Zone1 Pentagon review finds no evidence of alien cover-up


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Pentagon review finds no evidence of alien cover-up

Remote : 2024-03-09T06:16:50+05:30
Local : 2024-03-09(Saturday) 01 : 46 : 50

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what do you think, are space aliens visiting us these days?

personally, i think the space aliens stories grew from tabloid and small scale print industries into a government-supported story to supply funds to their R&D branches.
Some people can't deal with chaos. They need space aliens and conspiracy theories to comfort them; they need to believe there is somebody in control of everything.
Cellphones have proven conclusively that there are no aliens, not loch ness monster, no ghosts, and no bigfoots (bigfeet?).
Loch Ness and Bigfoots/feet/footi I get. But a being that is able to travel from outside our solar system would necessarily have all manner of technology we can’t even fathom. Some sort of ability to ”cloak” themselves or their craft would definitely be in the realm of the posible. The closest planet not in our solar system is over 100 trillion kms away…
There is too much verified evidence to dismiss UFOs as a real phenomena. I was in Arizona during the mass witnessing of the "Phoenix Lights" sighting by 20,000 witnesses over 26 years ago. The Air Force used the usual excuses and even tried to replicate the phenomena which was a complete failure.

There is too much verified evidence to dismiss UFOs as a real phenomena. I was in Arizona during the mass witnessing of the "Phoenix Lights" sighting by 20,000 witnesses over 26 years ago. The Air Force used the usual excuses and even tried to replicate the phenomena which was a complete failure.

deepfake alert! :p :D
Anybody who believes that the Pentagon would write a report telling the world the opposite ----that Aliens exist and visit this planet----- is stark staring stupid . Even assuming there is such evidence.

Although you could separately contend that it could be another good way for Deep State to depopulate hugely because of ensuing violence , mental breakdowns and suicides .

However , there is quality evidence that Aliens have openly visited a few times in our past and I am also very attracted to the assertion that the Moon is either manned right now by Aliens, or , their "Robot workers" .
But almost anybody with a positive public image and reputation is certain to keep such personal belief/ speculation 100% silent for fear of ridicule and loss of job / research posts/funds etc . Probably loss of livelihood , family and friends etc

The one thing you can guarantee is that until there is the type of evidence that is immediately irrefutable and beyond argument , goverment will never give you the full truth or probably even a major part of it .
And then still nowhere the full truth because money and power will be at at stake , and, as ever , that will be the number one priority of the 1% .

imho .
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People "the government is hiding aliens from us! We need an investigation"

Government "we investigated ourselves for a covering up information and we found no coverup"

People "well.......ok then we trust you to not coverup what we think you're covering up".
yes, but have we been visited by space aliens?
that's a different question, now ain't it? :)
IMO the answer to your question is yes.

The only conclusion we can reach is that our current "explanation" of history and various dates is grossly in error. Another conclusion is that the government has been keeping secrets for many long decades, and it's possible that they have been keeping it secret because they have been instructed to do so.

Contrast with the government of Argentina which does not keep secrets regarding evidence of visitation.
If intelligent beings from another planet were ever verified to be true many major religions would have to rethink everything they believe in.
Exactly . Probably the number one reason for officialdom to be ultra cautious .
The Monotheistic religions would be completely undermined --- Christianity , Judaism and Islam .
Something which many of us believe is imminent .
Exactly . Probably the number one reason for officialdom to be ultra cautious .
The Monotheistic religions would be completely undermined --- Christianity , Judaism and Islam .
Something which many of us believe is imminent .
But your belief in aliens has less substance to it than our belief in God.
OBVIOUSLY there is intelligent life besides us... probably millions of them, but none have been here.

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