Pentagon plans to scale back in Somalia,more signs President Trump plans to cut troops abroad

Yes bring them home from these damned killing fields they've been forced into for way to long now.

In areas compatible with us, and excepting of our leadership on many skills, and our assistance in helping to keep our allied nations safe and secure, then yes we should remain in those nation's that allow us to keep an eye on our unfriendly's or possible enemies in the area's.
sure-it was good to save people from starving in Somalia
---but we probably lengthened the hardship by going there in the first place
let them fight it out/etc ..we could not/cannot change the problems/etc
Lewiston Maine is under attack from these Africans. Please trump send the marines to Maine and kill the terrorist that are destroying that town
China and NK may need to be addressed soon. China may invade Taiwan, and NK looks to be playing games again. So who the fuck cares about Somalia and Syria and AFG, etc.?
China and NK may need to be addressed soon. China may invade Taiwan, and NK looks to be playing games again. So who the fuck cares about Somalia and Syria and AFG, etc.?

When I joined the Marines in 1988 we were being told that China might soon invade Taiwan.
China and NK may need to be addressed soon. China may invade Taiwan, and NK looks to be playing games again. So who the fuck cares about Somalia and Syria and AFG, etc.?

When I joined the Marines in 1988 we were being told that China might soon invade Taiwan.
Understood. I recall several other times China made noise too. Bush-43 upset everyone when he actually said the US would defend Taiwan. Eventually as China gets stronger and the US gets weaker due to the $22T Debt, there may be a war. Cry Wolf...

Signaling a harder edge for 2019, China threatens US carriers, an invasion of Taiwan, and nuclear war
Lewiston Maine is under attack from these Africans. Please trump send the marines to Maine and kill the terrorist that are destroying that town
Odd how they take people from the desert and put them in a VERY cold climate isn't it? Its not hard to understand once you understand the entire goal is the erasure of the white race.
Lewiston Maine is under attack from these Africans. Please trump send the marines to Maine and kill the terrorist that are destroying that town
Odd how they take people from the desert and put them in a VERY cold climate isn't it? Its not hard to understand once you understand the entire goal is the erasure of the white race.
They beat a white man to death this summer

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