Pennsylvania democrat party court....Trump people can be in the room, but don't get to actually see the count.

Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Well, you have to understand you're dealing with a corrupt democrat state politicia whose center is seated in a dirty city like Philadelphia. Another reason why all of this should be STANDARDIZED by federal laws-- -- HEY, it's a federal election. Fuck the state.

This just in: the capital of Pennsylvania is Harrisburg. WHO KNEW.

And no, Sprinkles, it's not a 'federal election" --- it's a STATE election. All 57 of them. Never had a civics class, have you.

As for fucking the state, that'll take some time, better get busy. Umma suggest you start at Lake Erie and work your way down. Save the best for last.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Sorry Blinky, there is no "democrat party controlled court" anywhere, not the least of which reason is that there is no "democrat party".

As for the 336-year-old Pennsylvania Supreme Court, its Chief Justice is a Republican. I'm pretty sure that is a party.

NONE of which is relevant anyway since you have utterly FAILED to show that any action it took was motivated by political parties, including the fake ones that exist only in your head. dumb ass.....I just checked the party affiliation of the Justices on the Pennsylvania Supreme court, you dumb ass.....

You know we have this thing called the internet now........and for now you can actually find things out when morons like you make claims that are lies...

5 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are democrats, 2 are dumb ass.

No wonder they passed that stupid rule. This election is illegitimate as hell and anyone with a working brain cell knows this.

Once AGAIN neither you nor the OP has shown a shred of evidence that anything the Court decided was politically motivated. His entire basis is the house of cards of an Ass-ociation Fallacy.

Thousands of signed affidavits are evidence. Dems and Reps both signed them.

Oh and a Dominion machine that took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden is also evidence. They caught that one. I wonder how many they didn't catch.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

This is why the election fraud claims will have to be decided by the Supreme Court of the US. This decision by a State Supreme Court is disgraceful, playing games with wording and ignoring the obvious intent of what OBSERVER means.

One must prove fraud and have it ruled on by a lower court judge before one can appeal and then take it to the SC.
So far, all fraud lawsuits have been thrown out. Nothing for the appeals court or the SC to decide. Again, I don't know why you are hanging all your hopes on this. It ain't goin there. :)
And, there's no way to prove fraud when no one can watch the process.

Thank you for proving the Penn SC ruling is BULLSHIT!!!


They are allowed to watch the process.

"Watch the process----" is that kind of like watching a NASCAR race from the stands and trying to comment on what the driver is actually doing behind the wheel?

I mean, JACK, could you at least hand out pairs of FUCKING BINOCULARS to the "watchers" so they have a chance of WATCHING the ballot counting?

It isn't much good to just be able to say you watched a bunch of people from 30 feet away walking around shuffling papers.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

This is why the election fraud claims will have to be decided by the Supreme Court of the US. This decision by a State Supreme Court is disgraceful, playing games with wording and ignoring the obvious intent of what OBSERVER means.

One must prove fraud and have it ruled on by a lower court judge before one can appeal and then take it to the SC.
So far, all fraud lawsuits have been thrown out. Nothing for the appeals court or the SC to decide. Again, I don't know why you are hanging all your hopes on this. It ain't goin there. :)
And, there's no way to prove fraud when no one can watch the process.

Thank you for proving the Penn SC ruling is BULLSHIT!!!


They are allowed to watch the process.

"Watch the process----" is that kind of like watching a NASCAR race from the stands and trying to comment on what the driver is actually doing behind the wheel?

I mean, JACK, could you at least hand out pairs of FUCKING BINOCULARS to the "watchers" so they have a chance of WATCHING the ballot counting?

It isn't much good to just be able to say you watched a bunch of people from 30 feet away walking around shuffling papers.

I wonder if the Dem watchers will be 30 feet away??
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Sorry Blinky, there is no "democrat party controlled court" anywhere, not the least of which reason is that there is no "democrat party".

As for the 336-year-old Pennsylvania Supreme Court, its Chief Justice is a Republican. I'm pretty sure that is a party.

NONE of which is relevant anyway since you have utterly FAILED to show that any action it took was motivated by political parties, including the fake ones that exist only in your head. dumb ass.....I just checked the party affiliation of the Justices on the Pennsylvania Supreme court, you dumb ass.....

You know we have this thing called the internet now........and for now you can actually find things out when morons like you make claims that are lies...

5 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are democrats, 2 are dumb ass.

No wonder they passed that stupid rule. This election is illegitimate as hell and anyone with a working brain cell knows this.

Once AGAIN neither you nor the OP has shown a shred of evidence that anything the Court decided was politically motivated. His entire basis is the house of cards of an Ass-ociation Fallacy.

Thousands of signed affidavits are evidence. Dems and Reps both signed them.

Oh and a Dominion machine that took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden is also evidence. They caught that one. I wonder how many they didn't catch.

Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

This is why the election fraud claims will have to be decided by the Supreme Court of the US. This decision by a State Supreme Court is disgraceful, playing games with wording and ignoring the obvious intent of what OBSERVER means.

One must prove fraud and have it ruled on by a lower court judge before one can appeal and then take it to the SC.
So far, all fraud lawsuits have been thrown out. Nothing for the appeals court or the SC to decide. Again, I don't know why you are hanging all your hopes on this. It ain't goin there. :)

Hey, Jack-o-Lantern-- -- How do you PROVE fraud, Jacko, then need to have it ruled on by a higher court? If it was proven, you wouldn't NEED the higher court, Jack. When the court throws out your case, they are ruling that the case did not hold merit. Top lawyers and federal prosecutors are not in the business of taking cases that doesn't even have legal standing, fool, I mean, Jack. The fact that these lower courts are ruling against them is half the reason why these cases will be taken TO a higher court.

That's easy, Freaky. File a lawsuit and actually have a judge hear the case. Then present evidence and the judge rules. The appeal it to a higher court. How many lawsuits heard so far??..that's right..crickets.
"Watch the process----" is that kind of like watching a NASCAR race from the stands and trying to comment on what the driver is actually doing behind the wheel?
The vote counters could be going through a pile of cookie recipes and the observers would have no idea. That is not observing.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Sorry Blinky, there is no "democrat party controlled court" anywhere, not the least of which reason is that there is no "democrat party".

As for the 336-year-old Pennsylvania Supreme Court, its Chief Justice is a Republican. I'm pretty sure that is a party.

NONE of which is relevant anyway since you have utterly FAILED to show that any action it took was motivated by political parties, including the fake ones that exist only in your head. dumb ass.....I just checked the party affiliation of the Justices on the Pennsylvania Supreme court, you dumb ass.....

You know we have this thing called the internet now........and for now you can actually find things out when morons like you make claims that are lies...

5 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are democrats, 2 are dumb ass.

No wonder they passed that stupid rule. This election is illegitimate as hell and anyone with a working brain cell knows this.

Once AGAIN neither you nor the OP has shown a shred of evidence that anything the Court decided was politically motivated. His entire basis is the house of cards of an Ass-ociation Fallacy.

Thousands of signed affidavits are evidence. Dems and Reps both signed them.

Oh and a Dominion machine that took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden is also evidence. They caught that one. I wonder how many they didn't catch.


Look it up yourself.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Sorry Blinky, there is no "democrat party controlled court" anywhere, not the least of which reason is that there is no "democrat party".

As for the 336-year-old Pennsylvania Supreme Court, its Chief Justice is a Republican. I'm pretty sure that is a party.

NONE of which is relevant anyway since you have utterly FAILED to show that any action it took was motivated by political parties, including the fake ones that exist only in your head. dumb ass.....I just checked the party affiliation of the Justices on the Pennsylvania Supreme court, you dumb ass.....

You know we have this thing called the internet now........and for now you can actually find things out when morons like you make claims that are lies...

5 of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court are democrats, 2 are dumb ass.

No wonder they passed that stupid rule. This election is illegitimate as hell and anyone with a working brain cell knows this.

Once AGAIN neither you nor the OP has shown a shred of evidence that anything the Court decided was politically motivated. His entire basis is the house of cards of an Ass-ociation Fallacy.

Thousands of signed affidavits are evidence. Dems and Reps both signed them.

Oh and a Dominion machine that took 6,000 Trump votes and gave them to Biden is also evidence. They caught that one. I wonder how many they didn't catch.


Look it up yourself.

WHOA no. I didn't make the claim. YOU DID.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

And yet still lost the House......lost ground in the Senate.....and lost the Presidency.

So, um.....are you 'tired of winning' yet?

Hey, dipshit.....we gained in the House, and had lots of seats up in the Senate....and the democrats stealing the election is not winning an dumb ass...

Where was the repudiation of Trump, you shitstain...

You lost the House. You lost ground in the Senate. You lost the presidency.

Thank you, TRUMP!
Ummm... you got fucking slaughtered in the house.
Perhaps you missed your parties internal freak out about that over the Past 2 weeks.
You failed to make the “massive gains” you said you would in the senate.
The only thing you should be gloating about is the presidency.

I get you want to gloat and all. But you just sound like a dumbass.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.

Really? whats the definition of an observer? Conspiracy theories are stirred up by secrecy not openness.
How can posting the opening of ballots on a boring and non eventful as that is, possibly create controversy? Are you listening to yourself?

What creates controversy is computers being shut down in the middle of the night, then the vote count shifting the opposite direction the next morning.
Then you can have any dufuss with a certificate tell everyone they didnt see any fraud. You cant see what you dont look for.

Further more we don't need people lecturing us on the danger of conspiracy theories when those SAME PEOPLE are the ones living off one big conspiracy theory for the last 4 years and trying their best to cripple a presidency.

Someone that the state hires, certifies, and vets...months in advance of the election. State election laws mandate that observers from both parties observe the process so that each side is represented. As far as the vote swings, you and everyone else were warned in advance of the election that there would be both blue and red "mirages" on election night and that you needed to wait until all the votes were counted. But you saw Trump leading on election night and you got instant wood. So, every vote that came after didn't count. Your man won..except he didn't. He lost. So you and others cried "rigged". So far, every one of Trump's bullshit lawsuits concerning fraud has been shown the door. Honestly, it's beyond sour grapes at this point. You're just coming off as the whiny, bitchy, douchey cancers that we knew you were.

As far as the last four years, everything that transpired was the fault of Donald John Trump. He brought all of his own problems and issues on himself. He's corrupt. He's incompetent. He's a narcissist. And after 1/20/2021, I'm not going to give him another thought...until the first time he's dragged into court. Then I'll smile.

If it was Democrat observers told to stand away you would all be freaking out over it. Trump was leading in the six swing states, and funny how those were the only states where the voting systems were shut down and then Biden was miraculously leading again.

Right, Trump campaign has no evidence because they don't have the power to subpoena and look into the actual functioning of the software, I think it takes a court order to do that so it's Very convenient for Democrats clamoring for evidence when they know damn well Trump wont be able to get it.
Maybe Biden will win this thing, but America loses and that is the sickening thing. Welcome to your corrupt fucking bannana republic and your soon to be President Harris.

Dems spent 2 years and millions of dollars fishing for evidence on Trumps Russian collusion... having no real evidence never stopped them from dragging this country through the mud. Now they just want Trump to give up and go away after he has had to fight them constantly for 4 years...
F" the Democrats. You dont even know what you just voted for. You voted for the end of the constitutional republic and your own freedoms
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

As it should be. Just like with GA. The state has certified poll watchers from each party that are vetted long before the election. This is just an exercise in disruption. Getting someone close enough to record video to plop up on one of a myriad of alt-right websites and stir up conspiracy theories. The election was free and fair. Trump lost. Deal with it.
And if everyone is recording the same thing, there's no problem with someone releasing their video is there? If they alter it, someone else's video would show the changes. The solution to this is more transparency, not less. And I find it interesting that you believe the court should give a flying rat's patoot about somebody posting on a conspiracy site.

Were these elections recorded in the past? Why should this country have to change how elections are done, because Trump and Trump Humpers are whining because he lost.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

And yet still lost the House......lost ground in the Senate.....and lost the Presidency.

So, um.....are you 'tired of winning' yet?

Hey, dipshit.....we gained in the House, and had lots of seats up in the Senate....and the democrats stealing the election is not winning an dumb ass...

Where was the repudiation of Trump, you shitstain...

You lost the House. You lost ground in the Senate. You lost the presidency.

Thank you, TRUMP!
Ummm... you got fucking slaughtered in the house.
Perhaps you missed your parties internal freak out about that over the Past 2 weeks.
You failed to make the “massive gains” you said you would in the senate.
The only thing you should be gloating about is the presidency.

I get you want to gloat and all. But you just sound like a dumbass.

The dumbasses are Trump Humpers who can't deal with the FACT that their savior LOST. One and done.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

And yet still lost the House......lost ground in the Senate.....and lost the Presidency.

So, um.....are you 'tired of winning' yet?

Hey, dipshit.....we gained in the House, and had lots of seats up in the Senate....and the democrats stealing the election is not winning an dumb ass...

Where was the repudiation of Trump, you shitstain...

You lost the House. You lost ground in the Senate. You lost the presidency.

Thank you, TRUMP!
Ummm... you got fucking slaughtered in the house.
Perhaps you missed your parties internal freak out about that over the Past 2 weeks.
You failed to make the “massive gains” you said you would in the senate.
The only thing you should be gloating about is the presidency.

I get you want to gloat and all. But you just sound like a dumbass.

The dumbasses are Trump Humpers who can't deal with the FACT that their savior LOST. One and done.
Says a likely felon who can’t vote.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

And yet still lost the House......lost ground in the Senate.....and lost the Presidency.

So, um.....are you 'tired of winning' yet?

Hey, dipshit.....we gained in the House, and had lots of seats up in the Senate....and the democrats stealing the election is not winning an dumb ass...

Where was the repudiation of Trump, you shitstain...

You lost the House. You lost ground in the Senate. You lost the presidency.

Thank you, TRUMP!
Ummm... you got fucking slaughtered in the house.
Perhaps you missed your parties internal freak out about that over the Past 2 weeks.
You failed to make the “massive gains” you said you would in the senate.
The only thing you should be gloating about is the presidency.

I get you want to gloat and all. But you just sound like a dumbass.

The dumbasses are Trump Humpers who can't deal with the FACT that their savior LOST. One and done.
Says a likely felon who can’t vote.

Don't you wish, Butt Supreme.
The only fraud that seems to be occurring is so blatantly undemocratic, I can't believe people are willing to go along with it.

Leaning on the Wayne County Republican certifiers to get them to refuse to certify the election so the Republican legislatures can appoint electors...
Nice conspiracy theory. How did you learn about it?
You must know all the details.
Lindsey Graham calling the Georgia AG (Republican) to see if he can use his authority discard thousands of legitimate ballots because a few were problematic...

It's unreal. Truly unreal.
Uh huh....tell us more. Sounds like you are an insider.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

And yet still lost the House......lost ground in the Senate.....and lost the Presidency.

So, um.....are you 'tired of winning' yet?

Hey, dipshit.....we gained in the House, and had lots of seats up in the Senate....and the democrats stealing the election is not winning an dumb ass...

Where was the repudiation of Trump, you shitstain...

You lost the House. You lost ground in the Senate. You lost the presidency.

Thank you, TRUMP!
Ummm... you got fucking slaughtered in the house.
Perhaps you missed your parties internal freak out about that over the Past 2 weeks.
You failed to make the “massive gains” you said you would in the senate.
The only thing you should be gloating about is the presidency.

I get you want to gloat and all. But you just sound like a dumbass.

The dumbasses are Trump Humpers who can't deal with the FACT that their savior LOST. One and done.
Says a likely felon who can’t vote.

Don't you wish, Butt Supreme.
Yeah....about those fake calls from the biden puppet about unity....F**k we have a democrat party controlled court ruling that Trump ballot observers do not have the right to actually look at the ballots as they are being counted...

So are stealing the election....F**k you.........

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the Trump campaign’s complaint that observers were not given adequate access to watch the counting process, holding Tuesday that the law did not specify that observers had to be close enough to see details.

Observers complained that they were kept so far away in Philadelphia that they could not see the markings on absentee ballot envelopes.

The campaign lost at the trial court, won on appeal at the commonwealth court, but lost again at the state Supreme Court.

Do you assfucks get to see the ballots of those that voted in person?

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