Pennsylvania certifies Biden win over Trump in state

A hollow victory achieved via cheating and voter fraud. Biden is illegitimate.


It's all coming to a Supreme Court near you. You have to LOSE in the state courts before you can bring the Big Boys in!

Uhh..they've already lost..with prejudice. The 3rd Circuit court is just hearing arguments. Not taking up the case.
So don't hang your hopes on that. The SC isn't going to involve themselves. No reason to. No evidence of any fraud presented.

SHUT UP JACK. Save yourself. Quit yer lying. The courts are not even looking at the evidence. They are not even hearing the evidence. They are not even letting the evidence be presented. They are refusing to let the evidence be presented, then throwing out the case and summarily ruling. America will not stand for it. America will not stand by while an illegitimate puppet is installed into the White House.
This stupid fuck jack and all the other lying biden troll lovers always ignore that that’s how it always is in courts when you try and prove government corruption,that it’s so rigged that it ALWAYS goes against the plaintiff suing the government.that it’s never in their favor.

it’s like trying to beat the house when you go to vegas,impossible,won’t happen,it’s rigged.I said from day one this would happen because we got the most corrupt court system on the planet.

Remind me of how many victories the courts have handed the Trump legal team on their suits of voter fraud?
Yep...bagel. Oh yeah, and I didn't hear any of you trolls complaining four years ago when the numbers broke in your favor.
77,000 votes across three states. More than enough to justify a complete and thorough recount and audit.
Strangely....that didn't happen. Clinton conceded and Obama provided Trump a smooth transition.
Sure they will. And what's the reason for not doing this up until now? I mean, they've had two weeks to amass this "evidence"

Jack, you're such a HORSE'S ASS, you are truly not worth my time.


This must be your family crest? Do you not honestly know you can only go to the SCOTUS on APPEAL after losing in a lower court first? You really THAT STUPID? Two weeks to amass a level of evidence that normally is afforded a legal team MONTHS to put together? It's like you WANT corruption in your national elections! HURRY UP! Just install Biden! Let's not examine this election too closely or at all!

Don't walk too closely behind that horse, Jack-- -- you might slip on your brains.

Yes indeed, the great state of Pa has certified Biden as the winner. Yippie!
Irrelevant to the end game.
Seriously, Joe is not officially president "elect"
He is according to the GSA.
Mere optics and protocol.
He is NOT president-elect, unless Trump officially concedes.
Joe could win and he would never be president to most Americans anyway.
There is no such thing as officially conceding.

Yes indeed, the great state of Pa has certified Biden as the winner. Yippie!
Irrelevant to the end game.
Seriously, Joe is not officially president "elect"
He is according to the GSA.
Mere optics and protocol.
He is NOT president-elect, unless Trump officially concedes.
Joe could win and he would never be president to most Americans anyway.
There is no such thing as officially conceding.
And there is no such thing as president-elect joooeee
A hollow victory achieved via cheating and voter fraud. Biden is illegitimate.

STHU, you orange chimp lost the election and no proof of fraud and cheating exists

We could build a large house out of the evidence, you brain-dead jerk-- -- the PA Supreme Court wouldn't even let Giuliani PRESENT his evidence. The crooked PA fix is in.

"Well your honor, we would have brought our evidence to court with us today but, you see our problem is that, um well, it's a big as a house and we just can't move a house, can we?"

Pennsylvania on the Dark Side. The Supreme Court will slap them down and restore the rule of law in American elections or our future as a free nation is over. Seriously!

Yes indeed, the great state of Pa has certified Biden as the winner. Yippie!
Irrelevant to the end game.
Seriously, Joe is not officially president "elect"
He is according to the GSA.
Mere optics and protocol.
He is NOT president-elect, unless Trump officially concedes.
Joe could win and he would never be president to most Americans anyway.
There is no such thing as officially conceding.
And there is no such thing as president-elect joooeee
According to the Presidential Transition Act, there is.
A hollow victory achieved via cheating and voter fraud. Biden is illegitimate.


The fraud and cheating is obvious, math and science says Biden and Dems cheated on a massive scale. Biden/Harris may have to be impeached in the next few months.

It is scientifically, mathematically and statistically IMPOSSIBLE for anyone much less a Joe Biden to "win" the way he did.

A BLIND MAN could see it with a cane.
And the entire world knows this.
I guess there is the possibility, he was waving his magic wand from his basement.
Yep these trolls can claim all they want that Biden won fair and square but the problem with their lies is the whole world,not just here in the states,knows that massive voting fraud took place on a scale like nothing before in the history of mankind. :up:
"Well your honor, we would have brought our evidence to court with us today but, you see our problem is that, um well, it's a big as a house and we just can't move a house, can we?"

You are so stupid and uninformed!
No lawyer for Trump has appeared yet in a court that is taking up the big over arching issues that
will get to the bottom of massive election fraud!

That will come only when appearing before the Supreme Court. You can't argue about the Kennedy assassination in traffic court!
Jesus! You have to be deliberately obtuse in this matter to have any case at all (which you don't have).
No one can be this stupid for this long.

Understanding will be imposed on you cretins whether you like it or not.

Yes indeed, the great state of Pa has certified Biden as the winner. Yippie!
Irrelevant to the end game.
Seriously, Joe is not officially president "elect"
He is according to the GSA.
Mere optics and protocol.
He is NOT president-elect, unless Trump officially concedes.
Joe could win and he would never be president to most Americans anyway.
There is no such thing as officially conceding.
And there is no such thing as president-elect joooeee

Officially it's the time between when the EC votes and inauguration day. I think.
"Well your honor, we would have brought our evidence to court with us today but, you see our problem is that, um well, it's a big as a house and we just can't move a house, can we?"

You are so stupid and uninformed!
No lawyer for Trump has appeared yet in a court that is taking up the big over arching issues that
will get to the bottom of massive election fraud!

That will come only when appearing before the Supreme Court. You can't argue about the Kennedy assassination in traffic court!
Jesus! You have to be deliberately obtuse in this matter to have any case at all (which you don't have).
No one can be this stupid for this long.

Understanding will be imposed on you cretins whether you like it or not.

Jesus ma'am, you don't have to be so mean, it was just a little Rudy humor. I mean come on now....Please oh please don't be imposing nothing on me.......a
No judge is refusing to let evidence be presented.

Unfortunate for you Jack, I am listening to the person actually presenting the case, not reading CNN. Get your head out of your horse's ass. This is all going to the Supreme Court soon. NO ONE has won or lost a thing yet.
A hollow victory achieved via cheating and voter fraud. Biden is illegitimate.


The fraud and cheating is obvious, math and science says Biden and Dems cheated on a massive scale. Biden/Harris may have to be impeached in the next few months.

It is scientifically, mathematically and statistically IMPOSSIBLE for anyone much less a Joe Biden to "win" the way he did.

A BLIND MAN could see it with a cane.

In a Dem district that has never achieved more than 62% turn out, somehow magically they achieved nearly 95% turn out. In a heavily Dem district in Detroit, election day turn out was reported low, no lines, yet when they counted the election day vote in that district the vote tally was an historically high election day voter turn out. Dems cheated to the max.

You gotta believe in miracles, BL! The democrats sure do! Democrat turnout was SUBPAR in their top metro areas, EXCEPT THE FEW IN THE SWING STATES NEEDED TO BEAT DONALD TRUMP.


Dem cheating is obvious and off the charts.
Dem cheating is obvious and off the charts.

And isn't that really the cosmic humor in all of this? Not much in this world could be more obvious except maybe the asteroid coming in from space to take out the dinosaurs!

And like the proverbial monkeys, the Left embarrass themselves with their idiotic talk of "what evidence? what corruption? I see nothing!"


Yes indeed, the great state of Pa has certified Biden as the winner. Yippie!
Irrelevant to the end game.
Seriously, Joe is not officially president "elect"
He is according to the GSA.
Mere optics and protocol.
He is NOT president-elect, unless Trump officially concedes.
Joe could win and he would never be president to most Americans anyway.
These morons don’t understand that fact that he does not win if trump does not concede,we know trump never will either,it’s going to be a mess because neither one of them will concede.

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