Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions

Oh lord. Even the biggest warmer proponents won't claim a rise of more than 8 inches...over the last 130 years. Not per year....TOTAL.
Never heard of storms eh? Well, okay. Try reading the links, for once.

Storms have been battering Norfolk for 300 years.
300,000 years, and they're getting worse which is becoming a more frequent problem, as the reports by the DOD say.

They aren't getting worse. That's another AGW cult lie. They have been getting milder.

Sea level has increased by only 10 centimeters since 1920. That's about 4 inches.

What the hell does "hours of flooding" signify? Over what area? How is this measurement determined?
The generals aren't worried, but they will write a report if Obama orders them to.
That is incorrect. They are worried, and Congress is ordering the reports often enough.
If the water is rising how do you explain this idiot?
List of new islands - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you know the word "displacement"? Every time a NEW island is formed water is then displace RAISING current levels.
What difference does it make in this case? Oh right, it doesn't as the water is rising...
If you ever put your fat ass in a tub you would know what displacement is. Care to take a shot at how many more ships and boats are in the water compared to 100 years ago?
Care to take a guess at how much water is actually in the oceans? I could place a 1,000 times as many ships in "the tub" and still not find a change, dumbass.
Naval forces by country alone SIX MILLION times the displacement. And that is not counting commerical OR private.
obastard is either insane, completely, or sees this as a way to further hamper and weaken the military. He will have it so that any kind of defense is impossible, as firing a single rifle will impact climate change. Which is a hoax to begin with.
Never heard of storms eh? Well, okay. Try reading the links, for once.

Storms have been battering Norfolk for 300 years.
300,000 years, and they're getting worse which is becoming a more frequent problem, as the reports by the DOD say.

They aren't getting worse. That's another AGW cult lie. They have been getting milder.

Sea level has increased by only 10 centimeters since 1920. That's about 4 inches.

What the hell does "hours of flooding" signify? Over what area? How is this measurement determined?
It means it used to be drier, and didn't flood as often. Will Norfolk (and the Rest of Hampton Roads) Drown?
Storms have been battering Norfolk for 300 years.
300,000 years, and they're getting worse which is becoming a more frequent problem, as the reports by the DOD say.

They aren't getting worse. That's another AGW cult lie. They have been getting milder.

Sea level has increased by only 10 centimeters since 1920. That's about 4 inches.

What the hell does "hours of flooding" signify? Over what area? How is this measurement determined?
It means it used to be drier, and didn't flood as often. Will Norfolk (and the Rest of Hampton Roads) Drown?

A few years ago all the AGW cult members were claiming that AGW would cause drought.

Rainfall records don't support your claims:

Change you can believe in! Idiots!!!
Well, the DOD does, Now what, smart guy?
They're fools. All of em.
Good to know. The DOD are fools. Next...
You're a fool too. Dumass.
More fools for ya, who can't sell or won't buy houses in certain locations: Norfolk sea level rise takes shine off waterfront homes
That's just because all those government-dependent Virginia libs all drained their bathtubs at the same time.
300,000 years, and they're getting worse which is becoming a more frequent problem, as the reports by the DOD say.

They aren't getting worse. That's another AGW cult lie. They have been getting milder.

Sea level has increased by only 10 centimeters since 1920. That's about 4 inches.

What the hell does "hours of flooding" signify? Over what area? How is this measurement determined?
It means it used to be drier, and didn't flood as often. Will Norfolk (and the Rest of Hampton Roads) Drown?

A few years ago all the AGW cult members were claiming that AGW would cause drought.

Rainfall records don't support your claims:

My "claim" is the climate is changing. That's hardly difficult to back up. Even the DOD is aware.
Well, the DOD does, Now what, smart guy?
They're fools. All of em.
Good to know. The DOD are fools. Next...
You're a fool too. Dumass.
More fools for ya, who can't sell or won't buy houses in certain locations: Norfolk sea level rise takes shine off waterfront homes
That's just because all those government-dependent Virginia libs all drained their bathtubs at the same time.
Quit while you're behind, which you are.
No such thing MMGW, just way for the federal government to control its citizens
Climate change - nothing more than a hoax to defraud taxpayers out of millions/billions of dollars.
Hilarious. The godlike DoD produces heresy and the flat earthers in trouble or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
My fellow Vets being used by the dnc, again.

My god, to defend ourselves we are going to have to count the carbon emission of what we need to do and pass that by some fucking carbon counter while they get killed.

I fucking hate democrats
Forum members thought I was joking when I said a large part of the military budget was going towards "climate change." Obama is the biggest fool on the planet:

The Pentagon is ordering the top brass to incorporate climate change into virtually everything they do, from testing weapons to training troops to war planning to joint exercises with allies.

A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.”

It says the military will not be able to maintain effectiveness unless the directive is followed. It orders the establishment of a new layer of bureaucracy — a wide array of “climate change boards, councils and working groups” to infuse climate change into “programs, plans and policies.”

Well, I guess it's back to sails for all our ships.

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