Pelosi’s Filmmaker Daughter Alexandra Pelosi Caught on Tape REFUTING J6 NARRATIVE – Admitting Jan. 6 Protests Not an Insurrection

Except there was no America when Concord went down..and the South....last time I picked up a history book....lost.
BTW its Fort Sumter
You and Fleegle seem to be confused. Let me clue you in. There is a difference between an insurrection and an overthrow. Concord and Sumpter were both the beginning of insurrections, unlike the protests of J6. Your welcome.
Ft. Sumner? "Onto the Reservation Heathens"?

On October 31, 1862, Congress authorized the construction of Fort Sumner. General James Henry Carleton initially justified the fort as offering protection to settlers in the Pecos River valley from the Mescalero Apache, Kiowa, and Comanche. He also created the Bosque Redondo reservation, a 1,600-square-mile (4,100 km2; 1,000,000-acre) [3] area where over 9,000 Navajo and Mescalero Apaches were forced to live because of accusations that they were raiding white settlements near their respective homelands. The fort was named for General Edwin Vose Sumner.[4]

From Ft. Sumter both sides painted "Look what they did" on their recruitment posters......
Nice job bookworm. Tell your daddy I said it's OK to give you a peanut.
You and Fleegle seem to be confused. Let me clue you in. There is a difference between an insurrection and an overthrow. Concord and Sumpter were both the beginning of insurrections, unlike the protests of J6. Your welcome.
What happened on January 6th was an attempted COUP. An attempt to interrupt the peaceful transition of power. An attempt to throw out the results of a free and fair election and re-install the loser.

Hey, you're the one that's confused. They don't refer to it as The American Insurrection. :)
It's from the link in the article from OP, figured I'd save people a click but way to miss the point. You think it coincidence Nancy had a camera crew there that day?
It certainly was not a coincidence. Do you think counting the votes for the next president is not televised? Have you ever even watched C-Span?

If you think the camera crew being there is some sort of point then you are just being obtuse on purpose. There are camera crews present at the capitol 100 percent of the time that the senate is doing something and those camera crews just do not magically vanish when shit hits the fan. Particularly when this is exactly how those crews make it big in their particular field.

Is that really the best you have? That there was someone filming with professional equipment?
It certainly was not a coincidence. Do you think counting the votes for the next president is not televised? Have you ever even watched C-Span?

If you think the camera crew being there is some sort of point then you are just being obtuse on purpose. There are camera crews present at the capitol 100 percent of the time that the senate is doing something and those camera crews just do not magically vanish when shit hits the fan. Particularly when this is exactly how those crews make it big in their particular field.

Is that really the best you have? That there was someone filming with professional equipment?
Alexandra Pelosi works for C-Span? I suggest you read up on who controls those cams and where they allowed access

"FOLKENFLIK: Well, the deal is that normally, C-SPAN doesn't have control of the cameras. Normally, the cameras are controlled by employees of the United States Congress. And they are directed, of course, ultimately, by the office of the House speaker. And therefore, normally, you know, C-SPAN doesn't have any choice, really, what they're showing you. Things are tightly focused on who's speaking about current legislations or nomination or whatever the issues at hand in front of the House. And that's about it."
Alexandra Pelosi works for C-Span? I suggest you read up on who controls those cams and where they allowed access

"FOLKENFLIK: Well, the deal is that normally, C-SPAN doesn't have control of the cameras. Normally, the cameras are controlled by employees of the United States Congress. And they are directed, of course, ultimately, by the office of the House speaker. And therefore, normally, you know, C-SPAN doesn't have any choice, really, what they're showing you. Things are tightly focused on who's speaking about current legislations or nomination or whatever the issues at hand in front of the House. And that's about it."
Did I say she works for C-Span? No. I said the capitol is covered in cameras all the time. I mentioned C-Span as a point of fact that those cameras are there. I don't care who was operating that specific camera, the events were guaranteed to be filmed. Do keep up.
Did I say she works for C-Span? No. I said the capitol is covered in cameras all the time. I mentioned C-Span as a point of fact that those cameras are there. I don't care who was operating that specific camera, the events were guaranteed to be filmed. Do keep up.
The cameras stay focused on the house floor they don't follow people around you fucking moron

So yes Nancy having her daughter there to film was all PART OF THE FUCKING PLAN you absolute retard
You guys are hilarious. Violently Attacking Congress while they were verifying and counting the States certified election results can't be called an insurrection, but race riots, that have been a feature in the battle between local Leo's and certain communities are far back as I can remember, are now a series of incurrections.
How many in Congress, the Senate and or their aides were physically attacked by those protesters?
How many of the same were sent to hospitals for their physical injuries?
Please, no one got within spitting distance of the back door to the White House before Skippy decided to duck and cover in his bunker. No one in the White House was in any danger. And Skippy wasn't wounded. Well, maybe from missing his nightly Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

Just stop with this comparison.
You fool, the presidency not the man, whether led by a Republican or Democrat was injured that night by anarchists attempting to breach the White House.
You fool, the presidency not the man, whether led by a Republican or Democrat was injured that night by anarchists attempting to breach the White House. wasn't. Not in slightest. I mean, in your alt-right minds it may have been. But the gates surrounding the White House were never in any danger of being breached. No one made it over the fence and close to the security door. And Skippy did retreat to his bunker so I doubt anyone could have gotten to him. Not that it would matter. The Capitol is where the business of the country is done. Not the White House.

Sorry, no comparison. The protests that night were over the death of George Floyd. Not over largely white grievance about a supposedly "stolen" election. wasn't. Not in slightest. I mean, in your alt-right minds it may have been. But the gates surrounding the White House were never in any danger of being breached. No one made it over the fence and close to the security door. And Skippy did retreat to his bunker so I doubt anyone could have gotten to him. Not that it would matter. The Capitol is where the business of the country is done. Not the White House.

Sorry, no comparison. The protests that night were over the death of George Floyd. Not over largely white grievance about a supposedly "stolen" election.


Again. What is it you members of Alt-Right Nation are not getting here? The only insurrection and attempted coup this country has seen in more than a century happened on January 6th, 2021.

BTW, none of these three pictures has anything to do with what went on in May-July, 2020...or January 6th.
FOX compares the two instances, their cult believes.
Like comparing Hurricane Ida and the tornadoes in Kentucky.
What happened on January 6th was an attempted COUP. An attempt to interrupt the peaceful transition of power. An attempt to throw out the results of a free and fair election and re-install the loser.

Hey, you're the one that's confused. They don't refer to it as The American Insurrection. :)
It's called the American revolution. And even though revolution happens to be a synonym for insurrection, that doesn't make your characterization, the American insurrection, accurate. Your confusion coupled with your inferior logic are making you look bad.
It's called the American revolution. And even though revolution happens to be a synonym for insurrection, that doesn't make your characterization, the American insurrection, accurate. Your confusion coupled with your inferior logic are making you look bad.
Again, when the American Revolution happened, America...wasn't even America yet.
January 6th was an attempted coup. Period. What happened after the killing of George Floyd..wasn't.
The cameras stay focused on the house floor they don't follow people around you fucking moron

So yes Nancy having her daughter there to film was all PART OF THE FUCKING PLAN you absolute retard
Uh huh. Because you said so. Because there is clearly no other reason cameras would be present or her daughter.

And the best proof of that you can find is.... saying it is not so is retarded.

Wow, with points THAT strong how can anyone argue. Why did you just not open with that amazing 'because I said so' reasoning?
Uh huh. Because you said so. Because there is clearly no other reason cameras would be present or her daughter.

And the best proof of that you can find is.... saying it is not so is retarded.

Wow, with points THAT strong how can anyone argue. Why did you just not open with that amazing 'because I said so' reasoning?
I've linked proof you continue to be dumb, if you want me to tutor you pay up
You guys are hilarious. Violently Attacking Congress while they were verifying and counting the States certified election results can't be called an insurrection, but race riots, that have been a feature in the battle between local Leo's and certain communities are far back as I can remember, are now a series of incurrections.
The Democratic Party is behind most of the made for TV dramas that keep the country angry and divided. All they do is bash Cops, border patrol, Trump, Trump supporters and White people in general. They are actively working to take down this country.
I've linked proof you continue to be dumb, if you want me to tutor you pay up
You linked video. And then bitched and moaned about how the existance of video was proof that there was a conspericy. In on of the most recorded places on the planet.

And to further that proof, you complained that Pelosi's daughter was filiming. As though it would be highly unusual for her to be there. Or the cameras. Of that the events would be recorded. All things that were actually a given.

That is the problem with you trumpbots and conspiracy nuts. You do not even know what the words evidence, proof or fact are. You don't even speak English, just jabber on thinking that the fantasies in your head somehow reflect reality when nothing could be further from the truth.

Tutor, lol. Haw pathetic.

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