Penalties grow for not getting insurance

what a scam they pulled on the people in this country. I'm old enough I won't have to pay it. but MILLIONS of our children just starting out in life will have to. that is just sickening

With less than three weeks of open enrollment left, Covered California is working to highlight increased penalties for not having health insurance this year.

Since its individual coverage requirement took effect in 2014, Obamacare has doled out increasingly expensive fines to people who do not purchase coverage through health exchanges or obtain insurance from an employer or a government program such as Medicare. This year brings the highest penalty yet, Peter Lee, Covered California’s executive director, said during a news conference Wednesday.

“This is real money going straight to the IRS, where the consumer gets nothing in return,” Lee said.

This year, the penalty is $695 per adult and $347 per child up to a family cap of $2,500 or 2.5 percent of household income, whichever is greater. Last year’s penalty was $325 for adults, with a $975 maximum or 2 percent of household income.

For some consumers, getting an exchange policy is a no-brainer. People in lower income brackets can qualify for significant government subsidies that help pay monthly premiums, and many in those categories also qualify for health plans with lower out-of-pocket costs.

A recent study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that of the nation’s 7 million people who qualify for a subsidy, about half have incomes low enough to qualify them for a zero-cost bronze plan, which must cover at least 60 percent of the enrollee’s health care costs.
The decision is more difficult for those in higher income brackets.

The more income a household makes, the less subsidy is available, forcing many to gauge the expense of a penalty for being uninsured against the cost of monthly premiums. Kaiser predicts that in 2016, penalties will increase, on average, from $1,177 to $1,450.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, 7.5 million Americans paid a total of $1.5 billion in Obamacare penalties on their 2015 tax returns for failing to obtain insurance in 2014. In 2014, the fines assessed were only $95 per adult or 1 percent of household income, whichever was greater.

all of it here:
Penalties grow for not getting insurance
But that's not tyranny.

some how, fucking over Americans and taking their money for not obeying the government, isn't tyranny.

why the hell more of the people don't realize this is horrible.

Your fear of something you know nothing about is indeed horrifying.
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny
what a scam they pulled on the people in this country. I'm old enough I won't have to pay it. but MILLIONS of our children just starting out in life will have to. that is just sickening

With less than three weeks of open enrollment left, Covered California is working to highlight increased penalties for not having health insurance this year.

Since its individual coverage requirement took effect in 2014, Obamacare has doled out increasingly expensive fines to people who do not purchase coverage through health exchanges or obtain insurance from an employer or a government program such as Medicare. This year brings the highest penalty yet, Peter Lee, Covered California’s executive director, said during a news conference Wednesday.

“This is real money going straight to the IRS, where the consumer gets nothing in return,” Lee said.

This year, the penalty is $695 per adult and $347 per child up to a family cap of $2,500 or 2.5 percent of household income, whichever is greater. Last year’s penalty was $325 for adults, with a $975 maximum or 2 percent of household income.

For some consumers, getting an exchange policy is a no-brainer. People in lower income brackets can qualify for significant government subsidies that help pay monthly premiums, and many in those categories also qualify for health plans with lower out-of-pocket costs.

A recent study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that of the nation’s 7 million people who qualify for a subsidy, about half have incomes low enough to qualify them for a zero-cost bronze plan, which must cover at least 60 percent of the enrollee’s health care costs.
The decision is more difficult for those in higher income brackets.

The more income a household makes, the less subsidy is available, forcing many to gauge the expense of a penalty for being uninsured against the cost of monthly premiums. Kaiser predicts that in 2016, penalties will increase, on average, from $1,177 to $1,450.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, 7.5 million Americans paid a total of $1.5 billion in Obamacare penalties on their 2015 tax returns for failing to obtain insurance in 2014. In 2014, the fines assessed were only $95 per adult or 1 percent of household income, whichever was greater.

all of it here:
Penalties grow for not getting insurance
But that's not tyranny.

some how, fucking over Americans and taking their money for not obeying the government, isn't tyranny.

why the hell more of the people don't realize this is horrible.

Your fear of something you know nothing about is indeed horrifying.
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny

I don't live in North Korea.
I opted out since this crap passed. Still have yet to pay a fine. I claimed exempt as I cannot afford the premiums and do not qualify for any tax credit. Went through the IRS with no problem last year. This coming year will do it again and remains to be seen if exempt will go through again. If Congress is exempt why not us?

The lie of the ACA was that premiums would go down. In MN went up by 40% last year. I simply can't afford 450 a month with a 5,000 deductible. The government can shove it up their ass. Would I like affordable healthcare? YES. Do I want worthless insurance that requires I spend 9,000 before it kicks in? HELL NO.
what a scam they pulled on the people in this country. I'm old enough I won't have to pay it. but MILLIONS of our children just starting out in life will have to. that is just sickening

With less than three weeks of open enrollment left, Covered California is working to highlight increased penalties for not having health insurance this year.

Since its individual coverage requirement took effect in 2014, Obamacare has doled out increasingly expensive fines to people who do not purchase coverage through health exchanges or obtain insurance from an employer or a government program such as Medicare. This year brings the highest penalty yet, Peter Lee, Covered California’s executive director, said during a news conference Wednesday.

“This is real money going straight to the IRS, where the consumer gets nothing in return,” Lee said.

This year, the penalty is $695 per adult and $347 per child up to a family cap of $2,500 or 2.5 percent of household income, whichever is greater. Last year’s penalty was $325 for adults, with a $975 maximum or 2 percent of household income.

For some consumers, getting an exchange policy is a no-brainer. People in lower income brackets can qualify for significant government subsidies that help pay monthly premiums, and many in those categories also qualify for health plans with lower out-of-pocket costs.

A recent study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that of the nation’s 7 million people who qualify for a subsidy, about half have incomes low enough to qualify them for a zero-cost bronze plan, which must cover at least 60 percent of the enrollee’s health care costs.
The decision is more difficult for those in higher income brackets.

The more income a household makes, the less subsidy is available, forcing many to gauge the expense of a penalty for being uninsured against the cost of monthly premiums. Kaiser predicts that in 2016, penalties will increase, on average, from $1,177 to $1,450.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, 7.5 million Americans paid a total of $1.5 billion in Obamacare penalties on their 2015 tax returns for failing to obtain insurance in 2014. In 2014, the fines assessed were only $95 per adult or 1 percent of household income, whichever was greater.

all of it here:
Penalties grow for not getting insurance
But that's not tyranny.

some how, fucking over Americans and taking their money for not obeying the government, isn't tyranny.

why the hell more of the people don't realize this is horrible.

Your fear of something you know nothing about is indeed horrifying.
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny

I don't live in North Korea.
NK wasn't NK

freedom isn't slaughtered all at once, it's 1000 cuts, that filth like you support that ends with America being little more than NK.

so remember to support gun control, that way your safe from freedom
But that's not tyranny.

some how, fucking over Americans and taking their money for not obeying the government, isn't tyranny.

why the hell more of the people don't realize this is horrible.

Your fear of something you know nothing about is indeed horrifying.
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny

I don't live in North Korea.
NK wasn't NK

freedom isn't slaughtered all at once, it's 1000 cuts, that filth like you support that ends with America being little more than NK.

so remember to support gun control, that way your safe from freedom

See my sig.
why the hell more of the people don't realize this is horrible.

Your fear of something you know nothing about is indeed horrifying.
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny

I don't live in North Korea.
NK wasn't NK

freedom isn't slaughtered all at once, it's 1000 cuts, that filth like you support that ends with America being little more than NK.

so remember to support gun control, that way your safe from freedom

See my sig.
grammar defense is not the defense to support tyranny.

filth like you hate American and want it fundamentally changed w/o grasping the idea of what the fundamentals are.

but I used your of idiot instead of you're an idiot, so you think you win. pfft
Your fear of something you know nothing about is indeed horrifying.
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny

I don't live in North Korea.
NK wasn't NK

freedom isn't slaughtered all at once, it's 1000 cuts, that filth like you support that ends with America being little more than NK.

so remember to support gun control, that way your safe from freedom

See my sig.
grammar defense is not the defense to support tyranny.

filth like you hate American and want it fundamentally changed w/o grasping the idea of what the fundamentals are.

but I used your of idiot instead of you're an idiot, so you think you win. pfft

Great on-topic post! Post another!
2 situations that I know of personally, within the last 6 months.

1. A person had there appendix explode didn't have insurance and was in the hospital for over a week. ( We all pay for that , when our medical costs go way up due to not paying or very little). I am sure the bill was in the 6 digits.

2. A nurse who was one of the loudest against Obamacare, just got on Obamacare because the others were way too expensive for a retiree before 65.
Government and predatory litigation has caused medical care to skyrocket. More government makes it even more expensive.
2 situations that I know of personally, within the last 6 months.

1. A person had there appendix explode didn't have insurance and was in the hospital for over a week. ( We all pay for that , when our medical costs go way up due to not paying or very little). I am sure the bill was in the 6 digits.

2. A nurse who was one of the loudest against Obamacare, just got on Obamacare because the others were way too expensive for a retiree before 65.
Government and predatory litigation has caused medical care to skyrocket. More government makes it even more expensive.

Ah, the old "tort reform" argument. Got links?
2 situations that I know of personally, within the last 6 months.

1. A person had there appendix explode didn't have insurance and was in the hospital for over a week. ( We all pay for that , when our medical costs go way up due to not paying or very little). I am sure the bill was in the 6 digits.

2. A nurse who was one of the loudest against Obamacare, just got on Obamacare because the others were way too expensive for a retiree before 65.
Government and predatory litigation has caused medical care to skyrocket. More government makes it even more expensive.

Ah, the old "tort reform" argument. Got links?
Links? LOL. Here's one that suits you, only a retard doesn't know about the litigation problem and their need to practice lawsuit avoidance medical care.

Mentally handicapped
developmental disability

(redirected from Mentally handicapped)
Also found in: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to Mentally handicapped: mental deficiency, mental retardation, Mentally challenged

1. impairment of function to below the maximal level, either physically or mentally.
2. anything that causes such impairment.
3. the United States Government defines a disability as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individual's major life activities:” this includes both those individuals with a record of an impairment and those regarded as having such an impairment.
4. the World Health Organization defines disability as loss of function at the level of the whole person, which may include inability to communicate or to perform mobility, activities of daily living, or necessary vocational or avocational activities; rehabilitation is aimed at teaching patients to remediate or compensate and thus maximize functional independence. See also handicap and impairment.
developmental disability a substantial handicap in mental or physical functioning, with onset before the age of 18 and of indefinite duration. Examples are autism, cerebral palsy, uncontrolled epilepsy, certain other neuropathies, and mental retardation.
2 situations that I know of personally, within the last 6 months.

1. A person had there appendix explode didn't have insurance and was in the hospital for over a week. ( We all pay for that , when our medical costs go way up due to not paying or very little). I am sure the bill was in the 6 digits.

2. A nurse who was one of the loudest against Obamacare, just got on Obamacare because the others were way too expensive for a retiree before 65.
Government and predatory litigation has caused medical care to skyrocket. More government makes it even more expensive.

Not really: Prices can be raised , because they do not have a price cap

Remember this crook a couple months ago?
Life saving drug goes up 5000% overnight, after he bought the company

Martin Shkreli was arrested and indicted in December on securities fraud charges involving improper practices between his former hedge fund and Retrophin, a pharmaceutical company he founded. Shkreli, a pharmaceutical executive and hedge fund manager, earned the ire of AIDS activists, politicians, and the public at large when he acquired the rights to and subsequently raised the price of a drug that treats a parasitic condition known as toxoplasmosis. According to reports, the price increase amounted to more than 55 times the previous price.

Venable LLP | News & Insights | Publications | Ex-Hedge Fund Manager Martin Shkreli Indicted on Securities Fraud Charges

2 situations that I know of personally, within the last 6 months.

1. A person had there appendix explode didn't have insurance and was in the hospital for over a week. ( We all pay for that , when our medical costs go way up due to not paying or very little). I am sure the bill was in the 6 digits.

2. A nurse who was one of the loudest against Obamacare, just got on Obamacare because the others were way too expensive for a retiree before 65.
Government and predatory litigation has caused medical care to skyrocket. More government makes it even more expensive.

Ah, the old "tort reform" argument. Got links?
Links? LOL. Here's one that suits you, only a retard doesn't know about the litigation problem and their need to practice lawsuit avoidance medical care.

Mentally handicapped
developmental disability

(redirected from Mentally handicapped)
Also found in: Dictionary, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Related to Mentally handicapped: mental deficiency, mental retardation, Mentally challenged

1. impairment of function to below the maximal level, either physically or mentally.
2. anything that causes such impairment.
3. the United States Government defines a disability as “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of an individual's major life activities:” this includes both those individuals with a record of an impairment and those regarded as having such an impairment.
4. the World Health Organization defines disability as loss of function at the level of the whole person, which may include inability to communicate or to perform mobility, activities of daily living, or necessary vocational or avocational activities; rehabilitation is aimed at teaching patients to remediate or compensate and thus maximize functional independence. See also handicap and impairment.
developmental disability a substantial handicap in mental or physical functioning, with onset before the age of 18 and of indefinite duration. Examples are autism, cerebral palsy, uncontrolled epilepsy, certain other neuropathies, and mental retardation.

So in reality, you don't have one....haaaaa

Yes, the drug costs are very expensive as a non-generic when they first come out because of trials and lawsuits..

Hospital lawsuits are hard to come by now, unless if the problem was horrendous

2 situations that I know of personally, within the last 6 months.

1. A person had there appendix explode didn't have insurance and was in the hospital for over a week. ( We all pay for that , when our medical costs go way up due to not paying or very little). I am sure the bill was in the 6 digits.

2. A nurse who was one of the loudest against Obamacare, just got on Obamacare because the others were way too expensive for a retiree before 65.
Government and predatory litigation has caused medical care to skyrocket. More government makes it even more expensive.

Not really: Prices can be raised , because they do not have a price cap

Remember this crook a couple months ago?
Life saving drug goes up 5000% overnight, after he bought the company

Martin Shkreli was arrested and indicted in December on securities fraud charges involving improper practices between his former hedge fund and Retrophin, a pharmaceutical company he founded. Shkreli, a pharmaceutical executive and hedge fund manager, earned the ire of AIDS activists, politicians, and the public at large when he acquired the rights to and subsequently raised the price of a drug that treats a parasitic condition known as toxoplasmosis. According to reports, the price increase amounted to more than 55 times the previous price.

Venable LLP | News & Insights | Publications | Ex-Hedge Fund Manager Martin Shkreli Indicted on Securities Fraud Charges

Drugmakers ring in 2016 with hefty price hikes

Drugmakers ring in 2016 with hefty price hikes
So in reality, you don't have one....haaaaa

Yes, the drug costs are very expensive as a non-generic when they first come out because of trials and lawsuits..

Hospital lawsuits are hard to come by now, unless if the problem was horrendous.
I have none? It's like trying to discuss gravity, you guys really are retards. OBGYNs are hit especially hard and many get out, C sections are common to avoid suits. You guys need to go to kindergarden first, then come back and discuss the issue with the adults. It's like trying to teach a kid how to read so you can discuss a book. No wonder you are libs. Here's lesson one...

How Government Regulations Made Healthcare So Expensive
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," declared philosopher George Santayana. The U.S. “health care cost crisis” didn’t start until 1965. The government increased demand with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid while restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals. Health care prices responded at twice the rate of inflation (Figure 1). Now, the U.S. is repeating the same mistakes with the unveiling of Obamacare (a.k.a. “Medicare and Medicaid for the middle class”).
Figure 1: An Indexed Comparison of Health Care Inflation and Consumer Price Index in US from 1935 to 2009 (Source: US Census 2013) Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman wrote that medical price inflation since 1965 has been caused by the rising demand for health-care coupled with restricted supply (Friedman 1992). Robert Alford explained the minority view: "The market reformers wish to preserve the control of the individual physician over his practice, over the hospital, and over his fees, and they simply wish to open up the medical schools in order to meet the demand for doctors, to give patients more choice among doctors, clinics, and hospitals, and to make that choice a real one by public subsidies for medical bills" (Alford 1975). The majority of policymakers support either monopolization (e.g. typically Republicans) or nationalization (e.g., typically Democrats).
Both have claimed "physician supply can create its own demand," which means increasing the supply of doctors and hospitals will just motivate them to convince "ignorant" consumers to order more unnecessary and expensive health care. During the 1970s, Frank Sloan, a Vanderbilt University health care economist, explained the success of the most influential pro-regulation health care economist, Uwe Reinhardt: "His theories are highly regarded because he is so clearly understood. Unfortunately the evidence for them is not good; it is not bad either, it is just not there. And it would be a shame to see federal policy set on such a poor, unscientific basis." Since the early 1900s, medical special interests have been lobbying politicians to reduce competition. By the 1980s, the U.S. was restricting the supply of physicians, hospitals, insurance and pharmaceuticals, while subsidizing demand. Since then, the U.S. has been trying to control high costs by moving toward something perhaps best described by the House Budget Committee: “In too many areas of the economy - especially energy, housing, finance, and health care – free enterprise has given way to government control in “partnership” with a few large or politically well-connected companies” (Ryan 2012). The following are past major laws and other policies implemented by the Federal and state governments that have interfered with the health care marketplace (HHS 2013):
Says the guy with no excuse to support tyranny

I don't live in North Korea.
NK wasn't NK

freedom isn't slaughtered all at once, it's 1000 cuts, that filth like you support that ends with America being little more than NK.

so remember to support gun control, that way your safe from freedom

See my sig.
grammar defense is not the defense to support tyranny.

filth like you hate American and want it fundamentally changed w/o grasping the idea of what the fundamentals are.

but I used your of idiot instead of you're an idiot, so you think you win. pfft

Great on-topic post! Post another!
So you don't understand the op or the topic.

this is about (D) forcing people to buy a product some can't afford.
if you can't afford it, you get fined, if you can't afford the fine, your wages get garnished by the government, then you can't pay your bills or buy food.
so you are forced onto a system that increases the countries debt
increased debt means the dollar is worth less
when the dollar is worth less, more people are forced onto the system
increasing the debt and making the dollar worth less

the difference between humans and leftist filth, is that we don't want to see people forced onto anything and you do, b/c you can't see past what you want b/c thinking of the country and it's people is to hard for you.
I don't live in North Korea.
NK wasn't NK

freedom isn't slaughtered all at once, it's 1000 cuts, that filth like you support that ends with America being little more than NK.

so remember to support gun control, that way your safe from freedom

See my sig.
grammar defense is not the defense to support tyranny.

filth like you hate American and want it fundamentally changed w/o grasping the idea of what the fundamentals are.

but I used your of idiot instead of you're an idiot, so you think you win. pfft

Great on-topic post! Post another!
So you don't understand the op or the topic.

this is about (D) forcing people to buy a product some can't afford.
if you can't afford it, you get fined, if you can't afford the fine, your wages get garnished by the government, then you can't pay your bills or buy food.
so you are forced onto a system that increases the countries debt
increased debt means the dollar is worth less
when the dollar is worth less, more people are forced onto the system
increasing the debt and making the dollar worth less

the difference between humans and leftist filth, is that we don't want to see people forced onto anything and you do, b/c you can't see past what you want b/c thinking of the country and it's people is to hard for you.

there are Many trolls/instigators running around on here. and not one is very bright either

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