People can argue numbers and data until they are blue in the face


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
But things are gonna be quiet for the next 31 days or so. President Trump had extended the guidelines. So argue away but your streets are going to be quiet. The best thing our POTUS did is sign the stimulus bill he pushed for. These times are surreal.
But things are gonna be quiet for the next 31 days or so. President Trump had extended the guidelines. So argue away but your streets are going to be quiet. The best thing our POTUS did is sign the stimulus bill he pushed for. These times are surreal.
Donald hasn’t extended anything. Only governors like cuomo have. Putz
Wrong. During his press conference that the guidelines we're now extended until April 30th. It's a guideline. People aren't going back to work anytime soon.
But things are gonna be quiet for the next 31 days or so. President Trump had extended the guidelines. So argue away but your streets are going to be quiet. The best thing our POTUS did is sign the stimulus bill he pushed for. These times are surreal.
The question is how how much delay did he cause in our reaction. I am sorry that our entire TV cable news is such crap. MSNBC and CNN just argue all day very divisive. Ditto with Fox in spades and they lie.
But things are gonna be quiet for the next 31 days or so. President Trump had extended the guidelines. So argue away but your streets are going to be quiet. The best thing our POTUS did is sign the stimulus bill he pushed for. These times are surreal.

I watched Trump's press conference on the Covid-19 pandemic. What a waste of time. Trump dominates the press conference with self-congratulatory statements on how great he is doing and campaigning for office. His experts then come up and they congratulate each other on the great job they are doing. In the midst of a national crisis, they have no idea how stupid they all sound, especially Trump.

What a total waste of time. Americans learned nothing from the hour long press conference other than reinforcing the idea that Trump is in way over his head.

Trump's fans lapped it all up. They always do.

The final judgement is coming. The most recent poll shows Biden beating the wartime President by ten points. Poll: Biden leads Trump by 10 points as economic pessimism grows | TheHill
Things are not nearly as bad as the media would have us believe.

NYC is an anomaly. NYC is crowded, older people live downtown and they use public transportation a lot. In addition, it has been a cold, wet, miserable winter, the perfect breeding ground for a new common cold virus.

For some reason the media is playing it up, following the Trump government's lead, and they don't tell you the complete story, not even close. Stories about the crisis are more exciting and good for ratings.

I am not concerned with the horrible stories coming out of the worst case scenarios, China, Italy, Iran, and Spain while ignoring what is happening elsewhere in the world. We have no idea what went on in those countries.

We do know what is happening in the U.S., and that is my sole concern. In the U.S., if a person below the age of 50 is afflicted by Covid-19, it is so rare it makes the six o'clock news. The vast majority of people who die from Covid-19 are elderly with underlying health issues.

Have you noticed? Take away New York, New Orleans, and Detroit, each having special circumstances, and the media has very little to talk about concerning new cases and the death toll.

Look at the 49 states not named N.Y., noting New Jersey is impacted by the N.Y.C. metro area. United States Coronavirus: 161,358 Cases and 2,972 Deaths - Worldometer

Look at the column entitled "New Deaths." That column is quite unremarkable. People die from complications arising from the common cold, people already with lung disease, heart disease, pneumonia, etc.

For example, California is one of the hot spots. The media loves big numbers. So, they will tell you CA has 7,248 cases of the common cold caused by Covid-19. The media won't tell you CA has the largest population in the U.S., and the total number of deaths is a paltry 145 in a population of 39.56 million. 14 older, sick people died of complications of the coronavirus cold in one day, fourteen!

The steps being taken by the various state governors are important, but it is important to put matters in perspective, too.
The Trump White House refuses to give us a breakdown on the ages of the deceased. In this case the age factor is important, but the government will not provide the information.

Why? Is it because that information will ruin the message, the message being the sky is falling.

However, the evidence shows that death occurs in the sick and elderly. If one is in good health, one might survive the Trump Presidency.

Well, it can't all be good news.
Yeah I can remember in January when he said it was minor and it would be over with soon.

yet the experts were saying more or less that it will get worst before it gets better for awhile

No worries

Imagine if he just listen to the experts and stop giving miss information or his random thoughts then people could have been better prepared and had the facts sooner rather than later
The virus is hospitalizing people if all ages. Things are getting bad out there. To believe otherwise is wrong. Stay home. That's it. Stay at home, be a responsible patriotic american.
But things are gonna be quiet for the next 31 days or so. President Trump had extended the guidelines. So argue away but your streets are going to be quiet. The best thing our POTUS did is sign the stimulus bill he pushed for. These times are surreal.

You all need to stop calling it a stimulus bill. Nothing is being stimulated by throwing this Monopoly money at people and corporations. It will barely keep the economy afloat if it even does that.
I watched Trump's press conference on the Covid-19 pandemic. What a waste of time. Trump dominates the press conference with self-congratulatory statements on how great he is doing and campaigning for office. His experts then come up and they congratulate each other on the great job they are doing. In the midst of a national crisis, they have no idea how stupid they all sound, especially Trump.

Trump talks too much, and by conducting these press conference, ostensibly on the Covid-19 pandemic, he opens himself up to unrelenting questions about past decisions and statements. The latest controversy is the moronic statement by his acting navy secretary. It was so bad, the guy resigned before he got fired. In four days Trump has fired Intelligence Community inspector general Michael Atkinson, Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general at the Department of Defense, who was going to lead the newly formed Pandemic Response Accountability Committee, and White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, a press secretary who never held a press conference.

All of this and more requires an explanation. The possibility exists that CNN and other networks show Trump's press conferences which have long outlived their usefulness to show how incompetent Trump is. It is so easy for reporters to get Trump riled up and off on tangent that has nothing to do with the pandemic.

The death toll is now over 12,700, and we just had our worst day, 1,877. Prompted by a question from a reporter, Trump got himself all worked up over the Wisconsin primary, mail-in ballots, voter I.D., and election fraud.

My apologies to them, the networks are doing a fine job. In November, Biden will be a shoe-in.

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