Pennsylvania man arrested for "I did that" sticker

Those stickers will make nice billboard material for the mid terms, and illegals flooding the country.
Those stickers will make nice billboard material for the mid terms, and illegals flooding the country.

They really are funny. Fascists hate humor. They only think it's funny if someone is maimed, killed, or slapped into a concentration camp or gulag. They are available on Amazon hahahaha:

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Yes, I did read the article.
Yes, it was a vandalism crime.
Yes, the man broke the law and resisted arrest.
The point is the absurdity about crimes that people don't get arrested for and the crimes that they do get arrested for.
We are living in strange times.
Repubs should not act like hooligans

when the cops showed up his point was made and he should have gone quietly
This idiot thinks that Biden sets the global price on a barrel of oil. It`s people like him that give the whole Polish race a bad name.
Then there is the side that believes a President’s domestic energy prices have no impact - positive or negative - on the global price of oil. Biden’s policies restrict US domestic oil production. What signal does that send to an oil producing nation with no restrictions and who also now has Biden himself asking them to produce more? Mind you, this is not the sole impact but it is an impact nonetheless.
Then there is the side that believes a President’s domestic energy prices have no impact - positive or negative - on the global price of oil. Biden’s policies restrict US domestic oil production. What signal does that send to an oil producing nation with no restrictions and who also now has Biden himself asking them to produce more? Mind you, this is not the sole impact but it is an impact nonetheless.
The Climate Change Cultists are the root cause of the higher gasoline prices and inflation and food shortages.
Pedo Joe gave them what they wanted and this is the result.
That’s been the new trend you see how ppl who do anything against the KING BIDEN and that asshole OBAMA, you see how whites get arrested for mother fkn sticker!!!!!

but those non honkies can burn down cities, you clipped pos fkrs on the left you need to wake up your next you superior feeling pos scum.
Immature, petulant little snowflakes, you mean.

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