People are moving to Texas for a better life? Who are these people?

Texas has a very unique and different culture
My son's stepdaughter and her family fled to Texas last November. Their 13 year old daughter was being forcibly transitioned by the school. Everyone is doing very well. Instead of a tiny apartment, they have a house. Dad makes more money than he did here. Emma's education in California was so poor, that her Texas school provided tutors to bring her to grade level. She won a math award! No problems with water. There is regular rainfall. All in all, it's a case of why did they wait so long.

Which is why my son and daughter-in-law are now looking for work and properties in Texas. We hope to be gone in the next year.
I dont see any of that happening.
Texas like a lot of states have droughts every once and awhile.
Not as bad as say California but they do happen.
I remember when I was around 20 we pretty much got no rain for an entire summer,it happens.
"Droughts every once in a while?" describe that -- like every millennium? :dunno:

"Although exacerbated by climate change, this is not a new phenomenon. Humans have found ways to survive droughts since they first arrived in this part of the world some 20,000 years ago, according to the latest archeological research."

October 1984: "CRUSHING DROUGHT IN TEXAS ENDING IN STORM AND FLOODS" then it happened again...

Pats of TEXAS are shitholes, and even if people aren't moving to those areas, we all live in a Village, and what happens to one affects all.

We have water in Texas

This is a made up issue
Denial is one of your deepest qualities.

"I'd be very surprised to hear the Legislature at large talk about climate change, but I do hear a lot of talk about drought and flood, and what happens if the temperature goes up," says Jennifer Walker of the National Wildlife Federation. "They're talking around it without naming it, but more so than I've ever heard. It's kinda painful, tiny baby steps – but a little bit of progress is being made."

Texas cities in fear of running out of water Climate change is not being kind to that...

This message brought to you by the California Ministry of Propaganda
I heard a snippet on the news today that San Francisco is doing a $36 million TV ad campaign telling people to stop moving out of the city.

I have only been to Texas once , but I have always found Texans to be very friendly and hospitable.
Pygmies who'd boil you alive and then eat you and shrink your head were friendly and hospitable people too. Until it was dinner time.
Pygmies who'd boil you alive and then eat you and shrink your head were friendly and hospitable people too. Until it was dinner time.
My son's stepdaughter and her family fled to Texas last November. Their 13 year old daughter was being forcibly transitioned by the school. Everyone is doing very well. Instead of a tiny apartment, they have a house. Dad makes more money than he did here. Emma's education in California was so poor, that her Texas school provided tutors to bring her to grade level. She won a math award! No problems with water. There is regular rainfall. All in all, it's a case of why did they wait so long.

Which is why my son and daughter-in-law are now looking for work and properties in Texas. We hope to be gone in the next year.
something doesn't add up here in this story.
Pygmies who'd boil you alive and then eat you and shrink your head were friendly and hospitable people too. Until it was dinner time.
Your brain does not appear to function as brains were intended to function.

You should have one of the older children at the facility explain to you that cannibalism really isn't a thing in Texas.

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