Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection

The summer of 2020 riots caused 2 billion in damage and killed or injured thousands. The J6 protest caused 1.5 million damage (high) and one person was killed, a protestor. The summer of 2020 riots were the real insurrection, and they were ignored by the DOJ, the biased media and the deep state operatives who run this country. wasn't. A peaceful protest would have been like the demonstrations against Kavanaugh's nomination. Not broken windows, destroyed and stolen property, feces smeared on walls, actively shouting for politicians (including the VP) to be found, police attacked with homemade weapons, zip ties...and..well..dead people.
Unlike the May 2020 attack on the White House where the presidents life was threatened, more than 50 Secret Service and D.C. Police officers were injured and the St. John's Episcopal Church set on fire.
That was an insurrection.
Antifa/BLM used bricks, pipes, Molotov Cocktails, and frozen water bottles etc. None of that was used in the Jan 6th Protest.
(Quote) What is particularly telling about the hysteria over January 6 is that infinitely worse riots took place across America in 2020 — a series of genuine and decidedly violent insurrections in the name of Black Lives Matter — and there is nary an investigation in sight. (Unquote)

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What is particularly telling about the hysteria over January 6 is that infinitely worse riots took place across America in 2020 — a series of genuine and decidedly violent insurrections in the name of Black Lives Matter —

You guys are hilarious. Violently Attacking Congress while they were verifying and counting the States certified election results can't be called an insurrection, but race riots, that have been a feature in the battle between local Leo's and certain communities are far back as I can remember, are now a series of incurrections.
You guys are hilarious. Violently Attacking Congress while they were verifying and counting the States certified election results can't be called an insurrection, but race riots, that have been a feature in the battle between local Leo's and certain communities are far back as I can remember, are now a series of incurrections.
However, attacking the White House, our President, and a Church is permissible in your warped ideology.
Then there's the fire bombing attack on the Portland Federal building. Certainly these attacks prove an attack on the Federal government, hence it's insurrection.
It's been well proven that the participants in the BLM/Antifa riots/insurrections were not local people but paid and bussed in from different cities.
BTW, learn to use spell check.

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Unlike the May 2020 attack on the White House where the presidents life was threatened, more than 50 Secret Service and D.C. Police officers were injured and the St. John's Episcopal Church set on fire.
That was an insurrection.
Antifa/BLM used bricks, pipes, Molotov Cocktails, and frozen water bottles etc. None of that was used in the Jan 6th Protest.
(Quote) What is particularly telling about the hysteria over January 6 is that infinitely worse riots took place across America in 2020 — a series of genuine and decidedly violent insurrections in the name of Black Lives Matter — and there is nary an investigation in sight. (Unquote)

Please, no one got within spitting distance of the back door to the White House before Skippy decided to duck and cover in his bunker. No one in the White House was in any danger. And Skippy wasn't wounded. Well, maybe from missing his nightly Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

Just stop with this comparison.
However, attacking the White House, our President, and a Church is permissible in your warped ideology.
You might have a point if they were pumped up by the leader of the Democrats who had spent months rallying his forces in a desperate attempt to stay in power, but they weren't and you don't.

Reduced to whinning about mispellings. Ain't that Trump's America. (knot really you speiling Naziz have been eh-round since chatboards were invented........
Not sure why you pull that quote out specifically.

The clips back the democrat narrative quite well.
It's from the link in the article from OP, figured I'd save people a click but way to miss the point. You think it coincidence Nancy had a camera crew there that day?
You might have a point if they were pumped up by the leader of the Democrats who had spent months rallying his forces in a desperate attempt to stay in power, but they weren't and you don't.

Reduced to whinning about mispellings. Ain't that Trump's America. (knot really you speiling Naziz have been eh-round since chatboards were invented........
In your defense, most people think your critical thinking is far worse than your spelling.
In your defense, most people think your critical thinking is far worse than your spelling.
Perhaps then you can tell me why violently attacking Congress while they were verifying and counting the States certified election results can't be called an insurrection, but race riots, that have been a feature in the battle between local Leo's and certain communities are far back as I can remember, are now a series of insurrections?

Or is the question indicative of a warped ideology?
Perhaps then you can tell me why violently attacking Congress while they were verifying and counting the States certified election results can't be called an insurrection, but race riots, that have been a feature in the battle between local Leo's and certain communities are far back as I can remember, are now a series of insurrections?

Or is the question indicative of a warped ideology?
Affirmative on the second part.
Yeah. They said the same thing in Lexington-Concord and Ft. Sumner.
In the Mostly they said, "Neighbor, hast thou some powder left?" In the second....well, they lost, thus those who said "No chance" were right~
Yeah. They said the same thing in Lexington-Concord and Ft. Sumner.
Ft. Sumner? "Onto the Reservation Heathens"?

On October 31, 1862, Congress authorized the construction of Fort Sumner. General James Henry Carleton initially justified the fort as offering protection to settlers in the Pecos River valley from the Mescalero Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche. He also created the Bosque Redondo reservation, a 1,600-square-mile (4,100 km2; 1,000,000-acre) [3] area where over 9,000 Navajo and Mescalero Apaches were forced to live because of accusations that they were raiding white settlements near their respective homelands. The fort was named for General Edwin Vose Sumner.[4]

From Ft. Sumter both sides painted "Look what they did" on their recruitment posters......

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