People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian "Rebels"


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
LINK: People Around the World Oppose Arming Syrian ?Rebels? | Washington's Blog

Americans, Britons, French, Turks Oppose War Against Syria

A new Pew poll shows that 70% of Americans oppose arming the Syrian “rebels”. As the Washington Post notes:

Opposition in the Pew poll is actually higher than ever before in the two-year-old civil war. And that’s even as much of the poll was conducted after the White House announced Thursday that the Syrian government had crossed the “red line” and used chemical weapons.

But while the red line was significant to the White House, it doesn’t seem to have altered the perceptions of the American people.

(In fact, the weight of evidence shows that it was likely the rebels – not the Syrian government – which used chemical weapons. See this, this, this and this.)

Numerous other recent polls show that Americans on both sides of the aisle are opposed to war in Syria.

Likewise, the Herald Scotland reports:

More pressure has been piled on David Cameron with a poll showing most Britons are opposed to arming the Syrian rebels ….

The Comres survey showed only 17% of people supported the UK Government arming the Syrian opposition to the Assad regime but 53% were opposed.

Polls have consistently shown that the French people oppose arming the rebels. As do the Turks.

Public opposition won’t stop the war, of course. For example, the protests against the Iraq war were the largest protests in history. But the U.S. and its allies had reasons to invade, anyway.

And Americans were opposed to the “humanitarian” war in Libya … even before they learned that the U.S. and its allies had backed Al Qaeda to topple Gaddafi. But we went in anyway.

Likewise, Syria has long been on the list of countries which “need” regime change … whether or not the people want it.
I don't care what people around the world think. Even if they agree with me. We don't have to listen to what other people think. We need to make the right choices whether they support us or not.

Intervening in this war with Syria is not a good choice.
I don't care what people around the world think. Even if they agree with me. We don't have to listen to what other people think. We need to make the right choices whether they support us or not.

Intervening in this war with Syria is not a good choice.

Well said. Popularity isn't always the best way to formulate a policy, especially when in an international context with socialist/tyrannical/barbaric societies. Still, Obama has decided to provide "non-lethal" (radios, uniforms, perhaps Halal MREs) support to the Islamist "rebels" fighting Assad.
The true domestic terrorist/FED (and friends) within the government have never admitted that the new world order communist pulled off 9-11 as a political method of promoting communism worldwide.

However by arming so-called Al Qaeda in Syria is better than a confession...This is better than admitting that you communist within the Gov't did indeed attack America on 9-11-2001.

These same communist are at the forefront of so-called gun control, and are responsible for the Soviet Union and all the carnage that came about as a result of all the sick beastly policies of these greedy sub-human anti-American subversive traitors.

Awake up communism kills and always has.

They are hoping to murder hundreds of million innocent people worldwide so more wealth will fall in their hands. This type of evil is beyond what one would expect from the lowest animal.
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At least he or she is out of the closet.

That's more than one could for most of the Government, the secret societies and the much of the corporate business world.
The true domestic terrorist/FED (and friends) within the government have never admitted that the new world order communist pulled off 9-11 as a political method of promoting communism worldwide.

However by arming so-called Al Qaeda in Syria is better than a confession...This is better than admitting that you communist within the Gov't did indeed attack America on 9-11-2001.

These same communist are at the forefront of so-called gun control, and are responsible for the Soviet Union and all the carnage that came about as a result of all the sick beastly policies of these greedy sub-human anti-American subversive traitors.

Awake up communism kills and always has.

They are hoping to murder hundreds of million innocent people worldwide so more wealth will fall in their hands. This type of evil is beyond what one would expect from the lowest animal.

9/11/2001 was done by Islamic Extremists.
9/11/2012 was done by Islamic Extremists.

And while communists and Muslim extremists have no problem working together for their nefarious goals, there is no evidence they were involved in the 9/11 attacks.
The true domestic terrorist/FED (and friends) within the government have never admitted that the new world order communist pulled off 9-11 as a political method of promoting communism worldwide.

However by arming so-called Al Qaeda in Syria is better than a confession...This is better than admitting that you communist within the Gov't did indeed attack America on 9-11-2001.

These same communist are at the forefront of so-called gun control, and are responsible for the Soviet Union and all the carnage that came about as a result of all the sick beastly policies of these greedy sub-human anti-American subversive traitors.

Awake up communism kills and always has.

They are hoping to murder hundreds of million innocent people worldwide so more wealth will fall in their hands. This type of evil is beyond what one would expect from the lowest animal.

9/11/2001 was done by Islamic Extremists.
9/11/2012 was done by Islamic Extremists.

And while communists and Muslim extremists have no problem working together for their nefarious goals, there is no evidence they were involved in the 9/11 attacks.

It most be their control of the media that has the misinformed parroting the bogus notion of communism being “unrelated” to Zionism. Do you really want to try and connect Muslims and not Israeli's with communism? Maybe you think Karl Marx was an Muslim?

The key banks within the federal reserve scheme are Jewish International bankers and one in particular has brought insight and notoriety to what these Zionist bankers are all about.

Jacob Schiff took the lead of his fellow International bankers to intrude into the affairs of Russia for decades before succeeding in stealing the entire government murdering the last czar, his family, and replacing the monarchy with communism.

Why this lesson of history is not taught to all Americans from a very early age is a testimony to how far the “domestic enemy” has infiltrated into every major part of American society. Yes the international bankers are indeed the same enemy George Washington and all the founding fathers fought against even before the American revolution, and the fight continues to this very day. Far too many Americans have lost sight of the true enemy!

True Americans have recognized and fought against the (Zionist) central bank through out all American history. Abraham Lincoln fought together with the Czar of Russia against these greedy criminals. When one understands and remembers who the true enemy is...terrorist attacks within the United States “especially 9-11” are far from being a mystery. Who else could effort to buy the silence of all the politicians, keep the (state) media silent, and coordinate such an elaborate scheme but those who can simply print up bribe money?

False-flag operations are nothing new to the Israeli's/Zionist. They blame their enemies for the crime they commit to start wars by all their wicked deceptions to take over entire nations robbing them of freedom and wealth. The Soviet Union was an Jewish operation and the world really needs to understand this. They promised to make all Europe and the world communist. If it wasn't for Germany Europe would have been communist long ago. Long before now.

You are very much mistaken attempting to link communism with the enemies of the Zionist. The Muslims as in Syria and Iran have no Zionist central banks, and just like in the case of the Czar of Russia the international Zionist thugs have deep pockets to hire all the mercenaries and cause all the terrorist plunder one See's in the news everyday.

No; the Arab spring and the Muslims who have become useful idiots to the Zionist against their own heritage, culture, and nation's. This comes as a result of their minds being enslaved by secret societies, and large bribery payments that completes the process. It's “Bolshevism” taking place causing the engineered civil unrest, the 90,000,00+ murders, the destabilization, all for the beastly desire of Zionist central banks and communist control.

The murder of Abraham Lincoln, JFK, and all those who were murdered on 9-11 only scratches the surface as to all the atrocious crimes committed by the communist/Zionist international bankers to America and the world.

LINK: Be not deceived "Communist" Gun-Control is the beginning of overt war on Americans
screw them
This is gonna bite him in the ass.. No that the smug prick would care..
Regan #.... oh wait!
F&F bite him in the ass already..
GEEZ, he really doesn't give a shit

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