Penn Biden donations increased from 30 to over 100 million last year


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho

Let’s be honest
Are the Chinese going to make that kind of donation w/o a return on their investment

...down the hall 3rd door on your left
I found this from January 6, 2023:

"For example, the University of Pennsylvania currently has an endowment fund of $27 billion. According to A Jan. 29 article from the Tennessee Star, Chinese communist donations were found to both the University of Pennsylvania and the Penn Biden Center:

“Now, reports surrounding a new book by Peter Schweizer, president of the nonprofit Government Accountability Institute, are underscoring the revelation that Chinese support for the school got significantly more generous after the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement opened in 2018. In the three years prior to the center’s launch, dollars from mainland China received by the university totaled roughly $15 million. In the three years following the center’s establishment, Chinese donations and contract payouts to Penn were around $60 million. The creation of the center coincided with Joe Biden becoming Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at Penn, a position for which he reportedly received $900,000 in compensation.” Biden never taught one class.

Sixty million dollars is a lot of tuition, and the total from all foreign donations to Penn for the same time period was estimated at $258 million."

Letter: Foreign donations should help cut colleges’ tuition -
Started with the Clintons.
No, no it did not, but it did start with fascist democrats, Teddy Kennedy asked the Soviet's for their direct aid in his desire to challenge Reagan for president, Biden was in office at the time, and Biden has always been nakedly corrupt, always been a psychopath and a child abusing thing of the pit. The Clinton's are the one's who thoroughly corrupted the DOJ, or rather began the process....

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