Penn Jillet/ Leaving the Left.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013

Consider democrook dependents who'd take up arms themselves and take other people's shit if the rest of us weren't funding the police they protest. There are a whole lot of people who would be delighted to confiscate whatever the state says it needs to "redistribute wealth" and make shit "fair".

Remind us again how democrook efforts to disarm us are all about our own "safety" right?

It takes two things to be a libertarian or conservative in Hollywood- a brain and courage. That's why it is so rare.
It takes two things to be a libertarian or conservative in Hollywood- a brain and courage. That's why it is so rare.

You'll also notice a higher than average bile content when libertarians make moonbats foam at the mouth.

Liberty appeals to people, even bed wetters. They just lose interest when they find out there's effort involved, no free shit and you have to actually be responsible for your own actions.


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