People Are Not Born Gay

A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks
Homosexuality is a birth defect where the brain interprets pheromones as the opposite sex, thus causing same-sex attraction. This means gays are indeed born that way. It's like a disability and like disabilities we should alter the law in a way that allows them to live productive lives.

Despite of course- any evidence to support your claim.
I disagree. Monogamy IS marriage. That gays want marriage ON THEIR terms is a slap in the face to our traditions.

If they want marriage on their terms, why have marriage at all? I mean, just what is marriage without monogamy?



Some straight married couples do not practice monogamy or have "open marriages" as well. Monogamy in marriage doesn't have an exactly wonderful record throughout it's history, so this appeal to tradition is faulty on it's face considering history is rife with infidelity.
It always amazes me, the stupidity of an argument against gay marriage (which encourages monogamy) because gays are too promiscuous. :lmao:

It is nothing more than a last ditch attempt to deny gays marriage. Even the anti-gay marriage side is not making these types of arguments in court. Gays are promiscuous so they should be denied marriage is one of the weaker arguments I've encountered when discussing this topic. It isn't a very compelling argument.

Anti gay marriage side would NEVER make that argument in court. It is not politically correct.

Tell you what, if the liberal media didn't make gays into Christ like beings, you might not even be where you are now.

Can you imagine if the public actually knew the truth about gays and the incident of disease and psychological problems they have, not to mention their complete dismissal of monogamy, there probably wouldn't be one state that allows gay marriage today.

The American public is not allowed to hear facts, only emotion.

Mark're trying to tell us that legal experts who spend tons of money to stop gay marriage in court don't bring up what YOU claim is a valid argument because it is..........not politically correct? :rofl:

Happens every day. Did you know that cumulatively, second hand smoke studies show that kids who grow up around second hand smoke get LESS lung cancer during their lifetimes?

Try getting that tidbit of information out.

A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks

Doesn't really matter because, IF you are a consenting adult and IF your actions harm no one, what you choose for your own life and who you choose as a partner is none of my business.

Would you agree with that?


Absolutely. However, if its a choice, society does not have to condone it. It would be just like a person who does drugs. Make it legal, and let them live their lives. Should it be "normalized" by allowing them to marry?

Absolutely not.

Alcohol is a drug.

Yes it is. Tell me, should we go thru history, find prominent Americans who drank, and celebrate their accomplishments because they were alcoholics?

Like they are doing with the gays in school?

Maybe we should have an "alcoholic" pride month, to show people just how lovable and normal alcoholics are?


That strawman is wearing thin from you dragging it around.
Why does anyone care if being gay is a choice or not?

Either way it's none of your fucking business is it?
A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks
Homosexuality is a birth defect where the brain interprets pheromones as the opposite sex, thus causing same-sex attraction. This means gays are indeed born that way. It's like a disability and like disabilities we should alter the law in a way that allows them to live productive lives.

Should we also allow alcoholics to drink, or should we try to encourage them to stop?


Should we allow anyone to drink? Or should we make drinking illegal?

Should we prohibit anyone who drinks from getting married?
A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks

Doesn't really matter because, IF you are a consenting adult and IF your actions harm no one, what you choose for your own life and who you choose as a partner is none of my business.

Would you agree with that?


Absolutely. However, if its a choice, society does not have to condone it. It would be just like a person who does drugs. Make it legal, and let them live their lives. Should it be "normalized" by allowing them to marry?

Absolutely not.


We do allow people who use drugs to get married.

Sigh. The drugs have nothing to do with marriage.

Let me make this as clear as possible.

Don't encourage drug users to use drugs.

Don't encourage gay men to have gay sex.

How would we encourage them to have gay sex? By condoning marriage.

Come on folks, this ain't rocket science.

Absolutely. However, if its a choice, society does not have to condone it. It would be just like a person who does drugs. Make it legal, and let them live their lives. Should it be "normalized" by allowing them to marry?

Absolutely not.


IF between consenting adults, who you choose to marry is none of my business.

Equal rights for all. Period.


Wrong. Society has an absolute right to limit who marries. If equal rights is your goal, than you have to allow polygamy.


Polygamy is being practiced in Utah and Arizona City.

Not legally.


Polygamy is legal in Utah. Do your research before you attempt to show off your glow.

Careful. It is decriminalized, but if anyone practices bigamy by marrying another wife under the law while having a wife already, that person will be prosecuted.
I mean, which normal, sane people would ever consider such a thing? 2% of our population is linked to these parties, while 98% is not, shouldn't that tell you something about the mindset of the gays?


Actually your post just tells us all something about the mindset of homophobes.
There is absolutely no conclusive evidence to People Are Not Born Gay, which has nothing to do with marriage equality.

Are you reading the rest of this thread? Do you really want to legitimize an activity so detrimental to the people that partake in it?

Wouldn't it be better to simply leave them alone, than to celebrate an activity that is harmful?


The rest of the thread is a railroaded attempt against marriage equality.

It has failed.
I disagree. Monogamy IS marriage. That gays want marriage ON THEIR terms is a slap in the face to our traditions.

If they want marriage on their terms, why have marriage at all? I mean, just what is marriage without monogamy?



Some straight married couples do not practice monogamy or have "open marriages" as well. Monogamy in marriage doesn't have an exactly wonderful record throughout it's history, so this appeal to tradition is faulty on it's face considering history is rife with infidelity.
It always amazes me, the stupidity of an argument against gay marriage (which encourages monogamy) because gays are too promiscuous. :lmao:

It is nothing more than a last ditch attempt to deny gays marriage. Even the anti-gay marriage side is not making these types of arguments in court. Gays are promiscuous so they should be denied marriage is one of the weaker arguments I've encountered when discussing this topic. It isn't a very compelling argument.

Its not a compelling argument? So, if monogamy in marriage is not important, what is?


Exactly what the left wants.


Then I suppose you'll have to that issue up with "the left" since I am an independent libertarian. If your argument was very compelling it would be presented to the courts by your side. It is not being presented because like most of their quarrels against marriage it will laughed out of court.

Many arguments are compelling that don't make it to court.

Just the way our "handlers" like it.

Promiscuous and indiscriminate sex is dangerous regardless of the sexuality of the person.

Correct. But, now logic kicks in. If the gays, with 2% of the population, account for 70% of sexual diseases, can we now assume that not only is the practice of indiscriminate sex dangerous, but they are predisposed to that activity?

And, since they are, that gay sex is a danger just like alcohol and drugs?


Monogamous sex is something that should be encouraged. This hook-up culture among gays and straights is causing the rising STD rates. If anything you should be encouraging gays to settle down and get married.

I have studied this subject a very long time. Gay men have no want to "settle down". It is my belief that being promiscuous is part and parcel of being a gay man. It s not just the sexuality in this case that makes men gay.The statistics are overwhelmingly in favor of my viewpoint.


I am not disagree with the alarmingly high rate of STDs among the gay community. It is a very grave concern. I know many gay people; male and female, that are in long term monogamous relationships and that is what should be encouraged. Promiscuity is like playing Russian Roulette with your health.

You "know" they are being monogamous? Or is that your guess?

From all of my reading, gay men are not monogamous, while lesbians are better at it than even straight couples.

The problem with lesbians is that since they are women, they divorce. About 75% of all marriage that end in divorce is because the woman filed for it.

Now, you have TWO women married.

Tick, tick, tick...only a matter of time.


The heterosexual fornication and divorce rate is sky high, so you are talking about . . . marriage equality?
I'm not religious or anything but I'm going to make a statement. Jesus didn't turn away from prostitutes or homosexuals. He loved them all the same and didn't make them feel any less of a person. If you're a Christian, shouldn't you be the same way? It is not your place to judge others.
A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks

Doesn't really matter because, IF you are a consenting adult and IF your actions harm no one, what you choose for your own life and who you choose as a partner is none of my business.

Would you agree with that?


Absolutely. However, if its a choice, society does not have to condone it. It would be just like a person who does drugs. Make it legal, and let them live their lives. Should it be "normalized" by allowing them to marry?

Absolutely not.


We do allow people who use drugs to get married.

Sigh. The drugs have nothing to do with marriage.

Let me make this as clear as possible.

Don't encourage drug users to use drugs.

Don't encourage gay men to have gay sex.

How would we encourage them to have gay sex? By condoning marriage.

Come on folks, this ain't rocket science.


Then stop comparing drugs to homosexuals.

If your goal is to discourage gay men from having sex- then as any married person knows- you should be encouraging gay marriage.

Gay men have sex. Not only that but they have the legal right to have private consensual sex- just like I do.

Opposing gay marriage just means you don't want to encourage gay men to have safe sex- that you don't want to encourage gay men to be monogamous.

Really- are you one of those people who oppose condom use because you think it only encourages people to be promiscuous?
I mean, which normal, sane people would ever consider such a thing? 2% of our population is linked to these parties, while 98% is not, shouldn't that tell you something about the mindset of the gays?


Actually your post just tells us all something about the mindset of homophobes.

A statement with nothing but emotion. If my claim were wrong, you could easily disprove it.

You can't, so you resort to name calling.

I'm used to it.

Why does anyone care if being gay is a choice or not?

Either way it's none of your fucking business is it?

If it impacts health or society, it surely is. When a woman divorces, and the state gives her welfare, is it your business?

A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks

Doesn't really matter because, IF you are a consenting adult and IF your actions harm no one, what you choose for your own life and who you choose as a partner is none of my business.

Would you agree with that?


Absolutely. However, if its a choice, society does not have to condone it. It would be just like a person who does drugs. Make it legal, and let them live their lives. Should it be "normalized" by allowing them to marry?

Absolutely not.


We do allow people who use drugs to get married.

Sigh. The drugs have nothing to do with marriage.

Let me make this as clear as possible.

Don't encourage drug users to use drugs.

Don't encourage gay men to have gay sex.

How would we encourage them to have gay sex? By condoning marriage.

Come on folks, this ain't rocket science.


Then stop comparing drugs to homosexuals.

If your goal is to discourage gay men from having sex- then as any married person knows- you should be encouraging gay marriage.

Gay men have sex. Not only that but they have the legal right to have private consensual sex- just like I do.

Opposing gay marriage just means you don't want to encourage gay men to have safe sex- that you don't want to encourage gay men to be monogamous.

Really- are you one of those people who oppose condom use because you think it only encourages people to be promiscuous?

Like I stated before, gay men have no intention of being monogamous in marriage. Why would I want to encourage that?

A statement by the Royal College of Psychiatrists that people are not born gay has been welcomed as "a major admission" by a Christian charity that helps men and women change unwanted same-sex feelings.
Core Issues Trust (CIT), which is campaigning against a ban on therapy being offered to people who want to move away from a homosexual lifestyle, says the latest statement by the Royal College admits what it previously denied
People Are Not Born Gay Affirms Royal College of Psychiatrists

Yep, even if it was genetic, it is still your choice to have same-sex pleasure or not. Anyone and everyone has a choice. Say yes or say no. It is really that simple...BUT queers choose to suck each other's dicks

Me thinks you protest too much! Got something you want to tell us? :D

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