Penn State: Removing 9 ft statue of beloved coach.

In a way yes he did.


Not necessarily wrong.

Just harsh.

It is rather simple, really, which explains why *cheesedicknow* can't grasp it.

If an evil bastard has engaged in pedophile behavior with youngsters and you know about it and you don't do shit to stop it from happening again, then you are almost as guilty for the injuries to the victims as is the main evil bastard pedophile.

The way I look at it the dude could have blown the whistle and easily stopped these vile acts, and the fact that Cheesedick is here standing up for him because the guy was good at coaching football is just sickening.

Can't really punish Coach Paterno now. Death does get in the way.

And while I understand Penn State removing some of the icons which stood on behalf of Paterno before his actual complicity was known, I can't say I "get" why the new students, and athletes have to get punished. Also, I don't really get why "wins" that were on the books and had effectively nothing to do with Sandusky's criminal, evil behavior now have to get a '1984" style erasure, either. Etc.

But I fully agree with you, HG in condemning the moron *cheesedickbreathalways* for his scumbag mindless weasel sucking defense of Paterno.
Paterno was painted as someone who wanted others to understand to was about more than the game. There was character building going on in his program. A lapse like this requires harsh actions.

The NCAA can only address the fottball program. They have. It could have been more severe.

The adminstration has paid a price too. Just what exactly is this price the student body has paid?

Not necessarily wrong.

Just harsh.

It is rather simple, really, which explains why *cheesedicknow* can't grasp it.

If an evil bastard has engaged in pedophile behavior with youngsters and you know about it and you don't do shit to stop it from happening again, then you are almost as guilty for the injuries to the victims as is the main evil bastard pedophile.

The way I look at it the dude could have blown the whistle and easily stopped these vile acts, and the fact that Cheesedick is here standing up for him because the guy was good at coaching football is just sickening.

Can't really punish Coach Paterno now. Death does get in the way.

And while I understand Penn State removing some of the icons which stood on behalf of Paterno before his actual complicity was known, I can't say I "get" why the new students, and athletes have to get punished. Also, I don't really get why "wins" that were on the books and had effectively nothing to do with Sandusky's criminal, evil behavior now have to get a '1984" style erasure, either. Etc.

But I fully agree with you, HG in condemning the moron *cheesedickbreathalways* for his scumbag mindless weasel sucking defense of Paterno.

I can agree with you there, I don't have a problem with the scumbags legacy being erased but I don't see why the future students have to suffer. Its going to take Penn state years to rebuild.
Disregard for facts.

How does punishing new students or just two year students work into those facts.

How does penalizing the university help when it was the people charged with running the university. Slap them on the hand? but I got those new students I bet you feel all righteous and shit.

No, I said I feel for those people that haven't done anything, but still have to deal with the fallout. What the hell do I have to gain from punishing these students?

Let me guess, you didn't read all the posts in the thread, right?

Nope , I didnt I read Beckys then yours.

Why is it you always have the need to project. take things out of context for a shallow minded victory.

Answer that and we will continue.

No, I said I feel for those people that haven't done anything, but still have to deal with the fallout. What the hell do I have to gain from punishing these students?

Let me guess, you didn't read all the posts in the thread, right?

Nope , I didnt I read Beckys then yours.

Why is it you always have the need to project. take things out of context for a shallow minded victory.

Answer that and we will continue.

So as a typical blowhard you are suddenly at a loss for words.


Pathetic on a multiple of levels.
I just don't give a shit about your unjustified defense for a friend that doesn't do the needed informational gathering before trying to tell others that they're wrong.

If you've got issues with that I'll save the time I would waste with you talking about the op.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. Huge mistake by Penn State!
2. All this witch hunting over one guy???
3. This hole story sounds like those who were molested were two year olds!
4. Do they have two year old at Penn State???
5. Joe didn't do this, leave him alone!!!!!
6. The guy was a legend to college ball, why do they have to throw him into the ditch???
7. Removing Joe's statue is stupid!!!
7. LINK:Joe Paterno statue removed from outside Penn State University's Beaver Stadium - ESPN

"The Joe Paterno statue was removed Sunday morning from its pedestal outside Beaver Stadium, and it will be stored in an unnamed "secure location," Penn State president Rodney Erickson announced. Erickson also said the Paterno name will remain on the university's library."


The people who knew this was happening and did nothing were basically pimping for Sandusky. There can never be a reason or excuse for that. If he were alive, he would face charges and very possibly jail time.

Sandusky and those who helped hide his crimes changed the lives of their victims forever. That should and does have consequences.

Do you also believe that its okay that the Catholic church have hidden their pedophile priests?

1. *Joe* reported it when he heard about it, its on record.
2. The administration failed to act, they should of fired the perp when they first heard, *Joe* isn't the one who hires and fires.
3. Wonder why the administration isn't being thrown into jail?
4. Right behind the butt fucker?

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Sorry bout that,

I think I kind of understand Becki's point. Its like the teacher punsihing the class for something one student did. The reason that is done thought, is peer pressure. The NCAA wants all the schools to understand what is acceptable on this subject.

they should have killed the football program.

it's clear that many of those people consider child molestation acceptable as long as the team wins.

1. No,...I disagree, they should of just killed you.

Sorry bout that,

I think I kind of understand Becki's point. Its like the teacher punsihing the class for something one student did. The reason that is done thought, is peer pressure. The NCAA wants all the schools to understand what is acceptable on this subject.

they should have killed the football program.

it's clear that many of those people consider child molestation acceptable as long as the team wins.

It was about the reputation of the team more so. I suspect there was a lot of, try to look at the greater good here" or "look at the big picture". Pretty much in focus now huh?

1. Well the big picture is destroying everything that *Joe* built.
2. Blaming *Joe* for all this.
3. And wiping off his memory from Penn State.
4. He is innocent.

Sorry bout that,

The punishment is a preposterous miscarriage of justice.

1. Yes, I have to agree, the administration is attempting to erase *Joe* from his house he built.
2. And erase all the wins from his legacy that made him the *BEST EVER*.
3. 60 million is jack shit chump money to them.
4. These ass holes just want to destroy everything good in America, just like Obama.

Sorry bout that,

Not being a in the know about sports (but like being a fan), can someone please explain something to me?

My understanding is that the NCAA ruled that Penn State's wins don't exist. How is that? I don't get it. They won, didn't they? Their team won?

And, what does that mean for football player alums? Did they not win, now?

I'm not being facetious, I just don't get the rationale of saying blue is orange. They didn't cheat on recruiting (as far as we know) or playing or anything as it relates to playing football.

1. ANSWER: The fucking liberal ***** who run the University, hate *Joe* because he was a good Christian man, and they want to destroy his record and him.

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Sorry bout that,

Your disregard for the facts of the case don't surprise based on your opinion throughout the thread. :thup:

Disregard for facts.

How does punishing new students or just two year students work into those facts.

How does penalizing the university help when it was the people charged with running the university. Slap them on the hand? but I got those new students I bet you feel all righteous and shit.

No, I said I feel for those people that haven't done anything, but still have to deal with the fallout. What the hell do I have to gain from punishing these students?

Let me guess, you didn't read all the posts in the thread, right?

1. You feel nothing, stop the bullshit.
2. You are a liberal who hates Christians, we all know it.
3. You hate good people, not unlike the administration of Penn State.
4. Admit it and we can go forward.:badgrin:

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Sorry bout that,


Not necessarily wrong.

Just harsh.

It is rather simple, really, which explains why *cheesedicknow* can't grasp it.

If an evil bastard has engaged in pedophile behavior with youngsters and you know about it and you don't do shit to stop it from happening again, then you are almost as guilty for the injuries to the victims as is the main evil bastard pedophile.

The way I look at it the dude could have blown the whistle and easily stopped these vile acts, and the fact that Cheesedick is here standing up for him because the guy was good at coaching football is just sickening.

Exactly, and he would have only increased his hero-status by doing so. :thup:

1. He reported it.
2. He did the right thing.

Sorry bout that,

The way I look at it the dude could have blown the whistle and easily stopped these vile acts, and the fact that Cheesedick is here standing up for him because the guy was good at coaching football is just sickening.

Exactly, and he would have only increased his hero-status by doing so. :thup:

1. He reported it.
2. He did the right thing.


*cheesedickliaralways* just lied.

1. Paterno did NOT report it.
2. Paterno did NOT do the "right" thing.

Freeh report on Penn State’s handling of Jerry Sandusky’s child sex abuse reveals ‘total disregard’ for victims - The Washington Post

I'll take Freeh's credibility over *cheesedicknow's* credibility every time.
Sorry bout that,

Paterno was painted as someone who wanted others to understand to was about more than the game. There was character building going on in his program. A lapse like this requires harsh actions.

The NCAA can only address the fottball program. They have. It could have been more severe.

The administration has paid a price too. Just what exactly is this price the student body has paid?

1. All the hand wringing over what *Joe* should of done, well, he reported it, thats hat he as supposed to do.
2. The administration hired some fuck stick to investigate *Joe*, and wanted all this shit piled upon *Joe* who has died, so they can get back to running their fucking University.
3. Its a crime what is being done.

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