People are moving to Texas for a better life? Who are these people?

The most desirable States for normal Americans are the ones with the least amount of “woke” loonies. There are plenty of areas in Texas with plenty of water. Just plan your move wisely. Unless you're woke, then plan to move to Chicago or New York, where there are more free handouts and gay flags and gun control.

Personally, I've been considering Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Idaho, but Utah seems to be above average for the time being.
people aren’t fleeing to Texas so much as they are fleeing Cali…much like Syrian fled Assad, Cubans fled Castro, and East Germans fled the Soviets…the common theme is fleeing oppressive leftist regimes
I think you missed the point that the facts show that many are moving out of California and TO Texas. Are you a fact denier?

People are leaving because CA is unaffordable. It really has little to do with wokeness or California's liberal policies. It's been liberal for decades and people flocked there in spite of that, and maybe even because of it. But there comes a point when rents, gas, food, and everything else becomes too expensive.

One advantage that Texas has is that it's got fewer people and a lot more open space. Except for Houston, most of Texas' major cities are away from large bodies of water. This is in contrast to California, where the overwhelming majority of its nearly 40 million residents live within 60-90 minutes of the ocean. Texas has 10 fewer people spread out across much wider space, so the costs of living are generally cheaper.
people aren’t fleeing to Texas so much as they are fleeing Cali…much like Syrian fled Assad, Cubans fled Castro, and East Germans fled the Soviets…the common theme is fleeing oppressive leftist regimes

Written by someone who never lived there. I left b/c it was too expensive, which is why everyone I've ever known left and is thinking of leaving. Almost everyone I've known who did leave, like me, didn't want to, but felt it made economic sense to do so. Has nothing to do with Gavin Newsom or the Dem machine; it's just too many people in confined space, driving up real estate prices and other costs of living.

Of course I lived where probably 80% or more of the people did, along the coast. People in CA's interior (Kern, Tulare, Redding, etc) hated "Californians". Not really California, more like Cal-abama.
Written by someone who never lived there. I left b/c it was too expensive, which is why everyone I've ever known left and is thinking of leaving. Almost everyone I've known who did leave, like me, didn't want to, but felt it made economic sense to do so. Has nothing to do with Gavin Newsom or the Dem machine; it's just too many people in confined space, driving up real estate prices and other costs of living.

Of course I lived where probably 80% or more of the people did, along the coast. People in CA's interior (Kern, Tulare, Redding, etc) hated "Californians". Not really California, more like Cal-abama.
having living there in the past is not relevant to what the demafasict are doing today.

i’ve never lived in East Berlin either
People are leaving because CA is unaffordable. It really has little to do with wokeness or California's liberal policies. It's been liberal for decades and people flocked there in spite of that, and maybe even because of it. But there comes a point when rents, gas, food, and everything else becomes too expensive.

One advantage that Texas has is that it's got fewer people and a lot more open space. Except for Houston, most of Texas' major cities are away from large bodies of water. This is in contrast to California, where the overwhelming majority of its nearly 40 million residents live within 60-90 minutes of the ocean. Texas has 10 fewer people spread out across much wider space, so the costs of living are generally cheaper.
Wider space that is borderline uninhabitable.
Wider space that is borderline uninhabitable.

Pretty much all of modern civilization is a giant Ponzi scheme that will collapse like a house of cards once we realize that we don't have the resources to sustain growth for 8, 9, 10 billion people and counting.

But sit back and enjoy the spiked lime-aid as the thunder-shit gradually rolls in.
Pretty much all of modern civilization is a giant Ponzi scheme that will collapse like a house of cards once we realize that we don't have the resources to sustain growth for 8, 9, 10 billion people and counting.

But sit back and enjoy the spiked lime-aid as the thunder-shit gradually rolls in.
LOL what? What does that have to do with a large portion of Texas being uninhabitable?
People are leaving because CA is unaffordable. It really has little to do with wokeness or California's liberal policies. It's been liberal for decades and people flocked there in spite of that, and maybe even because of it. But there comes a point when rents, gas, food, and everything else becomes too expensive.

One advantage that Texas has is that it's got fewer people and a lot more open space. Except for Houston, most of Texas' major cities are away from large bodies of water. This is in contrast to California, where the overwhelming majority of its nearly 40 million residents live within 60-90 minutes of the ocean. Texas has 10 fewer people spread out across much wider space, so the costs of living are generally cheaper.
The wokeness policies help make it unaffordable there.
You gotta wonder how shitty their lives were for them to pick up and move to a place like Texas for an improvement.
You gotta wonder how shitty their lives were for them to pick up and move to a place like Texas for an improvement.
Yup. Californians are moving there in droves. They're also coming to hot, southern Utah as well (unfortunately).
The topic of this thread is the phenomenon of people relocating to Texas, not the state of black neighborhoods, nor any other topic.
I'd NEVER flee from any man etc. I will reside where I want to not like a lesser minded who lives his feeble life around politics.
We had more rain this spring than ever before. We'll share our water with our West Texas dry area folks.
Well good for you. Climate Change is not coming to you, it's already wreaking havoc. Burying ones head in the sand is not a realistic solution.
Texas, Montana, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Michigan are all worried about water shortages.
Well good for you. Climate Change is not coming to you, it's already wreaking havoc. Burying ones head in the sand is not a realistic solution.
My head is buried in the Bible at vespers, Mr. Reawakened. I pray for my fellow Texans twice a day, and for my fellow Americans when they get into trouble domestically or internationally. God is in charge. But since enough of us Texans pray regularly, his will is frequently amended to our little needs, when you compare our issues with those countries who are suffering great tragedies. And I just sent up a prayer for sustainable rain that doesn't turn into a flood for those who feel dried up in the Lone Star State of my birth.

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