Pennsylvania Sen. Mastriano Says State Could Have 2020 Election Audit by July


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Fuck the audit. I just want someone to interview everyone who was present during the counting in Philadelphia (county), and publish a summary of what the fuck went on. Talk to the people who were not allowed to witness the compilation as required by law, explain the massive mid-night piles of 100% Biden votes that suddenly showed up... all of it.

If there is nothing there, I can live with that, but talk to the eyewitnesses and publish a report with names, times, and as much actual documentation as can be gathered.

And I wish the fukkers in Atlanta would do the same.

Too much bullshit, too much obfuscation, too many transparent lies. Let's have some honest adult get to the bottom of it.
Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
No, their fraudits – bad-faith contrivances of the partisan right intended to undermine our democratic institutions and erode confidence in the political process perceived by conservatives as beneficial to Republicans.
If there was no fraud why do you care? Besides, it keeps Republicans busy so the illegitimate administration can destroy the country quicker.
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July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
I am not holding my breath. Living here in PA the state GOP is full of bottom feeding Bush/Cheney/Romney types.
Leaks out of Maricopa are indicating the amount of fraud is more.... MUCH more.... than originally suspected.

The theft of the election was facilitated by their lowlife, expendable minions.... junkies and convicts... their base. It won't be difficult to connect the dots.

Arizona = Domino #1

If you have link about those leaks I would love to see it posted. I don't think links are a conspiracy, but you never know.
Leaks out of Maricopa are indicating the amount of fraud is more.... MUCH more.... than originally suspected.

The theft of the election was facilitated by their lowlife, expendable minions.... junkies and convicts... their base. It won't be difficult to connect the dots.

Arizona = Domino #1

If you have link about those leaks I would love to see it posted. I don't think links are a conspiracy, but you never know.
Don't have a link bro.... Steve Bannon was discussing it with Boris Epshteyn on his War Room show. Epshteyn is very close to the AZ audit operations.
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Damned funny stuff... :auiqs.jpg:
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
So what, no one but no one trusts the yahoos that are auditing it.
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Maybe they can search for bamboo too!
These audit..are conspiracies. Mad because the man who was going to return America to them...lost.
I would just deal with it and move on. :)
Leaks out of Maricopa are indicating the amount of fraud is more.... MUCH more.... than originally suspected.

The theft of the election was facilitated by their lowlife, expendable minions.... junkies and convicts... their base. It won't be difficult to connect the dots.

Arizona = Domino #1


Yeah..keep dreaming. Looks like someone just threw down the gauntlet to NINJAS!!
Leaks out of Maricopa are indicating the amount of fraud is more.... MUCH more.... than originally suspected.

The theft of the election was facilitated by their lowlife, expendable minions.... junkies and convicts... their base. It won't be difficult to connect the dots.

Arizona = Domino #1

If you have link about those leaks I would love to see it posted. I don't think links are a conspiracy, but you never know.
Don't have a link bro.... Steve Bannon was discussing it with Boris Epshteyn on his War Room show. Epshteyn is very close to the AZ audit operations.
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Maybe they can search for bamboo too!
These audit..are conspiracies. Mad because the man who was going to return America to them...lost.
I would just deal with it and move on. :)
Illegal votes will do, and it looks like there will be plenty in every state that has an independent audit. Almost game over for the Democratic party.
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Maybe they can search for bamboo too!
These audit..are conspiracies. Mad because the man who was going to return America to them...lost.
I would just deal with it and move on. :)
Illegal votes will do, and it looks like there will be plenty in every state that has an independent audit. Almost game over for the Democratic party.

Ain't gonna happen. But I admire your faith.
Just repeating something over and over with no facts to back it up doesn't make it truth.
This will not end well for Republicans.
Leaks out of Maricopa are indicating the amount of fraud is more.... MUCH more.... than originally suspected.

The theft of the election was facilitated by their lowlife, expendable minions.... junkies and convicts... their base. It won't be difficult to connect the dots.

Arizona = Domino #1

tell us moar, trumptard.
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Maybe they can search for bamboo too!
These audit..are conspiracies. Mad because the man who was going to return America to them...lost.
I would just deal with it and move on. :)
Illegal votes will do, and it looks like there will be plenty in every state that has an independent audit. Almost game over for the Democratic party.

Ain't gonna happen. But I admire your faith.
Just repeating something over and over with no facts to back it up doesn't make it truth.
This will not end well for Republicans.
That is what you are doing. All you have are corrupt people saying it did not happen. They have not backed it up with anything but censorship.
These audits should have happened right after the election. If these audits prove Trump won it would be embarrassing to America to have to remove Biden from office this far after the election.
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
I am not holding my breath. Living here in PA the state GOP is full of bottom feeding Bush/Cheney/Romney types.
Maybe you can enlighten some of us on just the Federal Agencies these three used against the American people. The IRS, CIA, FBI?
July is not to far away. That audit should be done before September.

”They have microscopes and lights. A camera takes a picture at an angle so you can see if the spots that are filled in were by human or by machine,” Mastriano said of the audit process during a Facebook Live Thursday.

“Should an audit happen in Pennsylvania, the Arizona model is the one,” he said, noting that an audit in the state would be transparent and nonpartisan.

Audits are not conspiracies, they are audits.
Seems impossible as the Bolshevik Jew Gov has power until the end of 2022

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