Pelosi's husband got violently assaulted

Go along to get along conservatives will believe any story they are told.

The bane of conservatism. Good that Trump is removing them from the fray.

They let the left get away.
Go along to get along conservatives will believe any story they are told.

The bane of conservatism. Good that Trump is removing them from the fray.

They let the left get away.
Not to worry, but I think the pity party's going to Portugal in the near future.
Not to worry, but I think the pity party's going to Portugal in the near future.
It's a characteristic of conservatism.

~10% of conservatives are far too agreeable in a fight and can be talked into voting for the foe, in order to feel good about themselves. Even if the feelgood is a lie.
Anybody that would go into the home and attack an 83-year-old man, (probably for political reasons) is a total piece of shit.
Wouldn't be surprised if it's just a nice house that was believed to be an easy target.
Anybody who would drive drunk, run over another motorist and use his political clout to get a few months probation is a piece of shit.
Very few people would choose to roast their own hide after a fuck up. I think almost all of us would weasel our way out of hard time if we could.
There have been reports that Nancy and her husband have a strained relationship.
Suspect picture up.. was looking for Dominion servers.


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