Pence says ‘whoever’ is next GOP president will back national abortion ban

My life has been too unsettled and sometimes way too hard to have adequately taken care of a child in the way they deserve. I love my unborn children too much to bring them into this crappy world full of mean uncaring people like you.
Do you love blacks too much to see them living such miserable lives?

Let's see, you "love" babies enough to KILL them so they don't suffer at the hands of those defending their right to exist.

Give Satan my regards next time you pray to him
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Do you love blacks too much to see them living such miserable lines?

Let's see, you "love" babies enough to KILL them so they don't suffer at the hands of those defending their right to exist.

Give Satan my regards next time you pray to him
Shove the holier than thou act hypocrite. We all know what this is about and it ain't babies.
Do GOP politicians really care about abortion? My take, very few of them do outside of those with strict religious principle which I can at least respect for their genuine stance.
My opinion, yes, most republicans are against abortion either totally on religious grounds or at least want limits to it like the 16th or 26th week or something as reasonable.

Do the Dems only support abortion-on-demand because it equates to big dollars for PP, doctors etc? Is there an underlying interest in controlling the population of poor voters in large, Dem run cities that they see as a burden, dependent on the government and thus they prefer abortion?
You would have to ask some democrats. Of course, don't expect to get any serious, thoughtful replies.
Welp, the picture is complete now. If there wasn't any doubt before, we can add both Lindsay and Pence to the list of RINOS now working with Dems trying to sabotage the midterms in the hopes of preserving the failed old guard do-nothing useless republican party.

this times 100^^^
If I were the RNC Chair I swear I would be ordering Pepto Bismol by the case right now. These people just can't help themselves. It's unreal.

So, they wanted abortion to be a state issue, not they want it to be a national issue again?
Did I miss something? Like a huge cloud of coke covering DC or something
If I were the RNC Chair I swear I would be ordering Pepto Bismol by the case right now. These people just can't help themselves. It's unreal.

Fortunately everything is going to change before that can happen. Besides that won't be in the foreseeable future, maybe never again. the republican party is now the party of extremists and are destroying themselves.
If I were the RNC Chair I swear I would be ordering Pepto Bismol by the case right now. These people just can't help themselves. It's unreal.

When are you hair on fire commies going to understand, abortion is not a constitutional authority under Article One or Article Three. It falls squarely under the Tenth Amendment and is up to the individual States.

Republicans will support abortion bans regardless of what they say on the campaign trail
Just like Conservative Justices did

Except conservative justices didn't ban abortions, they said it was a 10th Amendment issue. So feel free to keep taking those paychecks for your lies and propaganda.

When are you hair on fire commies going to understand, abortion is not a constitutional authority under Article One or Article Three. It falls squarely under the Tenth Amendment and is up to the individual States.


Can you explain what people supporting the right to an abortion has to do with the government controlling the means and distribution of production?
Can you explain what people supporting the right to an abortion has to do with the government controlling the means and distribution of production?
Nothing, and yet unfortunately a lot. And on forums like this one and social media, it is always the pro-abort left conflating the two issues as inseparable.

You can certainly be a pro-life communist in terms of your personal values and ideas. (though in practice their governments always are authoritian mass murdering shitholes). It just means that you respect the right to life but deny the right to property.

So they are distinct issues in theory, but in practice in the United States there are no anti-abortion leftists in political office. There were a few, but they were either fictional and temporary personas - like Joe Biden, who once said he supported a national abortion ban, a guy who doesn’t actually believe in anything but will say whatever he thinks will get him power - or they‘ve been fired in place of radical left pro-aborts.
Can you explain what people supporting the right to an abortion has to do with the government controlling the means and distribution of production?

Can you understand that there is no federal constitutional right to kill children in the womb? And the way communism is practiced has evolved in every country it has taken hold, so take your old text book definition and shove it.

Can you understand that there is no federal constitutional right to kill children in the womb? And the way communism is practiced has evolved in every country it has taken hold, so take your old text book definition and shove it.


So you can't explain what people supporting the right to an abortion has to do with the government controlling the means and distribution of production?
So you can't explain what people supporting the right to an abortion has to do with the government controlling the means and distribution of production?

Run along troll, I'm not going to play a semantics game.

Run along troll, I'm not going to play a semantics game.

Haha, you idiot. That was the actual definition of the word.

You can pretend to be many things on the internet, but "smart" isn't one of them.
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