Pentagon Initiated $100,000 Study On Whether 'Jesus Died For Klingons'

Nov 26, 2012
This is what I call wasteful tax dollar spending. I mean let's face it, Washington cronyism is rampant in all parts of government, especially the Pentagon. Studying 'Whether Jesus Died For Klingons Too' is a prime example. I hope one day where the government can get back to 'responsible' spending. But first we need 'responsible' politicians that will do the job.

Pentagon wants to know: 'Did Jesus die for Klingons too?' - Washington Times

the more curious spending was:

• $300,000 spent by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to fund Brown University's research into archaeopteryx, the 150-million-year-old early bird, in which the researchers determined the creature likely had black feathers.

• an Office of Naval Research research project that helped spawn Caffeine Zone 2, an iPhone application that tells people how to schedule their coffee breaks.

• $1.5 million to develop a special new roll-up beef jerky, which Mr. Coburn said was funded by taking money out of a weapons program.

• $100,000 for a 2011 workshop on interstellar space travel that included a session entitled "Did Jesus die for Klingons too?" The session probed how Christian theology would apply in the event of the discovery of aliens
Remember, folks -- this is the same government that the left claims can efficiently manage your healthcare.

This is what I call wasteful tax dollar spending. I mean let's face it, Washington cronyism is rampant in all parts of government, especially the Pentagon. Studying 'Whether Jesus Died For Klingons Too' is a prime example. I hope one day where the government can get back to 'responsible' spending. But first we need 'responsible' politicians that will do the job.

Pentagon wants to know: 'Did Jesus die for Klingons too?' - Washington Times
Pentagon wants to know: 'Did Jesus die for Klingons too?' - Washington Times

the more curious spending was:

• $300,000 spent by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research to fund Brown University's research into archaeopteryx, the 150-million-year-old early bird, in which the researchers determined the creature likely had black feathers.

• an Office of Naval Research research project that helped spawn Caffeine Zone 2, an iPhone application that tells people how to schedule their coffee breaks.

• $1.5 million to develop a special new roll-up beef jerky, which Mr. Coburn said was funded by taking money out of a weapons program.

• $100,000 for a 2011 workshop on interstellar space travel that included a session entitled "Did Jesus die for Klingons too?" The session probed how Christian theology would apply in the event of the discovery of aliens

Tom Coburn seems to be as clueless as Jeff Sessions in a similar thread. CONGRESS allocated the money for this nonsense, so CONGRESS is responsible. Yes, that includes Coburn too.

The time to ask questions about spending isn't after the fact, but when the budget is under consideration. That's what members of Congress are SUPPOSED to do, Mr. Coburn, not grandstand and point fingers later.

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