Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

Or, and even more probable, is they're trying not to jump the gun on releasing information until such time that they know the information they're releasing is accurate...

So WTF??
So Paul was in his bedroom... the guy walks in and Paul has the hammer.
What? Why does an 82 year old man have a hammer in his bedroom? And what exactly did he think he was going to do with it?
He is 82. Weak as a kitten. A 15 year old girl can take a hammer away from most 82 year old men.
No gun??? If he had a gun nothing would have happened to him, as apparently the "attacker" had no weapon with him.

yeah ... Pelosi would have had a better chance of escaping injury if he owned a gun that could be easily and quickly reached when the attacker broke in . especially if the he was awakened when the perp was breaking in .
What does challenging the election have to do with this?

MTG is threatening companies because they didn't give Republicans campaign money.

That's fascist.
Telling someone they will be held responsible is not fascist. Jailing someone for political reasons is. Those are the people you are backing.
Telling someone they will be held responsible is not fascist. Jailing someone for political reasons is. Those are the people you are backing.
MTG is saying out loud that they're going after these companies for political reasons.

That's literally what she is saying.
Except for a possible dislike of Jews the man appears to be somewhat conservative

If so thats not surprising

The left is pushing the country to the edge of tolerance even for the best of us
Look up castro nudist protester and reevaluate.....He seems the typical Berkeley, CA "Berkserker".

yeah ... Pelosi would have had a better chance of escaping injury if he owned a gun that could be easily and quickly reached when the attacker broke in . especially if the he was awakened when the perp was breaking in .
Well I am going to assume he was awakened.. he was carrying a hammer that the perp took from hum.
Otherwise... the guy must have some pretty weird pervs to have a hammer in bed with him.
I can't imagine anyone who takes the measure to have a hammer in your bedroom for safety... but not a gun.
And look what happened to him.. he must have the IQ of waterboy
Except for a possible dislike of Jews the man appears to be somewhat conservative

If so thats not surprising

The left is pushing the country to the edge of tolerance even for the best of us

A pro nudity, hemp jewelry maker is a conservative?
"Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi," spokesperson Drew Hammill said. "The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation." Hammill added, "Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital, where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery."

While I wish Mr. Pelosi a speedy recovery, Karma is a bitch.

Democrats fully supported the Defund the Police movement and the war against the police.

The lawlessness the Democrats have created has come full circle, and now Speaker Pelosi and her husband find themselves in very much need of the same police they have vilified.

Oh no... Anyway
Sounds like a San Francisco Hippy.

Isn't the Castro district where all the queers hang out?

There's a lot of stuff on his social media that makes him look like a right-winger: anti-global warming, anti-media censorship, and other stuff. The radical left is saying he's one of ours.

Apparently this goober went so far to the left that he made a full circle and ended up right. :laughing0301:

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