raising the debt? What the f_ck is wrong with you clowns, how about cutting the spending to pay for future bills? Is that how you run your fricken household?

How about you take an economics course and find out how this works? Or google the debt ceiling. Raising the debt ceiling does not to increase spending. If you took an economics course, you'd know that .

The debt ceiling is for spending which has already been approved. Refusing to raise the debt ceiling is pointless and stupid. So of course it's the go-to move for Republicans. They're the only ones who are stupid enough to do this. =
Hey idiot, the Trump tax cuts (that helped everybody, not just the rich like you liars claim) brought in record revenues to the government. Did you refuse the Trump tax cut and pay the higher former rates? No? Then shut up.
kyzr says Trump's tax cuts added to the debt. Perhaps you two should get together and figure out what the hell you are talking about.
Care to explain how a government shut down is going to increase the cost of house and car loans, Care and cost millions of jobs?

Because when government workers get laid off and have no money to spend, and then workers who sell goods and services to government workers get laid off because government workers aren't buying things from them any more. And so on and so on and so on.
Hey idiot, the Trump tax cuts (that helped everybody, not just the rich like you liars claim) brought in record revenues to the government. Did you refuse the Trump tax cut and pay the higher former rates? No? Then shut up.

The Trump cuts didn't bring in "record revenues to government". They brought in a one time 10% repatriation tax on overseas profits. Money corporations had sitting on in foreign countries for years. The loss of revenues continues, but the one time payment won't be repeated so the deficit is ever climbing.

The Trump tax cuts did NOTHING for the 40% of American workers, who ended up worse off under Trump because of the lack of tax cuts, cuts to Obamacare funding, and the tariff wars.

Both the wealth gap and the wage gap increased under Trump. Although workers did get raise, their bosses got more - much much more. Both the wealth gap and the wage gap, which economists agree needs to close, widened faster under Donald Trump than under any other President in history.

Donald Trump told you he created the "greatest economy ever". He lied. Obama created the greatest US economy ever. Trump destroyed it.
For all your lying and whining, even the media called it the SCHUMER SHUTDOWN. The nation’s credit rating was fine under Trump. It was OBAMA who had the nation’s credit rating downgraded on his watch.
The media called it the Trump shutdown, and rightfully so.... Since Trump proudly and personally took credit for the shutdown, from the beginning.
Care to explain how a government shut down is going to increase the cost of house and car loans, Care and cost millions of jobs?
It can lower a our credit rating, just by the action... This will raise the price of our loans, and existing debt loans when they come up for renewal.... Instead of paying a low interest rate on our debt, we pay a much higher one.... Bringing our yearly interest payment on our debt much, much higher which explodes our yearly budget deficit even moreso, adding more and more to our debt.

This makes borrowing money for both businesses and us, more expensive with higher interest rates.
Trump was spending so quickly, Congress had to raise the debt ceiling three times, and then when they STILL couldn't keep up, they suspended the debt ceiling altogether, TWICE.

The second suspension was extended out past the 2020 election.

Trumpists sawed off their own moral legs when it comes to spending and debt. They didn't say squat about Trump's spending during the entire four years. I made a point of starting several topics about Trump's spending all along the way to try to coax them into criticizing Trump's spending.

They could not do it. They would rather die. They are a cult.

Christ, Trump came this close to matching Obama's debt in HALF THE TIME.
Because when government workers get laid off and have no money to spend, and then workers who sell goods and services to government workers get laid off because government workers aren't buying things from them any more. And so on and so on and so on. don't know much about how the Public Sector works in you? Government workers here go home when they get laid off...hang out for a little while and then when the government starts up again they get back pay retroactively. It's a freakin' paid vacation for them and they know it. They'll spend what they always do if not more.

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