Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions

Many a war has been fought over the grass being greener on the other side, boys.

The military thinks there's a serious problem, and crazy as they may be, they're not Chicken Little.

No, the military does not think there's a serious problem, that is, unless they are one of Obama's hand picked stooges. I'll bet most military men are laughing over it.
Care to try again? And again?

Pentagon Report Concludes That Climate Change Is A US Military Problem

Military Bases Face Hurdles in Climate Change Adaptation
so it's a threat not an actually happening. sorta like those computer modules, and al gore sayings.
sorry pmh I don't believe in scare tactics.
Many a war has been fought over the grass being greener on the other side, boys.

The military thinks there's a serious problem, and crazy as they may be, they're not Chicken Little.

So the military is going to blow up globull warming.....I knew we were bad assess,but I had no idea we were this good.
The work of Obama's hand picked stooges. You're doubling down on stupid.
Nope. They're the guys having to build the ship piers tall enough to deal with the new flooding...

Hampton Roads military bases brace for climate change, sea-level rise

You mean they have to build them a whole 6 inches taller?
Ten to twenty feet. The Air Force has an even bigger issue, in Florida:

Oh lord. Even the biggest warmer proponents won't claim a rise of more than 8 inches...over the last 130 years. Not per year....TOTAL.
Never heard of storms eh? Well, okay. Try reading the links, for once.

OH NO!!!! We've never had those before!!!
Oh lord. Even the biggest warmer proponents won't claim a rise of more than 8 inches...over the last 130 years. Not per year....TOTAL.
Never heard of storms eh? Well, okay. Try reading the links, for once.

Storms have been battering Norfolk for 300 years.
300,000 years, and they're getting worse which is becoming a more frequent problem, as the reports by the DOD say.

They aren't getting worse. That's another AGW cult lie. They have been getting milder.

In neighborhoods? :lmao:
You do realize the more developed an area gets the more prone it is to flooding right?
...The biggest naval base in the world? Yeah, we'll get right on that.
Far easier to relocate than to foolishly waste the time of 100,000 swabbies, trying to sweep back the sea with a broom, Canute...

There's not one goddamned thing in the world that the US Department of Defense can do to materially and substantively ameliorate the effects of Global Warming...

Not one goddamned thing...

You're fooling yourself...

Or, should I say, your Failed Messiah is fooling you...

But, because he IS your Messiah, you can't publicly ADMIT the ridiculous-ness of Greenie-Weenie ambitions for holding back the sea with a Big Bureaucratic Broom...

Oh, there's no escaping the idea that each and every branch of Gubmint should do whatever little it can, in the way of preventive and remedial and ameliorating Green action...

So long as such action (1) costs very little or [preferably] nothing, (2) can be shown to have a measurable impact, (3) and, most importantly, doesn't hamper the mission...

But to hold out the prospect of keeping the floodwaters out of Norfolk, as a practical result of a Green focus for DoD, is SO ridiculous, we have to invent a new word for it.

And you know that just as well as I do, even if you can't bring yourself to admit it in open, public discussion.

Consequently, the DoD will drag its feet on implementation, until fresh, more sane leadership materializes, and rescinds this Happy Horseshit...

By the time the bureaucracy is called to task for delays, there will be no one left to call them on it...

One of the more fortunate aspects of your Messiah getting down to the last 11 months of his...


...second term...

Sane people, dragging their feet, until Obumble's 11th-hour Imperial Decrees are overturned...

Hurry, January 20, 2017...

The long National Nightmare is almost over...
Last edited:
Many a war has been fought over the grass being greener on the other side, boys.

The military thinks there's a serious problem, and crazy as they may be, they're not Chicken Little.

No, the military does not think there's a serious problem, that is, unless they are one of Obama's hand picked stooges. I'll bet most military men are laughing over it.
I doubt they're laughing, as Obama continues his push to make a joke out the United States military:mad:
...The biggest naval base in the world? Yeah, we'll get right on that.
Far easier to relocate than to foolishly waste the time of 100,000 swabbies, trying to sweep back the sea with a broom, Canute...

There's not one goddamned thing in the world that the US Department of Defense can do to materially and substantively ameliorate the effects of Global Warming...

Not one goddamned thing...

You're fooling yourself...

Or, should I say, your Failed Messiah is fooling you...

But, because he IS your Messiah, you can't publicly ADMIT the ridiculous-ness of Greenie-Weenie ambitions for holding back the sea with a Big Bureaucratic Broom...

Oh, there's no escaping the idea that each and every branch of Gubmint should do whatever little it can, in the way of preventive and remedial and ameliorating Green action...

So long as such action (1) costs very little or [preferably] nothing, (2) can be shown to have a measurable impact, (3) and, most importantly, doesn't hamper the mission...

But to hold out the prospect of keeping the floodwaters out of Norfolk, as a practical result of a Green focus for DoD, is SO ridiculous, we have to invent a new word for it.

And you know that just as well as I do, even if you can't bring yourself to admit it in open, public discussion.

Consequently, the DoD will drag its feet on implementation, until fresh, more sane leadership materializes, and rescinds this Happy Horseshit...

By the time the bureaucracy is called to task for delays, there will be no one left to call them on it...

One of the more fortunate aspects of your Messiah getting down to the last 11 months of his...


...second term...

Sane people, dragging their feet, until Obumble's 11th-hour Imperial Decrees are overturned...

Hurry, January 20, 2017...

The long National Nightmare is almost over...

If Hillary is elected, the nightmare continues
sorry pmh I don't believe in scare tactics.
Neither do I, nor they but we, unlike you, deal in reality.

Reality is....not even the most radical warming enthusiasts will proclaim a sea level rise of more than 8 inches over the last 130 years or so, which is the ONLY time frame they'll discuss.

That's reality, what you're advocating is what we like to call a WAG.

Wild Ass Guess.
Forum members thought I was joking when I said a large part of the military budget was going towards "climate change." Obama is the biggest fool on the planet:

The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies.

A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.”

It says the military will not be able to maintain effectiveness unless the directive is followed. It orders the establishment of a new layer of bureaucracy — a wide array of “climate change boards, councils and working groups” to infuse climate change into “programs, plans and policies.”
Thank God the asshole is leaving.
sorry pmh I don't believe in scare tactics.
Neither do I, nor they but we, unlike you, deal in reality.

Reality is....not even the most radical warming enthusiasts will proclaim a sea level rise of more than 8 inches over the last 130 years or so, which is the ONLY time frame they'll discuss.

That's reality, what you're advocating is what we like to call a WAG.

Wild Ass Guess.
The reality is Norfolk is sinking, and the waters are rising. Read the reports, it's all in there but unlike you, they aren't going to ignore the obvious. They aren't panicking, they are planning. Smart move.
sorry pmh I don't believe in scare tactics.
Neither do I, nor they but we, unlike you, deal in reality.

ROFL! You certainly don't.
My little infant, you've never met reality. You're still trying to figure out why being born an American means you have certain obligations.

You haven't been able to tell me. You just insist I do.
Oh, but I have. Like so: vs. Responsibilities.pdf

And so: Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities

And so again: Rights duties and responsibilities of a citizen

And just for the hell of it: 7 Rights and 6 Responsibilities of All U.S. Citizens
Forum members thought I was joking when I said a large part of the military budget was going towards "climate change." Obama is the biggest fool on the planet:

The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies.

A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.”

It says the military will not be able to maintain effectiveness unless the directive is followed. It orders the establishment of a new layer of bureaucracy — a wide array of “climate change boards, councils and working groups” to infuse climate change into “programs, plans and policies.”
I saw this on the news. What a dumbass he is.
Many a war has been fought over the grass being greener on the other side, boys.

The military thinks there's a serious problem, and crazy as they may be, they're not Chicken Little.

No, the military does not think there's a serious problem, that is, unless they are one of Obama's hand picked stooges. I'll bet most military men are laughing over it.
They are

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